Friday, February 19, 2021

Another Treatment for the Wuhan Virus -- and this one is cheap and easily available!

Virologists Report Poor Man’s Amino Acid Cure For Covid-19 Would Abolish Need For Vaccines

"According to the virologists who were interviewed by this reporter, over 1000 patients have now been successfully treated with surprisingly rapid dissolution of symptoms and return to health. Even severely infected COVID-19 patients have been able to come off the ventilator with lysine therapy, say doctors."
"The Bio-Virus Research team are not loners nor out on a scientific limb. A report, published in the Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals, is what prompted to the current discovery that was put into clinical practice in the Dominican Republic. The science was in place prior to the announcement a mutated coronavirus was sweeping the globe which no one had immunity towards."

Lysine is easily available and cheap. You can buy a bottle of 100 1000 mg tablets at Walmart for under $4.00.  Take charge of your own health. 

Remember these points:

  • There has NEVER been a successful vaccine against a coronavirus. The common cold is in the same family.
  • The vaccine has been developed with an experimental technology that has NEVER been used on humans. What will be the unintended consequences coming out of the rush to vaccinate millions of people with a drug that has been insufficiently tested and lacks significant human trials. How many will die from a "vaccine" that may turn out to be more deadly than the virus? 

  • Over 99.8% of those who contract the Wuhan virus survive. Some have serious symptoms; many have few.  The vaccine has had devastating effects in several senior facilities that had no cases until they started vaccinating. Fatalities were significant. In Spain: see here. In Norway: see here.
  • How many are aware that the drug companies have been absolved of any responsibility for harm suffered by those who receive the "vaccine?" Think about that. Even if it kills you or a loved one, there is no recourse. If it's so safe, why have they given the drug companies a guarantee against harm? They will be making billions of dollars off of this. And what incentive is there to make sure it's really safe? Do you trust Big Pharma? I remember when they said "the pill" and the Dalkon Shield were  safe. Then women started dying from strokes, blood clots, septicemia, etc. The drug companies had to pay damages. Not this time! You die; you lose! In view of all the deaths and complications already, I'd say getting the jab is the equivalent of playing Russian Roulette.
But I'm a big believer in free will. Do the research. If you think the costs in terms of potential side effects and possible long-term consequences are worth the risk, go for the "vaccine." If you would rather use prophylactic options like taking supplements, exercise, and diet, go for it. If you'd rather do nothing at all, that's your option too. There's lots of material out there to help all of us make informed decisions. I learned a long time ago that each of us has to be our own advocate. We hear the mantra all the time: "My body, my choice." In this case that is entirely accurate. It is your body and the choice to take or refuse the "vaccine" is yours. Make the best decision you can.


  1. One of my particular favorites are he selective serotonin re uptake inhibitors like Paxil. They warn about "discontinuance syndrome". Hello? It should read , "dependence".
    Doctors were putting poor souls on these drugs like aspirin back in the nineties, while some medical persons whispered amongst themselves not to take anything that hasn't been used in the hospitals for at least 13 years. Now Biologics are all the rage like Humira and Enbril.
    After meeting a woman whose "heart was being destroyed by Humira", i looked into Biologics a bit more. She told me when they rushed her into a Cardiac specialty hospital in Miami after she collapsed on the floor in a Home Depot, the Surgeons and Docs,
    ..." guessed before reading" her chart, that she had been on a Biologic.

    Welcome to the Wild Wild West of the newer medications and inoculations.

  2. I recently added L lysine to the repertoire of homeopathics in my medicine chest. along with organic hibiscus tea.

  3. Could someone PLEASE tell me why anyone would want experimental genetic inoculation
    that does nothing to quell these newer mutations?
    Read what Fauci says in this article . Does it make sense????How MANY mRNA inoculations do they intend on giving people???

    "A coronavirus variant that probably emerged in May and surged to become the dominant strain in California not only spreads more readily than its predecessors but also evades antibodies generated by COVID-19 vaccines or prior infection and is associated with severe illness and death, researchers said."
    "Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious diseases expert, raised a further concern in an interview with The Times. A survival-of-the-fittest contest between the U.K. and California variants could accelerate the spread of the strain that's best able to elude the effects of COVID-19 vaccines, he said. The best way to prevent this, he added, is to stop the spread of either variant by getting vaccinated, wearing masks and limiting exposure to others."

  4. Thanks for the all the information, EF.

    I think at this point it's hard to come to any other conclusion than that the Wuhan virus is being used as a control mechanism so the police state can be more easily implemented. It's horrifying to watch some of the videos of law enforcement dragging people out of their homes for the "crime" of getting together with friends and family or for businesses opening their doors.

    That the pope and other members of the hierarchy have joined this charade is bad news indeed! It is morally repugnant to see Francis requiring Vatican employees to be vaccinated. Frankly, I think this is also about population control. The fact that women of childbearing age are likely to be sterilized by the shot brings up the specter of the tetanus vaccines used in Kenya that made antibodies against the women's own developing children. The vaccine so far has done a great job of eliminating the "useless eaters" people like Bill Gates detest. After all, these rich elitists can always take their family members out of the unsafe environment in nursing homes like fake woman Rachel Levine did. Here's an article about the Kenya experience. I believe this is all very calculated and deliberate. Everyone involved may not be in the inner circle of knowledge. Tyrants always depend on lots of useful idiots to bring about their Utopia.

  5. Maryann, you may recall back in the eighties Fr Paul Marx of HLI released the info that women in the Philippines were having miscarriages and or could not get pregnant after they received the WHO tainted tetanus vaccines.
    Then suddenly, Fr Marx was called back to his Order in NY and silenced.

    I'm asking as per Yahoo News above re: the mutated covid 19 in CA........can evade all
    antibodies in the human body whether naturally acquired or by the inoculations .....
    WHAT next??? More vaccines , more gene experimental inoculations??
    How can they justify these jabs when the virus is mutating faster than they can produce an alleged "protection"? And you're correct. Pregnant mothers are encouraged to get these inoculations despite the unknown threat of a miscarriage or worse.

  6. "Follow the Science"

    The much repeated mantra of the Dems and Fauci, their current god of Science.
    Well I have been and it isn't looking so damned promising as Fauci and Gates would have you believe.

  7. Apologies, but here is yet another Science article ( we are told to follow the science).
    This article explains a little more clearly how these new mutated variations evade vaccine antibodies against the covid sars protein spikes.
    Meanwhile the Media just repeats that we must not believe "conspiracy theories" about the experimental inoculations.
    So far no one seems to have picked up the REAL science reports that the inoculations do NOT protect against these variants .

  8. Astra Zenica/Oxford Eugenic tied vaccine
