Thursday, February 18, 2021

King of the Swamp

I'm now know...thing
King of the Swamp

with apologies to Roger Miller

President for sale or rent
Lobbying for fifty cents
Soon no phone, no pool, no pets,
We won’t even have cigarettes
Ah, but two hours of lobbying
Buys a heap of real Communism 
He’s a man of means, by no means
He’s King of the Swamp 

Third world midnight coup
Destination: Covid flu
He’s an old worn out suit and shoes 
Swimming naked in infested fescue
He makes Chinese deals, we have found 
Gathering his millions underground
He’s a holy and devout Cath-o-lic
While we're all evil deplorable hicks
He’s King of the Swamp

He knows every flunkie – they’re all the same
He knows all of the children and all of their names
He knows every handout in every town
And every lock that ain't locked down 
He can't stand fences except his own
Like the one around Capitol's military zone
He’s King of the Swamp


  1. Yes, I wrote it....after the lyrics of Roger Miller's King of the Road.

  2. It could equally apply to trump who brought us to biden. Just change "Cath-o-lic" to "Pro-life".

    In some ways it applies even more to president warp speed. Who set us up for biden. But what a world wrestling show it was.

  3. rorbachs - Come on, man! Et tu? Also, "pro-life" doesn't rhyme with
    "hicks" so no can do.
