Saturday, February 6, 2021

It's First Saturday and the Feast of the Martyr Paul Miki and Companions

Feasts of the past few days remind us that God hasn't called us to pig out at the church picnic, but rather to follow His Son onto the field of battle. How many of us ever even skip a snack in reparation for sins that cry to heaven for vengeance, much less do any real fasting. (I point the wagging finger at myself!)

St. Agatha's feast day yesterday offers women a model of chastity and strength and a reminder that the "fair sex" is not excused from suffering and the call to perfection. Determined to be the bride of Christ, Agatha refused the advances of her pagan admirer who turned her over to the authorities. Placed in a brothel, she suffered horrible indignities, but remained chaste. Her reward was imprisonment, gruesome torture, and finally martyrdom. 

Today, Holy Mother Church gives us the Jesuit Japanese priest Paul Miki. He and his companions were rounded up and crucified on a hill in Nagasaki. His last words were to forgive the emperor and the executioners who then thrust their spears into the sides of the suffering, but rejoicing, martyrs.

Oh that St. Paul Miki's brother Jesuits were like him and their founder, St. Ignatius. Instead, many follow in the footsteps of the devil himself. You wouldn't find St. Ignatius or St. Paul Miki giving Communion to Joe Biden like those operating Holy Trinity parish in Georgetown or Cardinal Wilton Gregory. You wouldn't find them tickling the ears of all those "Catholic" politicians who champion the murder of babies in the womb and even after birth. How many will they lead to perdition? 

On this first Saturday we are called to make reparation for sins against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. If you have never made the Five First Saturdays let this be the first. See The Five First Saturdays Devotion.  And please pray for the conversion of all our "Catholic" pro-abortion, pro-sodomy politicians and the priests who enable them in their sin and scandal. Many souls are likely to be lost because of it and the anointed clerics who enable this will be in the front of the line into the inferno if they don't repent. 

God have mercy on us all. Pray for priests! All of them have commando devils surrounding them to destroy their mission to save souls. Never let a day go by that you fail to pray for your own pastor and the souls of all priest who are in danger of hell. But especially pray in thanksgiving for priests like South Carolina's, Fr. Robert Morey, who refused Joe Biden Communion while he was campaigning in the state. You can thank him yourself. Here's his contact information: Rev. Robert E. Morey,Pastor 843-662-5674 He's not alone, of course. If you see that a bishop or a priest speaks the truth in love to a prominent pro-abortion Catholic, remember how important it is to say thank you! Gratitude is the parent of all the other virtues. 

Be assured that I thank God for all our readers and for my blog partners Susan, Chriss, and Lise. May God give us all wisdom to know the truth, courage to speak the truth, and patience and kindness for those who refuse to believe the truth. 

My Jesus, I trust in you.

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