Friday, February 5, 2021

Should Your Bank Be Allowed to Spy on You? That's What Bank of America is Doing!

This is horrifying. Do you bank at Bank of America? might want to rethink that. 

Did you go into Washington, D.C. recently and use your credit card to buy a deli sandwich or a subway ticket? Did you stay at a hotel in the suburbs while you were visiting family? Big Brother, also known as Bank of America (BOA), was watching. 

BOA acted as an agent of the FBI to provide information on their clients. Why? Because somebody was in the D.C. area at the wrong time? Everyone should be furious about this. Liberals, do you think your political correctness protects you? Maybe -- if you belong to the elite set. I doubt if Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos or Nancy Pelosi will be getting a visit from the FBI. When was the last time anyone called Nancy a security risk or extremist or a domestic terrorist? And yet she is one of the most threatening figures to America's future. So are all those pro-abortion extremists who fly the flag for child-killing. 

But the term "domestic terrorist" is reserved for us -- the hoi polloi guilty of wrong thinking (i.e., not supporting the elitists manipulating language and making the rules). Don't look for the BOA and FBI to harass elitists like John Kerry. "Somebody like me," as he said, is special. Rules he wants to impose on others don't apply to him. Sorry, Joe Sixpack and Hannah Homemaker, you don't travel with the right crowd or think the right thoughts. You need to be re-educated by the enlightened ones. And if you refuse? Well, maybe we need to protect the good people by isolating you in camps surrounded by military... but only the military who also think the right thoughts and support the right politics. 

This is truly dangerous, folks, and you better wake up, speak up, and stop listening to CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times and all the other liberal liars. Love the truth and don't be afraid to defend it!

1 comment:

  1. This is the real reason the elite are pushing for a cashless society. So they can track your every move.
