Friday, August 27, 2021

Come and. See! Have You Ever Been to the Traditional Latin Mass?

Thanks to my friend Janet at Restore DC Catholicism for posting the FSSP's video explanation of the Mass. To watch that 30 minute video go to her site. I'm posting the first of three videos for training priests and seminarians learning the Latin Mass. It shows how seriously the priest should take preparation to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Everything in preparation emphasizes the seriousness and dignity of the liturgy. 

Do you want to experience the Mass of the ages, the Mass of so many saints over the millennia?

Do you have a devotion to St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Damien of Molakai, St. Therese of Liseux, Padre Pio, St. Francis, St. Rose of Lima, and so many thousands of others? All of them prayed or attended only the Mass of the ages. 

Come and see! If you live in the Diocese of Arlington, you have many choices. You would certainly be most welcome to come to our chapel in Linden, VA near Front Royal and enjoy a meal and fellowship either there after Mass or at our home Camp Kreitzer in Woodstock. 

The good news must be shared. Come and see! 

1 comment:

  1. I can honestly say that one of my lifes greatest moments was hearing for the first time the asperges me at the start of my first latin mass. I suspect had I still any hair on my head it would have been standing straight up.
