Saturday, August 28, 2021

COVID VAX: A Global Eugenics Experiment with Us as the Guinea Pigs!

Birds of a feather - all vultures!
The article below is from the Spring/Summer issue of the Les Femmes newsletter, The Truth. It's not on-line yet but if you're interested in checking out past volumes visit our website at 

***The Culture Goes Full Dr. Mengele & Dr. Moreau! Human experimentation is a crime against humanity under the Nuremberg Code. Despite that, mad scientists walking in the footsteps of “angel of death,” Dr. Joseph Mengele, continue his legacy unhindered. In fact, the Biden administration recently lifted all regulations on “fetal tissue research” at NIH facilities. They also lifted the requirement for ethics reviews of outside groups seeking government grants for such research. 

Readers may have read about experiments funded under Anthony Fauci grafting babies’ scalps onto mice. That promises to be just the beginning in the brave new world of Joe Biden and his mad scientists. Protecting the common good, a major obligation of government, doesn’t apply to babies in the womb in the Democrats’ playbook. They champion abortion through all nine months and also embrace the most gruesome experiments on the cannibalized little ones. After all, why let all those organs and tissues go to waste when they can be used for “science.”

***Sadly, Human Experimentation is Nothing New! Nazi scientists weren’t the first to experiment on those they considered subhuman and, in fact, Hitler was inspired by the eugenicists in the U.S. Many are familiar with the infamous Tuskegee syphilis experiments, but they are just the tip of the iceberg. In the early 20th century, eugenics was so popular in the U.S. that county fairs had “fit family” contests. Thirty states passed compulsory sterilization laws. Over 60,000 Americans considered “feebleminded,” or mentally ill or disabled, or who just belonged to the wrong social class were sterilized against their will - 60,000! Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes will forever live in infamy for Buck vs. Bell, the decision upholding Virginia’s compulsory sterilization law which allowed the forced sterilization of Carrie Buck. Carrie, labeled “feeble-minded,” was considered an average student in school. That didn’t matter! Carrie was yesteryear’s equivalent of Bill Clinton’s “trailer trash,” so the “smart” people had no problem deep-sixing her civil rights. Holmes wrote this: “It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.... Three generations of imbeciles are enough” Which leads one to ask, “How many imbeciles on the Supreme Court are enough?

***Remember the Eugenics Lab at Cold Spring Harbor!
Their eminent scientists led by director, Charles Davenport, believed that, “Society must protect itself... so also must annihilate the hideous serpent of hopelessly vicious protoplasm.” Davenport decried “mongrelization” of the race calling for steps to “dry up the springs that feed the torrent of defective...protoplasm” which apparently didn’t include him. [Planned Parenthood’s eugenicists often call babies in the womb “blobs of protoplasm.”] 

But how could Davenport’s plan be implemented? “By segregation during the reproductive period or even by sterilization.” And the U.S. did indeed enact mandatory sterilization laws in about thirty states in the early 20th century. Many evil ideas of the eugenics movement came directly from animal breeding. The president of the American Breeders Association, Willet Hays, hosted Davenport at conferences and proposed a world solution for undesirable races. “Eugenics problems are much the the problems of plant breeding and animal improvement. May we not hope to ...lop off the defective classes below, and, also, increase the number of the efficient at the top?” Hays wanted a massive data base giving every person on earth a unique number to trace their lineage and “genetic percentage ratings” so “public agencies” could evaluate the “eugenic value of every family and of every person” and “probable efficiency of the offspring.” Reminds one of the numbered tattoos on the inmates of Hitler’s concentration camps.

Out-of-control scientists and unethical laboratory experiments are nothing new. The Wuhan lab has its precedents in our own American history. Is COVID culling the heard and eliminating “useless eaters?” What groups have been hit the hardest by the virus? The elderly and those with underlying health conditions. Eugenics and population control are alive and well in the U.S.

***We’re all Guinea Pigs Now! Take the COVID shot!
The past offers a big warning to the present. The media propaganda crusade to absolve the Wuhan Lab from involvement in the development and release of the COVID virus is starting to unravel. More evidence is coming out that the virus was deliberately developed through “gain of function” research aimed at making relatively benign viruses more virulent and easily transmittable to humans. Why would anyone want to do that? Dr. Lee Merritt who worked for nine years as a Navy orthopedic surgeon and bioweapons expert, believes COVID was created in the lab and calls the subsequent experimental toxic cocktail a “bioweapon” and “medical warfare.” Conspiracy theory? In 2020 the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) appointed Major General Chen Wei head of the Wuhan lab. Wei, a virologist, formerly led the People’s Liberation Army’s Institute of Bioengineering at the Academy of Military Medical Sciences and is the CCP’s top biowarfare scientist. So what exactly is going on? Elitists in government, medicine, big pharma, media, etc. are subjugating civil rights to advance the “global reset” of world control. Very few ask why there is such a push to get everyone on the planet injected with experimental drugs that have already shown major health dangers, even death, for tens of thousands of human guinea pigs. Dr. Anthony Fauci’s involvement seems criminal, even treasonous! Will anyone be held accountable? That remains to be seen.

***Can they Force Everyone to Submit to the Injection?
They’re sure giving it the old college try – literally since
many colleges and universities have announced students must be vaccinated before returning to campus in the Fall. But there’s a glitch. Mandates forcing people to take an experimental drug violate federal law. Title 21 U.S.C. & 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I-III) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act states:
that individuals to whom the product is administered are informed--(I)  that the Secretary has authorized the emergency use of the product; (II)  of the significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use, and of the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown;  and (III) of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks. (iii)  Appropriate conditions for the monitoring and reporting of adverse events associated with the emergency use of the product.
The CDC’s own vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS) has registered thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of hospitalizations among those who’ve taken the shots, including serious heart and blood issues among the young. To push this experimental drug on children, when they are at little risk from COVID, is shocking and irresponsible. The death rate in children is so low statistically it’s almost unmeasurable, so why the almost religious fanaticism to make everyone take the shot including elementary school kids? 

There’s something going on here, but it has little to do with science! Are modern scientists channeling the scientists and animal breeders of an earlier generation to “lop off the defective classes” starting with the “useless eaters” in nursing home and other “defectives” with underlying health conditions? It’s a question worth asking. It’s especially troubling that so many of those engaged in promoting the experimental gene therapy are linked to population control. 

One of the studies Dr. Lee Merritt, a former Navy surgeon and expert in biological warfare, describes involved a 2015 Australian experiment with mice using self-disseminating vaccines to limit their population. Lactating mice transmitted the vaccine to their offspring and all vaccinated mice could transmit it simply by physical contact. The result? Atrophied reproductive organs. Women are reporting changes in their menstrual cycles and miscarriages after either taking the shot or being in contact with someone who has. Just a coincidence? Time will tell.


  1. You know, I keep calling this the tyranny of experts and folks laff at me.

    For many years, I have had very mixed experience with dr's. My current dr is a woman 30 years younger than me and my first lady dr. She has been great. Listens to me, trusts me and didnt make a big deal about no vaxx. When dealing with one of my kids health issues, all we ever got was more drugs more drugs and shut up and sit down. And, that has been my lesson. Trust but verify. Many folks seem to think that you can't think for yourself. One of my associates got the vaxx solely because Francis called it "an act of love". Persuasion by any means...

    Saturday rant off. Cheers --

  2. I think we all need a bi-weekly rant rally where we all spend time venting and then pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the Rosary in reparation for all the evil taking place. On the other hand we could have readjustment rallies where we all thank God for our blessings and then pray the Chaplet and Rosary in Thanksgiving. Maybe we need both.
