Monday, February 7, 2022

Must Read Article! It Explains a Lot….

 …About where we are and how we got there. Robert Knight at the Washington Times has their number. You’ll read:

….How Biden and company are owned by China…

….How hypocrite Biden is guilty of racism and rank hypocrisy when he says he’ll nominate a “black woman” to replace Breyer when he voted three times against the nomination of an eminently qualified black woman, Janet Rogers Brown, to a federal appeals court. She couldn’t be guaranteed to stay on the Democrats liberal plantation.

….How the liberal zoo of horny beasts in the mainstream media cover up for the horny animals among liberal elitists. 

Yup! Robert Knight has their number and recommends a tell-all book about the elites and their relationship with Communist China. They make their bloated fortunes by selling out our country! Check out the article. We have to stop being dumb complainers and fight, first with prayer, then by spreading the truth. Wake up the sleepers whose number is legion! 

By the way, my husband and I were in the HEB the other night here in Texas and I was shocked at all the empty shelves. No milk! No 1/2 and 1/2. We weren’t buying much so I didn’t take an inventory but we couldn’t get what we needed at the pharmacy either. Thanks, Uncle Joe, for putting our country on the fast track to becoming a banana republic.


  1. Empty shelves have been a problem for months. It is rapidly getting worse.
    Rosemary Therese

  2. I am a bit frustrated that I am unable to read beyond the introductory paragraphs. I can't seem to get past them.

  3. Maybe you can read it from Knnight’s page. Here’s the link to all his articles.
