Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Protect Your Children from being Lab Rats for the New World Order

The big push is on to jab all children, even infants, against a virus that has almost zero chance of serious injury for them. On the other hand, getting jabbed is not only dangerous, but can destroy their future. Recently, at a Washington, D.C. protest against the mandates, Dr. Robert Malone said this (reported by LifeSiteNews):

Malone called into question the safety profile of the vaccines, saying there are notable effects in children and “both physical death and damage and death of our children,” are occurring.

“Those that are parents, (who) are going to be parents, it is ultimately your responsibility to protect your children if they’re harmed. If they’re harmed by these genetic vaccines, you are the one that will have to take care of them. And you will carry the burden for the rest of your life.”

He added, “These genetic vaccines can damage your children. They may damage their brains, their heart, their immune system, and their ability to have children in the future. Many of these damages cannot be repaired. So I beg you, please get informed about the possible risks that your children may be damaged by these experimental medical products.” … 
Last summer, researchers with Johns Hopkins School of Medicine found a “mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia” when they “analyze[d] approximately 48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.” 
“If there is a risk, there must be a choice,” Malone said to a cheering crowd. “So fight for your children. Do not comply.”

Meanwhile, in Canada, a father who refused to get the vaccine or have his children be jabbed had his parental rights suspended. Persecution mounts while ignorance reigns. But the truth cannot be suppressed forever. Countries with the highest “vaccination” rates are seeing the highest deaths and hospitalizations from COVID. It is the jabbed who are a threat, not the unjabbed. History will see this era as the biggest mass genocide in history. Meanwhile, who benefits? The elitists have amassed unheard of fortunes as their bottom line increases with every new mandate. Once again we see the Scripture passage illustrated, “Love of money is the root of all evils.”


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