Monday, March 7, 2022

Church Militant's Misogynists: Dave Gordon and Joe Gallagher - Part 1


In my first post on the Resistance podcast by Dave Gordon and Joe Gallagher where they attacked the pro-life movement, I addressed their rabid vitriol against former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson. But condemning Abby was only the preamble to their misogynistic rant, one that reveals their lack of respect for women and our place in God's plan. [N.B. These two guys sound very much alike, so, in transcribing the podcast, I wasn't always certain who was speaking. Since their brains are cloned it probably doesn't matter, but I may have mis-labeled some of the conversation attributing it to the wrong speaker.]

Let me back up here to give what, I believe, explains Dave and Joe's obvious contempt for women. Think back to the Garden of Eden. Eve listened to the seductions of the serpent and sinned. Where was Adam when this was going on -- sitting on a moss-covered rock watching the grass grow? At any rate, he certainly wasn't protecting his beloved. And when he did meander over to the tree, he listened to Eve repeat the lies of the serpent and embraced the sin. 


It wasn't Eve's sin that brought death to the world, but Adam's. And what did he do when God looked for them in the garden? He pointed at Eve and essentially said, "It was that woman you put here with me. It's Your fault, God. You gave her to me and she made me do it. Blame her." And of course Eve blamed the serpent. "The devil made me do it." Dave and Joe sound just like Adam!

detail from  Fall of Man by Hendrick Goltzius (1558-1617)

The boys spent considerable blather time decrying the March for Life (which they earlier said was cancelled) because the organizers allowed pregnant women to share their stories about choosing life. How did Dave and Joe react? They went ballistic:

Dave: All mother animals will gladly forfeit their own lives to save the lives of their children and yet we're supposed to be impressed that a bunch of guest speakers at the March for Life are these women [Note the contempt!] who did society the courtesy of not slaughtering their unborn babies. [Something for which we should praise God!] It's despicable, honestly, the fact that we even have to pay lip service to quote-unquote heroism of these mothers for not killing their kids. [Really? Many babies are saved by a mom sharing her own challenging story with a sister in crisis? Think of the Samaritan woman at the well. She brought her whole town to Jesus by sharing her story! As St. John tells us,  "Now from that city many of the Samaritans believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified." (John 4: 39)] 
Dave continues: [It] shows us exactly what dire straits we're in in society; and, again, Joe raises an excellent point. To thank these people implies that there is a choice, like they really have bought into the narrative that there is a choice for women to kill their kids or not kill their kids. [Hogwash! That's like saying Jesus condoned adultery and made it an option because he refused to condemn the woman taken in adultery when the pharisees planned to stone her.] There's no choice you're constrained by the moral law. Murder is one of the four piccata clemencia, [Wow!] the screaming sins, sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance. [Like Michael and Milo's sodomy?] I'm gonna thank you or pretend that I’m impressed because you're not a murderess? No way! And you know what's so despicable about the modern pro-life movement, what's despicable about it is that they clamor for not prosecuting women who murder their babies. [Ah...the pharisees getting their rocks ready.] They say “We don't do that.” You know they take that, that third person plural, uh, royal we. Oh we don't prosecute women who murder their babies. In fact we advocate for just loving them into the Church and having mercy on them. That's not mercy! Crimes deserve punishment and to kill an unborn child, your unborn child, is one of the most unnatural crimes that exists one of the most heinous crimes that exists and it deserves punishment. Murder should be met by punishment. [In all this on-going screed, these two yahoos never once discuss fathers manipulating and pressuring these women to kill their babies. During my 25+ years of sidewalk counseling, I saw countless men dragging women into the abortuaries. They snatched the information I gave the women out of their hands saying, "She's already made her choice." I always replied, "No, she's made your choice" and then I told her he'd be gone in six months leaving her to mourn alone. But Dave and Joe, like the pharisees, want the women stoned. Joe doesn't mention the fact that, when he got his girlfriend pregnant, his first thought was, "Do you keep it?" He "tooted his own horn" in an interview with Jim Havens on Testimony Tuesday (January 11, 2022) crediting himself for saving the baby. We're supposed to thank him for being a "hero" for not killing his kid,  but not the women who choose life. It's "despicable" to praise them! What a hypocrite!] 
Dave and Joe demand the woman be punished for murder. It's the law!
Woman taken in Adultery by Pietro Della Vecchia (1603 - 1678)
Joe: If I may, Dave, that's something that when I talk with my friends and family about my stance on pro-life, I tell them, I say, “No, I don't only believe that abortion should be illegal or that it shouldn't be made available...but anybody that still follows through and somehow obtains one needs to be tried; punishment absolutely is necessary. Retribution is necessary. To think that, oh, okay we shouldn't let it happen but then there's the other side of the coin where the justice is still required because it's a moral society. We have a moral law. We have a divine law that requires a punishment. And look at Nuremberg. The Nazis didn't break any of the laws of the Third Reich of Germany, yet the world appealed to the natural law to say that the actions that they did were so disordered that, despite the fact that they did not break the positive law, the man-written law, they still should have to be tried for their crimes against humanity. And to kill your own child is a crime against humanity. [Of course it is, a crime that always involves a host of murderers: the mother, the father, the abortionist, the staff, and sometimes the grandparents of the baby.] 
So I don't want to go into the specifics of the punishment, that was never my intention, and obviously that's something that, you know, we can work out. ["We? Is that the royal "we?" I'm sure Church Militant will be happy to be prosecuting attorney, judge, and jury. They have plenty of practice!  And now Joe and Dave want to be the legislative body that determines the woman's punishment as well. No punishment for the dad!] The point is, though, absolutely we should criminalize abortion and absolutely it should be made into the highest of offenses. The punishment for murder should apply to abortion because abortion is murder. You can't really believe that abortion is murder unless you want to prosecute abortive mothers as murderers. If you don't believe that mothers who abort their babies should be prosecuted as murderers then you don't really believe that the unborn baby is a human life.  [Again, not one word about the fathers who are often more responsible for the murder than the mothers. Dave and Joe sound like the men who say it's her choice and absolve themselves of blame after they pressure her into killing the baby. Meet our modern Adams! It was her fault!] One flows from the other. There's no splitting the difference on this, it's just, it is what it is....Abortion being this, the Eucharist of the left, this demonic imitation of what the Eucharist is for Catholicism. What that means is it is not only murder it's the most heinous of murders. It's the destruction of the most innocent life outside of the God man possible.  
Dave: By the person who's supposed to love that life the most, mind you. [Of course the baby's parents should love the little one. But it's the father who abandons his child and pressures the mother to abort who is the most culpable for the baby's death. Adam, as father, is supposed to protect his beloved and the fruit of their love. Most fornicating dads love themselves. All they can think of after their little sex object gets pregnant is avoiding responsibility. There are exceptions, dads who do everything they can to convince their girlfriends to have the baby, but I met darn few of them in my 25 years on the sidewalk and eight years counseling at pregnancy help centers. To his credit, Joe loved his baby enough to defend life, but not enough to marry his baby mama, which indicates there was precious little love there to begin with. The baby was conceived in lust, not love, at a time when Joe was drinking, drugging, and using porn as he told Jim Havens on Testimony Tuesday. Was it God's grace that saved his baby or human respect worrying about his CM reputation? No matter which, I praise God that his little girl survived.]


Dave: Truly, not only should it be considered to be illegal it should be the most heinous of crimes and the catechism confirms this by the way. The catechism, the 92 catechism, specifically says it's a worse, a more grievous sin, to strike a parent than it is to strike a stranger. So what does that mean for the mother who kills her own child? So I don't want to hear any more of the claptrap that comes out of these big-money-grab, feel-goodism rallies [Like Church Militant's? Talk about "big-money-grabbers!"] which is, oh, we're gonna trot out some quote hero mothers who refrained from slaughtering their own babies. [Church Militant just trots out hero sodomites. Really, the hypocrisy of these two and the CM gurus, Michael, Christine, and Simon (is that Simon the pharisee?) is breathtaking!]

There's a saying that women use sex to get love and men use love to get sex. It's true, especially among the young. It takes two to tango, as they say, and both the man and the woman are responsible for the new life. The little one should be their love with skin on, but in many cases there was little love, or only a one-sided love. The baby is a complication in a sex-for-fun relationship and a burden that falls completely on the mother after she is abandoned. The guy can walk away, and most do -- like the sexual predators they are just looking for a rub and a tickle. Does that justify a woman's abortion? Of course not! But who is more responsible for the murder of the baby? 

Let's go back to the garden with Adam and Eve. When Eve tells Adam she's pregnant, he takes three giant steps backwards saying, "Eve, we were having fun! Wow! You have a problem!" And then he walks away very fast to the other side of the garden!

A man may feel morally righteous for volunteering to pay the hit man to kill his baby. Sad to say, few dads step up to the plate assuring the mom he not only wants their baby, but will be there for her through thick and thin. And so she takes the "easy" way out feeling overwhelmed, trapped, and abandoned. And she pays the price in pain and regret for the rest of her life! I've seen it more times than I can count -- miserable looking women being dragged into the building while their partners make obscene gestures and curse the sidewalk counselors. She kills the baby to keep the dad. He's gone in days or weeks since crying, mourning sex objects lose their appeal. How dare she make him feel guilty!

Dave and Joe obviously have no heart for these women, or any women for that matter, as they show later in the podcast. I'll get to that in another post. They aren't real men; they are still little boys wearing super-hero costumes and pretending their resistance movement is the thing that will make the difference -- certainly not that "useless, spineless, feckless" pro-life movement that's been saving babies for 50 years! Oh...and don't send your money to them. Send it to Church Militant's Resistance super heroes!

Who really belongs in the dock for bringing death and destruction to the tiny one? The abandoned mother or the father who couldn't keep his pants zipped? Surely the father deserves at least to be held equally accountable. God, on the other hand, held Adam more accountable. 

Ah...but he-men Dave and Joe know better. They know the mothers are the real guilty parties. If it hadn't been for that darn Eve.... ! Hey! Just ask the staff at Church Militant where all the women are crackerjack investigators, all the men are superheroes, and all the children grow up to be Michael Voris and Christine Niles clones. And speaking of Church Militant, as modern day pharisees, they have their rocks aimed and ready to throw. You know, those murdering mothers must be punished!

Jesus visits Church Militant where Dave and Joe and the rest of the CM staff ask how he could let that
sinful woman touch him. She probably had an abortion and should be taken out and stoned!
Christ in the House of Simon the Pharisee by Philippe de Champaigne c. 1656


  1. Mary Ann, the reasoned voice of decades of experience in the pro-life movement, vs two little fey boys behind the barn whispering to each other what they're going to do to solve the problem of abortion.

    This post is absolutely brilliant. Clueless cipher feyboys David and Joe have no clue.

  2. Mary Ann

    God bless you! But why pay any attention to these less-than-animals at Church Militant. Like all diabolical narcissists, they crave attention, and negative attention is far better, in their view, than being ignored. It seems to me that even rebutting these creeps is a near occasion of sin. Please do not let those demons steal your peace of mind.

    John Belmont

  3. I appreciate your comment, John, and especially your kind encouragement in this and previous comments. Let me try to explain Susan's and my philosophy about CM and why we are doing this.

    First of all, we both believe CM is a cult of personality that is doing serious damage to the Church. If one looks at their history of attacking other apostolates (doing a far better job than they are), the big question arises. Whom do they serve? The Lord of life or "the accuser." In my mind, the answer is obvious. But they are attracting many good, but frustrated, people to join their cult.

    Someone called me the other evening who lives on the other side of the country from me. When she brought up CM I was waiting to be blasted since she said she belonged to a Resistance group in her area. Instead she said she had no idea about CM and spent most of the night before reading our posts in the sidebar. She immediately stopped her premium membership and said she was sending the information to other members of her Resistance group.

    I hope all those folks keep up their activities, but detach themselves from CM, not only because the group is wicked, but for the sake of the souls involved in the enterprise beginning with Michael, Milo, Christine, and Simon. They are a group of, as you say, "diabolical narcissists" who love attention.

    No doubt, as you point out, they get some kind of a kick out of the articles on the blog. I get plenty of hits from their geographical area in my statcounter so I suspect they check in on us regularly - like moths hovering around a flame. They like to pat themselves on the back as martyrs and victim souls when anyone criticizes them.

    I just want to warn anyone running in their footsteps to beware. The lady who called me is just one, but several commenting on the blog have discussed their cancellation of premium membership and a colleague in the U.K. sent her appreciation for the information. Susan and I want to "Hold back those being led to the slaughter" by Michael and his clones.

    I would appreciate your prayers that I only do what God wants me to do. "Those demons" do not have the capacity to steal my peace of mind. I pray for them most days and will continue offering my fasting for them during Lent. We are all made in the image and likeness of God. How sad it is to turn that image into something so ugly! What a waste of talent!

  4. Mary Ann, let's not forget the underage adolescents who are brought to abortion mills by their abusers. I guess they also need to be prosecuted. (Incidentally, do the abortion mills turn in the adults who impregnate children?)

  5. I listened to the podcast and when Gordon says, "Give us your boys," I was repulsed.

  6. At this point, the Voris and Niles show is a liability so that makes one wonder.. why is whoever that is funding them, still funding them? Common sense says that when you invest in a sinking ship, you cut your losses and move on.

  7. Thank you so much for this post and for sparing us from having to listen to these guys. You are spot on

  8. I quit reading CM a long time ago. That picture of Eve looks masculine. Look at her arms and back muscles. I wonder if a sodomite painted it.

  9. VIA E-MAIL With permission

    I hope you & yours are well this Lenten season.

    I just wanted to send you a private note to thank you for your posts about the folks at Church Militant.

    It was about 7-8 years ago (or so... probably more, quite honestly) that I started having misgivings about them. I never was a contributor, but I went to their site everyday for "news" and to watch the Vortex. I have not gone to their site for quite a while now.

    I know of a couple fellows in my diocese that love them. Whenever you start talking with these men they quickly start becoming Church Belligerent.

    (Full disclosure: I must confess that I, too, have fallen into the devil's hands in that way. I thank the Lord that He used some 4X4s on me to bring me around... at the very least to be better in my approach.)

    So! After all of that (sorry) just a big tip-O'-the-cap to you.

    I tend to trust those who have been in the fight a whole lot longer when it comes to dealing with the mess that the Church is in. YOU are one of those.

    Love you & your blog. God bless you, yours & your ministry for the Truth!

