Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Guest Post: Pachamama, the Pope, and Persecution by Fr. Bill Aitcheson

Editor's comment: I can never forget Pope Francis welcoming the Pachamama idol to the Vatican garden on October 4, 2019.  The procession of swaying, rattle-shaking shamans and their companions danced around a blanket with the image of Mother Earth covered with idolatrous symbols. Anyone watching the event couldn't help but be "rattled" and ask, "What the hell?" (literally!) Adding to my sorrow is that it happened on Larry's and my 50th wedding anniversary. What an anniversary present! Since then the pope has dropped one bomb after another on faithful Catholics who love tradition and want to do nothing more than to worship as did so many of the saints who've gone before us. We cringe as Francis introduces more and more bizarre and evil novelties into the Church, not to mention filling the hierarchy with men made in his own deceitful and scandalous image. Pray for Holy Mother Church. Save us, Lord Jesus from the dragon and his servants!


by Fr. Bill Aitcheson

"Let no man deceive you by any means, for unless there come a revolt first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshiped so that he sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God." (2 Thess 2:3-4)

In fall 2019, at the closing Mass of the Amazon Synod, an offering to the demon Pachamama was placed on the papal altar at St. Peter's Basilica at the direction of Pope Francis. The offering was comprised of a black bowl containing soil and plants as a thank offering to "Mother Earth" (Pachamama). Included among the plants was one with a red flower, as red is considered the Pachamama's favorite color. 

The pagan deity is a demon spirit to whom ancient Amazonians sacrificed their children. An image of this accursed spirit was placed in the Vatican Gardens by the same Pope Francis on October 4, 2019, just days before the beginning of the Amazon Synod. What do you think St. Francis of Assisi would do knowing that a fiend from hell was honored by the pope on his feast day?

The offering bowls with the red flower among the plants in the soil were found everywhere in the "Synod Hall" and in the church of "Santa Maris in Traspontina." The latter place was also where an idol worshiping sorceress and "women religious" were all day. 

How can a pope, women religious, or any Catholic Christian for that matter, participate in idol worship on sacred ground, or even anywhere? How can any man who occupies the Chair of St. Peter indulge in devil worship? Can any Catholic Christian obey such a man in good conscience?

In 2021, this same pope issued the motu proprio, Traditionis Custodes, in an attempt to illegally suppress the Traditional Latin Mass. That same year, in late December, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments issued its responses to eleven questions on the Latin Mass and the sacraments. The answers to the questions were in the malevolent spirit of Traditionis Custodes.

What malevolent spirit?

Think back to the Pachamama incidents before and during the Amazon Synod and you'll see. Condoning devil worship and participating in devil worship is a blasphemous attack on the Church of Jesus Christ, and by the pope! There's no more effective way to undermine the True Church than to have its visible head insult the Lord Christ by forsaking the worship of the One True God. 

Is this the reason why Pope Francis wants to suppress the "Mass of the Ages" and the other ancient rites? Maybe he's following the inspiration of his "father:" 

And the dragon was angry against the woman: and went to make war with the rest of their seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." (Apoc. 12:17)

##########  END  ##########

Editor's comment: Shockingly, evangelist Tim Staples tried to put a Catholic gloss on the pagan worship in the Vatican garden. Watch the video of the event below and listen to Staples' ridiculous defense. Then watch Fr. Mitch Pacwa who worked in Peru as a missionary and describes how the people "integrated Pachamama into a pseudo-Catholic view of the world," placing Jesus, Mary, and the saints under the goddess Pachamama. Who's got it right? Tim Staples or Fr. Pacwa and Fr. Aitcheson?

Is suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass simply the next step in a satanic plan to "make war" against those who "keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ?" 


  1. We must, must stop calling Bergoglio pope. He cannot be both the standard of schism and the vector of schism.

  2. I do refer to Bergoglio as the "Bishop of Rome" which is a title he does accept. He does not accept being a "vicar of Christ' and many consider that he does NOT hold the Keys.

  3. Hold the Keys?
    Many people are saying:
    "Hold my Bags - while I leave the Church."

  4. Whenever someone tells me they're leaving I ask where they intend to go? Cling to the doctrine and tradition. It's clear from all the holy documents beginning with the evangelists. Then the Fathers of the Church and all the saints and martyrs. Like St. Athanasius said about the Arians -- They have the buildings but we have the faith. That gives the faith-full the best of the bargain!
