Friday, March 4, 2022

I Didn't Think Church Militant Could Go Any Lower -- And Then They Attacked the Pro-Life Movement!

Church Militant reached a new low when they let two sanctimonious, self-righteous boys (Dave Gordon and Joe Gallagher) do a Resistance podcast titled, Why the Pro-Life Movement is so Pathetic. They illustrated pathetic all right -- just how pathetic Church Militant (CM) and their phony "resistance" movement is. They proceeded to trash the pro-life movement as a whole, with particular vitriol leveled at the March for Life (MfL)! 

As someone who has spent almost my entire adult life from age 26 (before Roe v. Wade) to nearly 75 fighting for babies in the womb, I was appalled and disgusted by what I heard in this 45 minute diatribe that labeled just about everybody in the pro-life movement "pathetic" (except themselves of course). These white-hatted heroes have all the answers and are galloping in to rescue us all and eliminate abortion in the blink of an eye. I think they see themselves as the brave protagonists in a wild west movie. "Hi-ho, Silver!" Only one question: Which of you cretins is the Lone Ranger and which is Tonto?

They began their podcast illustrating total ignorance by saying the March for Life was cancelled. Remember how CM likes to portray themselves as great "investigators" who always see the "elephant in the room." Somehow, they managed to miss several hundred thousands marchers. Here's Dave displaying his ignorance:

Dave Gordon: So Today, Joe, as you know, the March for Life was recently cancelled. [No it wasn't! Some of the indoor events were cancelled or restricted because of D.C.'s draconian COVID rules, but the March went on with hundreds of thousands witnessing to the sacredness of human life.] I want to talk a little bit about the March for Life. In fact I want to, in a lot of ways, condemn the March for Life. I think it’s a useless exercise. I think it’s is run by feckless, spineless people [like March founder Nellie Gray?] who’ve been doing nothing for the past  30 or 40 years about the actual abortion problem except for posturing, virtue signaling, and using the issue of abortion to drive personal gain and gain for their groups. [I know some of those groups: Christendom College, Defend Life, Tradition Family Property (TFP), Knights of Columbus, Silent No More, Franciscan Friars for Life, Red Rose Rescue, etc. - all now labeled by Dave and Joe as "useless." They attend the March only to virtue signal and make money for their groups which could be better spent donated to CM.] The March for Life has lost its way. It’s misguided. I think it’s devolved into little more than a social party for people who want to essentially attend a social gathering, prance around the capitol, feel good about doing their, you know, good deed for the year, um, their bit of activism for the year and then retire back to their quarters after having made a, possibly, a group of new friends or social media contacts.

The boys went on to vilify Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood administrator who now works to help abortion workers get out of the killing business. She's convinced many to leave through her organization, And Then There Were None. Keep in mind that one of the most effective ways to end abortion is to limit access as Life Dynamics promotes. Whenever someone leaves the abortion business it saves lives!

Abby Johnson is a repentant sinner. Yes, she committed sins that cry to heaven
 for vengeance. So did Michael and Milo. How come they can be forgiven
 and be CM heroes and she is vilified? What hypocrisy.

What gives these two arrogant cowboys (my apologies to real cowboys) the background to criticize the pro-life movement and define who its heroes are? Have they given thousands of talks about fetal development and abortion like Jack and Barbara Willke, often described as the parents of the pro-life movement, who never charged for their abortion talks? Or Dr. Bill Hogan who inspired me to get actively involved? Or Fr. Paul Marx, the warehouse priest who founded Human Life International? Do they even know who these people are?

Did Dave and Joe devote years to lobbying for legislation to protect the babies like Nellie Gray, founder of the March for Life, whom I knew personally and loved and respected? Have they ever rescued and been arrested at an abortion business or organized a Truth Tour like Joe Scheidler and his protege Jack Ames of Defend Life? Did they know Fr. Norman Weslin, Fr. Baby Doe, who was jailed countless times and joined, in his old age, the protest at Notre Dame when the university honored Barack Obama, baby killer extraordinaire?

How many hours have Dave and Joe spent sidewalk counseling outside abortion businesses? How many rosaries have they said there as they accuse the marchers of engaging in "show rosaries?" How many times have they been to court for their pro-life activism? How many pregnancy help centers have they opened and manned? How many hours have they spent counseling women and their partners, sorting baby clothes, and doing pregnancy tests? How many women have they found shelter homes for? 

What have you done, boys, besides slandering and accusing the real activists while you pontificate from your guru's studio and tell the rest of us how useless we've been for "30 or 40 years?"

Do I sound angry? You're reading me right. CM does nothing but tear down and accuse! Who, pray tell, is the accuser in the Bible? These two boys (I certainly can't call them men!) are walking in the footsteps of their leaders, the treacherous trio of Michael Voris, Christine Niles, and Simon Rafe. They imitate their pathetic cult leaders well with their slander and contempt for others. They would do better to follow Thomas a Kempis by reading the Imitation of Christ.

You call the March for Life evil and useless! CM is the group that's evil and useless. Worse than useless. You tear down all that's good and beautiful in the Church while you "prance" and "posture" and "virtue signal," and pat yourselves on the back over your two dozen resistance podcasts, as if your endless blather accomplishes anything.

How dare you say Abby Johnson is just a money-grubber who's tooting her own horn and expects to be praised after killing babies for ten years? There was a much bigger "money-grubber" who supervised over 50,000 abortions before he converted and spent the rest of his life in atonement as a pro-life warrior. Bernard Nathanson exposed the abortion movement like no one ever has. And when he spoke, you could hear the grief in his voice over his sinful past. He is one of those "sinners" who will get into heaven before all you pharisees in the CM/Michael Voris cult. Michael Voris thinks his sinful past makes him a holy victim soul. Give me a vomit bag! So whom do you follow, boys? Jesus Christ or Michael Voris? The answer seems pretty clear. Whom you imitate is your god.

Former abortionist, Bernard Nathanson addressed the 1998 MFL as did Norma McCorvey and Mary Cano, the Jane Roe and Mary Doe of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton.
They became pro-life heroes!

As for all those "501C3 groups" you accuse of just going to the March for Life to make money and "pray the show rosary," I know many of them. Students from Christendom College take a van to northern Virginia to pray the rosary outside abortuaries every week and have been doing it for years. Defend Life works every day of the year to save babies and does a weeklong Truth Tour in towns around the Washington beltway every summer, standing for hours in the brutal heat with signs exposing the reality of abortion. The Genocide Awareness Project of the Center for Bio-ethical Reform usually has a giant display about abortion at the March. They take it to colleges and universities and talk to the students. Women considering abortion have changed their minds because of their work. We've been subsidizing one of their "missionaries" for years! 

Genocide Awareness Project of the Center for Bio-ethical Reform

The Knights of Columbus always provide marshals for the March. Our local council helped provide an ultrasound machine to the Front Royal pregnancy center and also organizes the annual Life Chain in Woodstock that witnesses to hundreds of drivers. A few years ago, I helped the Red Rose Rescue group give out cards at the March advertising their movement. They send courageous warriors into the waiting rooms of abortuaries to give roses and offer assistance to the moms about to kill their babies. Some are  arrested and even go to jail. These are all the "useless, feckless, toothless, pathetic" pro-life 501C3 groups that accomplish nothing according to Dave and Joe.

Go suck eggs, you two pathetic "soyboys." (Pardon the expression. I learned it from Church Militant.) 

This isn't over. More to come on this pathetic, slanderous, disgusting podcast!


  1. Thank you for listening to the entire 45 minutes so I don't have to. Can you please tell me what their own solution to the abortion problem is? They condemn the pro-life movement; *what is their alternative in defense of pre-born life*?

  2. Abby Johnson, in addition to getting abortion workers to leave that "industry," also runs an organization called LoveLine, which raises money and provides material support for pregnant women as well as new moms and their babies.

    She's one of many pro-lifers who performs such work, debunking the tired old pro-abortion lie that "pro-lifers don't care about women or babies after the birth."

    How dare Church Militant for slamming her.

  3. Join and financially support The Resistance of course and stop giving to the useless, feckless pro-life groups out there who've only been on the frontlines for 50 years. "Get your nails dirty." Do sit-ins, get 100 cars and surround an abortion facility bumper to bumper. I just shake my head. I've been involved in rescues since 1976. I've been arrested many times and went to jail three times. These cretins act like no one has had any ideas until they jumped into the fray. But that's typical of CM. They act like their rehashed material is "new." My blog partner, Susan, was exploring McCarrick's missing year a decade ago. She was probably the first to raise that as an issue. Stephanie Block has been exposing the Catholic Campaign for Human Development for 25 years or more. But CM comes along and acts like their reporting is a news flash that no one ever noticed before their cracker jack investigators came along. I admit, they've got the money (source?) to do slick videos and their daily Vortex where Michael "prances" and "preens." They've got their "chapel" where they pray the "show rosary." It all reminds me of the fortune teller near our old home in Alexandria with the statues of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the window. They are poisoning their viewers. They are the pharisees throwing stones at the woman taken in adultery. I've totally had it with them.

    In fact, if you read this, Michael, please take all my articles and the video interview you did with me off your website if you haven't already. I value my good name and don't want any association with you folks except to pray for you which I did this morning and will also do at my afternoon Mass AT THE SSPX CHAPEL.

  4. Dave Gordon fled to Church Militant due to his failure to get a paying job and/or defend himself against all those Catholics he intentionally pokes to make himself feel virtuous. Him calling others virtue signalers is a sure sign of mental issues as he does nothing but project while banning anyone from his social media platforms who dares to question his sweaty monologues.

    Tim Gordon is no better or maybe he's worse. He'll hang out promoting his retrograde brand while dropping virtue bombs on any/all who question CM's questionable ethics. He'll cozy up to Ms. Niles while using the most foul and idiotically childish tactics to defend his defenseless positions. To include promoting his wife Steph's new book: ASK YOUR HUSBAND.

    An interesting dive into an abusive situation wherein religion is used to mask toxic override and an ego that's convinced that masculinity is all about shouting others down by way of gaining degrees. Degrees that, sorry, are only as good as the bias of whatever professors said students kowtow to. That means--don't think. That's the premise of ASK YOUR HUSBAND. Lobotomize yourself, do whatever the guy you were foolish enough to marry says, and it's good. Doesn't matter if you jump off a cliff and demand you kids do the same.

    Meanwhile, CM, the Gordons, etc, have ZERO solutions. And having others actually try to do something while they sit on there lovelies makes them look really bad.

  5. Mary Ann, this might be the final wake-up call for Catholics to tune-out the Voris and Niles show once and for all. The SSPX doesn't appeal to all Catholics. The Carmelites are an order where there is limited wide-spread knowledge of the incredible graces they obtain by their monastic, prayerful life. But, the pro-life movement is another thing. Only the most liberal CINOs are pro-abortion and those people don't like the Voris and Niles show anyway.

  6. Both the Gordon boys are annoying but the younger one, Dave's comments are really disturbing.

  7. Thank you so much for this post-this is likely your best one ever. I am so furious that I can't see clearly about CM and their attack on the Pro-life movement. I want to know just what CM has done to help the pro-life cause? In fact, other than complain and ruin lives, they do nothing at all. I know Abbey Johnson personally and she is a genuinely lovely woman who has great compassion for the unborn and IS putting her money where her mouth is with her program to help those leaving the business. How I wish CM would just disappear

  8. What many people miss, not just CM but the vast majority of those who tolerate and promote abortion, is that those who march for life don't *only* march for life. That may be the most visible thing they do, but usually those who picket and march and counsel the traumatized at the very doors of perdition ... frequently, if not always, live lives in which they support life in real, practical and usuall hidden ways. It is a comprehensive package of living in practical support of life at every stage and I would say it is likeLy that most of those you see are even more busy for life in the times you don't see.

    Over the years I have heard the canard so often - "you just march but you don't really care".

    Actually - those who march do care - a lot - and usually spend their lives in many different, unseen ways in support of suffering mothers and motherless children. God sees them. The insufferable peanut gallery does not see them. We live for the unseen God who loves us all and hates with fire injustice against the weak.

  9. Now they have Taylor Marshall in the cross-hairs.

  10. I agree that CM can be style challenged, but it is true that March for Life has born little fruit against abortion for fifty years, despite its being the figurehead for prolife movement. I think it particularly tanked in effectiveness after Nelly Gray, and after people stopped visiting congressman at the end of the march, the putative purpose of the March. Ending the march at the SCOTUS actually bears significant symbolism...the willingness to accept Roe reversal, and kickback to the states, as "the end" of the prolife witness. But that is actually a misconception...letting the states decide abortion means life is *NOT* an inalienable right.

    The more important witness is to the urge them to pass a human life amendment that would abolish abortion. Rand Paul's got one on the docket, but noone talks about it...least of all our "most prolife president ever". Maybe because Trump had rape exceptions, and had wanted to impose them on the Republican party platform. That and warp speed is why I actually think Trump was a Democrat plant, rather than a true Republican.

    Our GOP platform bears the promise of "created equal" to abolish abortion just as it abolished slavery. Let's pass a human life amendment to abolish abortion by "created equals" birthday in 2026 and put all the prolife groups as happily out of business as the antislavery groups were in the 19th century. It will take grit, as the original antiabortion protestors showed...but the whole world, actually, hangs o n truing "created equal".

  11. The personhood amendment was promoted early on and crushed by Msgr. James McHugh, the head of the bishops' pro-life group at the time. He was buddies with Mary Calderone of SIECUS who called him "Jimmy" according to Randy Engel. Late he was made bishop. I hope he repented before he died.

    As for CM being "style challenged." If you call lies, slander, and manipulation being "style challenged," I guess I can agree with you. Personally, I think they are faith challenged. The god they put faith in is their cult leader Michael Voris.

  12. Wow you are right about the importance of McHugh, thanks for the info, but it only serves to underline what I've said about states rights and human life amendment. Here, read this: Bishop James T. McHugh – The Forgotten Man in the McCarrick Equation: Part 2

  13. I was at the March 2022 and walked with my group Life Runners started by Patrick Castle. It definitely was not cancelled. I try my best to completely ignore Michael Voris and his ilk.

  14. Mary Ann,

    Please update your info on the Catholic Church…

    "As a consequence of the respect and protection which must be ensured for the unborn child from the moment of conception, the law must provide appropriate penal sanctions for every deliberate violation of the child's rights." CCC 2273.

    Without legal penalty she gets away with baby murder which is disgusting.

    I have sidewalk counseled for 18 years and find your idea of men causing the abortion is exaggerated. Yes, it does happen and I also have seen it, but not often as you portray. When it does happen, it is more often verbal or financial coercion, not physical, mental or emotional abuse. Regardless, it is absolutely no excuse. The mother is bound to love God more than she loves the guy. It is in the Bible. Matt 10:37
