Friday, March 4, 2022

India Refuses to let Pfizer Jab their People Because of Converns about Adverse Side Effects

2022 is the "winter of death" for U.K. folks who listened to the "scientists"
recommending the immunity-killing death jab! 

Vaccines have been used in the third world to sterilize women. That's a fact! Tetanus shots in Kenya were laced with the pregnancy hormone, HCG, human chorionic gonadotropin, causing women to develop antibodies that later attacked their babies. Result? Chronic miscarriage. The Catholic bishops of Kenya blew the whistle in 2014. Of course, the authorities denied it, but similar things were happening in Peru and the Philippines. And we all know about the Tuskegee experiments. People of color have reason to distrust the eugenic medics who think there are too many of "those" people! The capacity for evil by  "scientists" cut in the mold of Dr. Mengele seems limitless. But some countries are wising up. Unfortunately, the U.S. is not among them. We are already seeing an unprecedented increase in deaths from all causes which makes perfect sense if you're destroying your natural immunity.  But, hey, if you want to believe it's all just a coincidence, go ahead and get the third, fourth, or tenth "booster." Your choice. 

Pfizer Unable to Secure COVID Vaccine Authorization in India, China Due to Side Effect Concerns

Apparently Asians are smarter than their counterparts in the West. As more and more people die from the jab. Remember when Joe Biden said the winter of 2022 would be "death for the unvaccinated?" Seems he got it exactly backwards.
The United Kingdom is officially living in a pandemic of the “fully vaccinated.” To make matters worse, deaths continue to surge for populations that are triply vaccinated, proving that the third shot is not an immune booster in the slightest. This third shot is just another inflammatory dose of spike proteins – a game of Russian roulette that causes more blood clots and heart inflammation, leading to further immune system depletion, sickness and death.

There's hope for the vaccinated who want to minimize the damage these experimental gene therapies have caused to their bodies. (source) May God preserve us from our foolish mistakes!

Therapeutic Agents and Their Mechanisms

A substantial number of agents have already been found to be highly effective in resolving COVID infections, and even more are continuing to be discovered as worldwide research efforts have so intensely focused on curing this infection (Levy, 2020). Some of the most effective agents and their mechanisms of actions include the following:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide (HP) nebulization. Correctly applied, this treatment eliminates acute COVID pathogen presence and any other chronic pathogen colonizations persisting in the aerodigestive tract. Also, a positive healing effect on the lower digestive tract is typically seen, as less pathogens and their associated pro-oxidant toxins are chronically swallowed. Stunning anecdotal evidence has already been seen documenting the ability of HP nebulization to cure even advanced COVID infections (20 of 20 cases) as a monotherapy. (Levy, 2021). All of the supporting research, scientific analysis, and practical suggestions on this therapy is available as a free eBook download [Rapid Virus Recovery] (Levy, 2021).
  2. Vitamin C. Vitamin C works synergistically with HP in eradicating pathogens. It gives strong general immune support, while working to support the optimal healing of damaged cells and tissues. Clinically, it is the most potent antitoxin ever described in the literature, and no reports of it failing to neutralize any acute intoxication when administered appropriately have been published. Continuing persistent and highly-dosed vitamin C in all its forms will prove to be the most useful intervention when there is a large amount of circulating toxic spike protein present. Intravenous, regular oral forms, and liposome-encapsulated oral forms are all very useful in resolving any infection and neutralizing any toxin (Levy, 2002). There is also a polyphenol-based supplement that appears to allow some humans to synthesize their own vitamin C, which could prove to be of enormous protective and healing capacity with COVID patients and vaccine recipients. (
  3. Ivermectin. This agent has powerful antiparasitic and antiviral properties. Evidence indicates that ivermectin binds the ACE2 receptor site that the spike protein needs to bind to proceed with entry into the cell and the replication of viral protein (Lehrer and Rheinstein, 2020; Eweas et al., 2021). Also, under some circumstances, the binding of the spike protein to the ACE2 receptor does not activate the enzymes needed to enter the cell. Possibly, ivermectin might also competitively displace such bound spike protein from the cell walls as well when a sufficient dose is taken. It also appears that circulating spike protein can be bound up directly by ivermectin, rendering it inactive and making it accessible for metabolic processing and excretion (Saha and Raihan, 2021). Where there has been mass administration of ivermectin for parasitic diseases in Africa there has also been noted a significantly lower incidence of COVID-19 infection (Hellwig and Maia, 2021). Ivermectin is also very safe when administered appropriately (Munoz et al., 2018).
  4. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Chloroquine (CQ). Both HCQ and CQ have been shown to be very effective agents in resolving acute COVID-19 infections. They have also both been shown to be zinc ionophores that can increase intracellular zinc levels which can then inhibit the enzyme activity needed for viral replication. However, both HCQ and CQ have also been found to block the binding of COVID virus spike proteins to the ACE2 receptors needed to initiate viral entry into the cells, giving scientific support for their utility as more directly interfering with spike protein activity before the virus ever breaches the cell (Fantini et al., 2020; Sehailia and Chemat, 2020; Wang et al., 2020).
  5. Quercetin. Similar to HCQ and CQ, quercetin also serves as a zinc ionophore. And like HCQ and CQ, quercetin appears to also work to block the binding of COVID virus spike proteins to the ACE2 receptors, impairing spike protein-virus entry into the cell, or impairing spike protein alonef from entering the cells (Pan et al., 2020; Derosa et al., 2021). Many other phytochemicals and bioflavonoids are demonstrating this ACE2 binding capacity as well (Pandey et al., 2020; Maiti and Banerjee, 2021).
  6. Other Bio-Oxidative Therapies. These include ozone, ultraviolet blood irradiation, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (in addition to hydrogen peroxide and vitamin C). These three therapies are highly effective in patients with acute COVID infections. It is less clear how effective they would be for long-haul COVID syndrome and patients suffering from ongoing vaccine-generated spike protein syndromes. That is not to say, however, that all three would not prove to be just as excellent for dealing with the spike protein as with the intact virus. It just remains to be determined.
  7. Baseline Vital Immune Support Supplementation. There are definitely hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of quality vitamin, mineral, and nutrient supplements that are all capable of making some contribution to reaching and maintaining optimal health, while minimizing the chances of contracting any kind of infectious disease. A baseline regimen of supplementation that factors in expense, overall health impact, and convenience should include vitamin C, vitamin D3, magnesium chloride (other forms good, but chloride form optimal for antiviral impact), vitamin K2, zinc, and an iodine supplement, such as Lugol's solution or iodoral. More specific guidance in dosing can be found in Appendix A of Hidden Epidemic, also available as a free eBook download (Levy, 2017). Specifics on mixing up a solution of magnesium chloride for regular supplementation are also available (Levy, 2020).

[More detail on the therapeutic agents above is available in Chapter 10 of Rapid Virus Recovery]

1 comment:

  1. Just read this piece in Geller report. 8 pages of side effects. Pfizer wanted the report withheld for 75 years. Maybe India can import some of their politicians over here. They seem to have more on the ball over there than our hapless crew.
