Friday, July 8, 2022

150 Zulus Attacked by 4,000 Canadian Soldiers in Pink Tutus

The new "male" uniform for Canadian soldiers
As the 150 Zulu forces, "30 of whom were sick and wounded patients in the field hospital", hid behind self-made barriers and a few boulders tearfully praying while fearing their last end, their worst nightmare - the 4,000-member NATO Canadian Armed Forces! (OMG!!) - came rushing over the hill dressed in fluffy pink tutus, with rainbow colored hair swirling around their heads like color-wheel halos against the blinding sunlight and long bayonet-like fingernails poised to scratch their eyes out.  

At this incredibly woke sight, the 150 stunned Zulus stared at each other in stark surprise. They then started to laugh. They ROTF each doing their own LMAO thing. After wiping away all the laughter tears and catching their breath, in unison they stood up, waved their arms in ridicule at the rainbow-haired woke NATO forces dressed in pink tutus, and whispered, "Boo." 

And that's how the Zulus won the literally doing nothing...because it takes very little for real men to frighten the woke away.

Think how Genghis Kahn's or Attila the Hun's men would react if they saw NATO troops in dresses, with long fingernails and rainbow hair. Who would win that particular war? The poor people of Canada are in danger of being captured soon by any person walking in with so much as a plastic pop-gun. Where're Rose Marie and Nelson Eddy when Canada needs them?

The purpose of a nation's military is to PROTECT - FIGHT - WIN. In order to do that a country must recruit the most capable people and form them into the best soldiers possible. The goal is that if a war should happen, the military fights for the country - and WINS.

How is it possible to win a war with a woke military? With men in dresses like Klinger? With women like Canadian Ellen Page cutting off their breasts and saying they're a man? Ellen should immediately be notified of her eligibility to enroll in Canada's military as a man.

On July 6th, the Canadian government announced the following:

The Canadian Armed Forces is updating its dress code to be more inclusive and keep pace with the society it serves. Service members and applicants will now be allowed to wear longer hairstyles, have facial hair and face tattoos among other changes.

The Government of Canada says the decision to update the Canadian Forces Dress Instructions was not made lightly. In a recent statement, they say that the Canadian Forces Dress code is about fifty years old, and the policy as a whole was overdue for revision.

“We need to change with society. We’re a direct reflection of the people that we serve, and we need to be more inclusive and change if we want to stay relevant with Canadian society,” explained Todd Appel, 38th Brigade Sgt. Major.

“There’s been minor changes made throughout the years, but this is a more significant change.”

Appel says there are a still few months for service members to adjust and understand the changes, as they don’t go into effect until September.

The updates to the dress code are varied: Doing away with specific gender-based uniforms. Going forward, male or female uniform patterns are open to all members and they may be intermixed.

Recruits will no longer have their heads shaved for basic training, and there are no longer restrictions on hair length or hair color. Long fingernails are allowed as long as they do not impede the performance of duties.

It’s all about being inclusive and respectful and allowing people to have their own identity within the organization,” added Appel.

Face tattoos are now also permitted as long as they don’t promote hate, violence, or gang activity.

Tattoo artist Jesse Watson thinks it’s the right move by the CAF to relax rules around tattoos. He says society is evolving its understanding around inclusivity and it only makes sense the armed forces would be a part of that evolution. 

“I’m so thankful that our armed forces are allowing people to get neck tattoos, face tattoos, and allowing them to express themselves,” said Watson. (Of course he's thankful. He'll make more money.)

Since the dress code changes were announced publicly there have been mixed reviews. Online comments range, some calling the changes disgusting, while others applaud the move.

Appel says increasing recruitment was not a motivating factor for the changes, but they may have a positive effect on encouraging more people to enlist. (more trannies, drag queens and cross-dressers)

“It definitely could be a bonus.”

No. It only shows the decay and collapse of the West. 

New "female" uniform for Canadian soldiers


  1. We should always keep their goal in mind, not ours. Decimating the military by such antics makes no sense if the goal is to keep a strong, respected military. But if your goal is the exact opposite, then it makes perfect sense.

  2. i hope they weren't "Desmond" tutus.

  3. ...and don't look back at Sodom, lest ye be turned into a pillar of salt!

  4. You forgot about the Canadian military drilling
