Monday, August 1, 2022

Of Pagan Loving Pope Francis and the Carpet Bombing of the Traditional Latin Mass

What a week!  The Holy Father was in Canada participating in pagan ceremonies, while my bishop, Michael Burbidge, was meeting with the priests of the diocese dropping the bomb on the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) in obedience to the pope's apostolic letter, Traditionis Custodes (TC). 

Frankly, I was at least a little bit surprised. Bishop Burbidge has been largely sympathetic to the traditional communities and has even offered Confirmation according to the traditional rite. But, let's face it, most of the bishops are company men and no matter how crazy things get in Rome or how many evil things the pope says or does, they go along. You don't find many bishops these days in the mold of St. Athanasius. All the worse for the poor, abused flock.

The pope has had it in for the TLM for a long time. TC and the accompanying letter constituted carpet bombing for the flock who embrace tradition. We are the bastard stepchildren who must conform or be punished. Pope Francis has made a point of insulting traditionalists and calling us names. While he respects pagans and their traditions, he offers us nothing but contempt. 

Sadly, the restrictions on the Latin Mass put out by Bishop Burbidge last Friday are, to say the least, draconian.

Meanwhile, in Canada, Pope Francis gave a lengthy speech honoring the culture and traditions of the indigenous peoples there. Read what LifeSiteNews wrote about the events and compare them to the treatment of his own Catholic sons and daughters:

Francis delivered a speech condemning “ideological colonization,” lamenting a past “colonialist mentality” which he said “disregarded the concrete life of people and imposed certain predetermined cultural modes.”

Continuing, the Holy Father appeared to endorse the paganistic rituals of the indigenous peoples, stating that “the Holy See and the local Catholic communities are concretely committed to promoting the indigenous cultures through specific and appropriate forms of spiritual accompaniment that include attention to their cultural traditions, customs, languages and educational processes, in the spirit of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.”

Earlier during his Canadian visit, the Pope, donning traditional indigenous headwear, also attended a “healing dance,” replete with drumbeats apparently supposed to imitate “the heartbeat of mother earth.”

Sooooo.....while the pope and bishops were honoring the circle of spirits and obeying the direction of the shaman running the ceremony in Canada, the traditional communities of Arlington with their culture and traditions were being thrown on the ash heap by Bishop Burbidge in obedience to our Pachamama, smudgepot, circle of spirits pope. 

What a kick in the gut!

Pagan rituals get respect from our religious leaders who even participate in them at the direction of shamans; while Catholics who love the TLM get the jackboot -- literally -- booted out of the churches.

NO MASS FOR YOU! Get with the Novus Ordo or get thee to a gym!

The 21 Latin Mass locations in Arlington have been reduced to eight and most of the congregations have been thrown out of the churches, relegated to school gymnasiums and auditoriums. Three parishes may continue to celebrate the Latin Mass inside their churches by permission of Rome: St. John the Beloved in McLean, St. Rita's in Alexandria, and St. Anthony Mission in King George.

But don't celebrate too much; it's temporary while they indoctrinate the poor, ignorant trads to accept the Vatican II new Mass which is essentially the Mass instituted by Cranmer under Elizabeth I. 

Remember when the pope and bishops sent priests to England to feed the people with the TLM. Remember when priests died -- hanged, drawn, and quartered -- for the crime of celebrating the TLM? 

Last Holy Thursday, my husband and I attended the Mass of the Lord's Supper at Holy Trinity in Gainesville which has a large traditional community who are now homeless. But, they are not that far from the SSPX chapel in Linden which has an 8:00 a.m. low Mass on Sunday as well as a 10:30 high Mass. Refugees will find a warm welcome there, and perhaps hasten the day when the community can move to its more permanent location.

Another draconian factor is that the TLM is now forbidden during Holy Week and the Easter Triduum. What a slap in the face to the people of God!

And to add insult to injury, parish bulletins may not include locations where the Latin Mass is being celebrated. Heh, heh, heh... maybe the faithful won't be able to find the Masses! 

How petty and childish! Good grief! Are these people grownups?

It makes the pope and his bishops look ridiculous. Do they really think it's that easy to browbeat the faithful into following unjust orders? 

Bishop Burbidge, following the pope's illegitimate and unjust orders, just guaranteed an explosion of new parishioners at the SSPX chapel in Linden and the one in Upper Marlboro, MD. It would have been wiser to follow the admonition of Gamaliel when he told the Sanhedrin not to persecute the apostles. If it's not from God, it will die on its own he told the priests; if it's from God you will find yourself fighting against God.

I have no doubt in my mind which way this is going. We have a pope who breaks the First Commandment with a cavalier smirk. Will orthodox Catholics follow his lead? Not a chance! We will keep the faith, follow the doctrine, and refuse to participate in his blasphemies against God.

Meanwhile in DC, Cardinal Wilton Gregory has smashed the TLM. St. Mary's in downtown which has a large traditional congregation will no doubt go bankrupt now that those supporting the parish have been booted out. A cynical friend sent me an email guessing that Gregory is salivating to have the parish fail so he can sell what is a prime piece of real estate in the city. I think my friend is calling it right. In many dioceses the Almighty Dollar has replaced Almighty God.

Despite all the bad news, I'm not wringing my hands. I read the biography of Blessed Anna-Maria Taigi on retreat. What a holy woman! Wife, Mother, and Mystic. She dedicated her entire life to the truth and to making reparation for the sins of others, including Napoleon, a great enemy of the Church. 

Attacks on the church are nothing new, even attacks from within the Church herself by Judases in cope and miter. Remember the Arian heresy?

So stay in the battle, but don't lose heart. God wins! If we embrace His will, we have nothing at all to fear. 


  1. A reminder on the Portiuncola indulgence, and a comment on your "Francis is pope" stance.

    I am astonished that as "Francis" keeps destroying the Church, you (and many others in the Tradosphere like Matt and Westen) keep calling him Pope. Open your eyes, my dear lady. The only pope we have is Benedict XVI.

    Today being the day of the Portiuncola Indulgence, recall by contrast what the true Francis said:

    “Brethren, I want to send you all to Heaven!”

    Bergoglio's mantra, on the other hand, is: “Brethren, I want to send you all to Hell!”

    Francis the False. Versus St. Francis. By all means take your pick.

    C. P. Benischek

  2. My sympathies go out to all the Traditional Faithful in the Diocese of Arlington. This is a time to stand up and fight and Bishop Burbidge has chosen to go the route of effeminacy. If he thinks this will accelerate his political career in the Church, he's sadly mistaken - Bergoglio and company reward their own and anyone with a history of being conservative or trad-friendly will eventually be tortured.

    For the diocesan faithful everywhere: if there are any bad feelings towards the SSPX, it's time to get over them. They are NOT in schism: our holy father, Pope Benedict, resolved that.

  3. Well said. Hit all the main points. Keep us updated on what happens next.

  4. Catholic family news last week gave some dates to Jorge's scorched earth policy. They said traditiones Custodas will be revised in September of this year bringing more draconian chastisements for attending the Latin mass. They think that May 2023 will be the date all ecclesia dei groups will be shut down. I attend mass in Rockford ICKSP St Marys. After the Chicago shutdown I expect a full house in Rockford this Sunday in addition to the full house we already have. I am kind of cheesed off the institute is very closed mouth. In Rockford it was business as usual with no mention of what was going on in Chicago. It was not until I got home and found out from Memorarie Media that effective Aug 1 all masses are suspended. What gives me hope is the notice read suspended and not cancelled. Also the canons did not sign the Cupich Hillary Clinton style suicide note that the canons would recognise the Novus ordo as the only real Catholic mass and that all future Latin masses had to be at the whim of Cardinal SoupKitchen. I hope the have a plan up their sleeve or I see the domino effect with one oratory after another falling to the modernists. Only thing to do is take each Sunday at a time and each one that I can attend mass in person is a good one.

  5. When things look as if they cannot get any worse in the Church, Our Lady of Good Success said that is when the true restoration will begin! I await that day.

  6. What Arrupe did to the Jesuits is what Bergoglio is doing to the Church. Arrupe was dismissed by JPII. Likewise, Bergoglio needs to be ousted. Thank God for the saintly Archbishop Lefebvre.

  7. ...the Holy Father appeared to endorse the paganistic rituals of the indigenous peoples, stating that “the Holy See and the local Catholic communities are concretely committed to promoting the indigenous cultures through specific and appropriate forms of spiritual accompaniment that include attention to their cultural traditions, customs, languages and educational processes, in the spirit of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.”

    Bergoglio is in Imperfect Communion with Mortalium Animos

  8. The ICK oratory in Chicago posted their "We're closed" sign today.

    Expecting otherwise from Cdl. Cupcake (the name given him by the Chicago Police) was futile, although hope was maintained.

    Ironic that Pp. Franny lectured about 'cultural imperialism' in Canada, no?

  9. When St. Mary's in DC did that renovation and added the new art work I thought it was a bad idea because the Cardinal was not going to let them continue. However, Gregory may not be able to get rid of the parish. It would look bad to close the church with the Chinese Mass and I believe the will of Mr. VanNess, who donated the land says it has to be used for a Catholic church or it goes back to the Van Ness's.

  10. The Driftless area of Wisconsin is a place to consider getting attached to in some way.
    Draw a square 75 miles on each side from LaCrosse east & south. There is much here for the traditionalist Catholic seeking a refuge from the coming Globalist juggernaut.

    1)relatively inexpensive land & houses
    2)fresh water everywhere
    3)all small towns, no cities (except La Crosse which is small)
    4)no rioters, BLM, ANTIFA, homeless (to speak of)
    5)personal freedom (spared much of the covid gestapo)
    6) nearly all smaller independent farms - Amish everywhere

    And the following list of TLM is all diocesan, either Madison or LaCrosse. The single SSPX is closer to Madison in Waunakee. But there is true devotion here. These Catholics provide a community that will prevail. I have been to 5 of the 10, and I know others who can attest to the other 5.

    St Norbert’s Parish (Diocesan, served by the Society of Jesus Christ the Priest)
    8944 County Road Y, Roxbury, WI 53583
    Sunday: 11:00am (now year round)
    Monday-Friday: 6:30am

    One can be anywhere in this square and drive to a Latin Mass in half an hour. And the natural beauty is unending.
    St Barnabas Church (Diocesan, served by the Society of Jesus Christ the Priest)
    113 West Division Street, Mazomanie, WI 53560
    Saturday: 8:00am

    St Mary’s Parish Platteville (Diocesan, served by the Society of Jesus Christ the Priest)
    130 West Cedar Street, Platteville, WI 53818
    Monday-Friday: 6:30am
    Saturday: 8:00am

    St Augustine University Parish (Diocesan, served by the Society of Jesus Christ the Priest)
    135 South Hickory Street, Platteville, WI 53818
    Sunday: 8:00am

    St Mary, Queen of All Saints (Diocesan, served by the Society of Jesus Christ the Priest)
    960 Jefferson Street, Fennimore, WI 53809
    Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 6:30am

    St Mary’s Pine Bluff (Diocesan)
    3673 County Highway P, Cross Plains, WI 53528
    Tuesday 5:30pm (Low Mass)

    ​Corpus Christi (Diocesan, served by the Society of Jesus Christ the Priest)
    Sunday noon

    St Clement's, Lancaster (Diocesan)
    Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: 8:15 am

    Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate)
    5250 Justin Road, La Crosse, WI 54601
    Sunday: 9:30am

    St Mary’s Cashton (Diocesan)
    26441 County Highway U, Norwalk, WI 54648
    Sunday: 12:00pm (High Mass)
    Thursday: 6:30pm (followed by Benediction)
    1st & 3rd Wednesdays (and 5th when there is one): 8:00 am
    1st Saturday: 8:00 am

    One can drive in 30 minutes to a Latin Mass from anywhere within this square. And the natural beauty is boundless.

  11. It is a tragedy. Then again,;I don’t consider “Cardinal” Cupcake of Chicago a legitimate “Cardinal”, or sweetcakes Wilton legitimate either.

  12. When an illegitimate law such as this is imposed, would it be wrong to resist and continue as you were? I know it would be ugly but to just throw your hands up and surrender would be worse(I think).

  13. Burbidge is a spineless tool, a 'company man' from the get-go, a 'weather vane Bishop' who points any direction the wind blows. He does NOT see himself as a Successor to the Apostles but simply as the Pope's factotum.

  14. Via E-mail

    Hi Mary Ann,

    I just knew that you would weigh in on the topic dujour. HolyWilton can salivate to a fare-thee-well. He will never get his hands on St. Mary's. The original deed indicates that when there is no longer a Mass there, the property reverts to the heirs of the original owner of the plot of land. I can't remember the details, so will have to look it up.

    Great article; difficult times. I will stay, as I have from the first Mass on the farm, seated on the bale of hay, with SSPX. We have everything there that we have been deprived of since the abominable V. II. Locked out of our parish at St. John's, and now KICKED out. I understand from Anthony Stein that Roche wrote Burbidge's letter; his was just to issue it. Haven't gone to N.O. Mass in over 10 years except for funerals/weddings and don't intend to start. Protestant service with a consecration inside; no thanks. They can stuff it up their hierarchies!

    Keep up the good work. Nice to see you and Larry in Linden. Sometime, do participate in SSPX retreats. I went to CT last October; retreats are outstanding. I know you are attached to your habitual FSSP w/ Fr. Buckley. I attended once; it was good, but SSPX is superior. And FSSP would never come into existence except for LeFebvre--it was designed as a slap in the face to him. SSPX saved the Church, doctrine, Mass and priesthood. That is all I need to know.
