Thursday, August 25, 2022

The Catfight and Paranoid Accusation


This is the continuation of yesterdays' post with an explanation HERE.

Note: I should have explained yesterday that the authors at the website and the website itself are immensely famous literally across the planet. The two men on the podcast also are famous - or at least very well known. The website is one where I had formerly given great respect to these people because of their experience and status. But no more because how can they defend Nazi terrorism? How can they turn a blind eye to factual events...being so "in the know" and all?  Why do they have such visceral hatred for Russia? 

(Her name) is deluded by believing the Western media controlled by the Deep State and its agenda. But that aside, even if it were true – which it isn’t – why the complaint that Russia is getting weapons from the Iranian Mullahs when the Ukraine has gotten all-l-l-l its weapons from the Collective West? What’s the difference?

None, because if one side can get weapons from several countries, why cannot the other side get weapons from some other countries? What (her name) is saying is that it’s OK for the Ukraine to do something but not for Russia to do the same. Unbalanced reasoning on (her name)'s part.

But then (her name) must love Nazis because of what I mentioned above about Ukraine and the Nazi Bandera to which (her name) remains silent.

Iran *itself* is confirming this:

“Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Confirms Drone Exercises With Russians”

The claim that it is just Western news sources that are claiming this and that it is false is simply untrue. And the West has never denied providing arms to Ukraine for her defense. Why should they?

Oh, Russia can snuggle up to any thugs it wants to to get weapons to murder Ukrainians. We just have the right to point this out. Seems to tick off (my name), though.

And this shows who Russia’s allies are–North Korea, Iran, Hiz’ballah–and it’s not pretty. Then, it shows that Russia is in dire straights if they are reduced to approaching Iran–the claim for many years that Russia had the second greatest military in the world seems to be a canard.

Is (my name) not even bothering to read my replies to his tosh?

In my comment of Aug 14, 2022 at 8:51 pm above I address this. I note that Ukraine, like many European nations, has some neo-Nazis–but not nearly as many as does Russia.

The size of the Azov Battalion was about 300 in 2014, and reached a high point of 900 members the following year, but it appears t have shrunk significantly in more recent years. Not only are not all members neo-Nazis, but the implication that Russia had to invade Ukraine because of a group of less than a thousand neo-Nazis seems bizarre. (Besides, I thought they had to invade because Zelensky used to a comedian?)

Then there is the Wagner Group–which is not Ukrainian, but Russian. And not just Russian. but Putin’s de facto private army. This group is named for Adolf Hitler’s favorite composer.

As of 2017, the Wagner Group had over six times the number of members as the Azov Battalion at its height. Hence, I said that if Putin has a problem with neo-Nazis he should be invading his own nation. Along with Chechen Muslims, the Wagner Group also tried to assassinate President Zelensky, with no luck. They *have* likely murdered journalists, though. Maksim Borodin was thrown from his fifth floor balcony after writing critically about the group. They also appear to have links to the deaths of Russian journalists in the CAR.

And who is acting like a Nazi here? Nothing quite as Fascist as invading your neighbors–and it is not Ukraine that is doing this. And the claim that I love Nazis is grotesque. I have noted many times that I hate Fascism *and* Islam.

Russia is not in “dire straits”. You ignore the fact that there is a world outside of the Collective West. The rest of the world is tired of the West which is run by arrogant elitist globalists of the Deep State, Davos, WEF, etc. The rest of the world is sick of the West bullying them, lying to them, betraying them.

As a result, the rest of the world is shifting away from the West, away from the US and the EU, and now away from the SWIFT system. BRICS is forming with Russia, China, India, Iran, Brazil, South Africa and now possibly Turkey and Saudi Arabia. They’ll have all the money, gas and oil needed while the West, with a vastly depleted USD system, will be powered by the windmills and batteries of their green agenda.

While the West goes the way unto its own death literally by suicide, the REST OF THE WORLD, tired of the West’s bullying and its insistence of Western “values” – abortion-green energy-LGBT-drag queen-transgender etc “values” – will form an alliance where countries will be free from Western “values”. They will thrive, while Europe – and Western civilization with it due in part to their ignorant immigration policies letting in Islam – turns into third world status.

The West has wanted war with Russia for decades in order to plunder her wealth – although God only knows what the EU would do with all Russia’s gas and oil since they’re so hell bent on leather, foaming at the mouth eager to run the world on windmills and batteries – and Ukraine is its opportunity….that is, opportunity to make a regime change in Russia – except Putin’s popularity is at 87%. The Ukraine – not even an EU member – is fighting the war for the EU, US and NATO against Russia. Zelensky is a puppet exactly as Joe Biden is a puppet, strings pulled by their puppet masters of the deep state…the deep globalist state.

The world is changing. Shifting away from the West. Stop blaming Russia. Blame the West for its elitist vicious bigoted hatred of all other countries and peoples – especially its visceral hatred of Russians – all other sovereign nations, bossing them around like the bully on the playground, telling them to “play nice” or else. Or else what? Looks like the bully is getting beat up at the moment. As a result, for the bully to save face, Biden has us on the brink of WWIII with China and Russia. All in a year and a half. Just as the globalists want.

We can agree to disagree and meet on the battlefield.

P.S. The REST OF THE WORLD is that 85% of countries which have NOT sanctioned Russia. They’re sick of the globalist agenda and the West’s bullying.

- - - - - I thought it would end there but she continued...

There is no doubt that there are problems in the West–I have often noted them here myself.

But this is nothing compared to the problems of what passes for Russia’s allies at this point–basket cases like North Korea and Iran.

The only nations that voted with Russia at the UN against the end of the attack on Ukraine were Belarus, Syria, North Korea and Eritrea. This is pretty sad. So much for your global cabal of countries that support Russia.

And I note that you are lauding Saudi Arabia again, along with Iran. These are two of the worst Shari’ah states in the world.

And no–the West is not a “bully” for saying something critical about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

And the idea that Iran and Saudi Arabia have no problem with Islam is beyond bizarre–these are both Shari’ah states. And Russia, sadly, has an increasing problem with its own aggressive, mushrooming Muslim population. Allowing a Shari’ah state on their own soil in Chechnya does not help this situation, whatever you might believe.

And no–the West has never made a grab for Russian wealth–by which, I suppose, you mean natural resources. Sadly, Russia has never allowed average Russians to build any kind of wealth. There was some hope after the fall of the Soviet Union, but then most of the populace fell back into the habit of accepting brutal authoritarianism and Putin as their dictator.

And of course support for Putin is high–for one thing, you can be imprisoned or just assassinated if you disagree with him.

Then, Ukraine is fighting for her own people and her own freedom–the claim that she is only fighting to save her people from liquidation is because many in the EU, US, and NATO support her is exactly backwards. Many Ukrainians remember the Holodomor all too well.

And no–people in civilized nations are not “elitist” for considering this from Russia savagery. I don’t know anyone who hates Russians as such, including myself. I am simply not a fan of supporting this kind of barbaric aggression. In the same way, eighty years ago I would have opposed Fascism, and not because I am irrationally bigoted against Germans, Italians, or Japanese.

As for "agreeing to disagree and meet on the battlefield", now *this* is hilarious! I say some critical things about (my name)'s boy Putin, and he wants to meet me on the battlefield? I’m a woman, 5’1″, 62, and have a bad knee. I guess he’ll show me! (Oh, but I might bring some HIMARS with me–that might change the balance a bit). In the same way, Ukraine is a lot smaller than is Russia, but seems to be holding her own quite well.

And I think I’ve spent enough time countering (my name)'s vicious claptrap, so unless he says something particularly outrageous in reply I think I’ll leave things here.

Well, I’m a woman, 5'4″ and older than you. But, yeah, you might want to bring your HIMARS because I’m in perfect health from decades of galloping race horses. No problem beating you on the battlefield haha! Piece of cake!!

- - - - - I should have made it clear that this was a "proverbial battlefield" because...

Actually, my point above was that (my name) appears to think that the appropriate response to anyone saying something critical about Putin is to threaten to kill them–and then to double down on the likelihood of being able to kill them. Quite troubling–but no real surprise.

I was thinking how bizarre this from (my name) is–then I realized how much of a piece it is with everything else she has said here. If you disagree with her–or with Vladimir Putin–then this in and of itself is grounds for physical attack. She doesn’t have to think I’m a “Nazi”–or even a comedian–just disagreeing is enough to create a battlefield to attack me on.

Now hopefully in (my name)'s case this is just a sick fantasy–unfortunately Vladimir Putin was able to put his fantasy into action. Of course in his fantasy no one fought back…

(Her name) is one sick person filled with vicious hatred, twisting words to suit her own deluded world view.

Classic projection.

- - - - - I let her have the last word because, really, there's no point of trying anymore. 


  1. Another unspoken reality of this Ukraine debacle is that we are transferring our financial lifeblood from us to them. Massive amounts of wealth transfer from American citizens to the Ukraine Corruptocracy. What happened to all the wealth? It flows through their corrupt regime to every corrupt oligarch in alliance. It's just gone - money and weapons, all gone to points around the globe. Who is tracking it. The money flows out ...where is the accounting?

    Some background info -

    As far as I'm concerned, Ukraine is the mechanism through which American citizens fund our own demise by transferring our wealth to the OWG fascist (government-business-military) Oligarchy. We are making this invisible power wealthy for the oppression yet to come.

    Btw, Susan, your interlocutor is as dumb as a box of rocks, and exceedingly irritating. Not worthy of response.

  2. Thank you Aqua. I read that the Ukraine parliament just voted to give themselves a 70% raise. SEVENTY PERCENT. So we know where at least a portion of our money went.

  3. Susan, I think American politicians are getting that money back in their many creative, visionary ways. I suspect it is also filling the pockets of the OWG enemies plotting our demise, Rothschilds, Soros, Gates, Windsors etc. They’re not using their money … they’re using ours. The money transfer precedes the coming persecution. That’s my working theory. And Russia stands as one of the last nation-states, defending its national interests as such. Which is why they are reviled and the nut of what bothers the leftists who prefer to be oppressed.

  4. An "insider's" account of the endemic corruption in Ukraine that is a grassroots feature of their corruptocracy culture, that renders anything that enters their "country" a target for theft.

    This link is a "far left" web site that has some profanity in it. But it is also a first-person account.

    Everything we send over there - all the ongoing Billions of $ and troves of weapons - everything is dispersed, stolen, laundered and disappears into the ether of the leftist Ukraine corruptocracy and all the individuals and States throughout the world in alliance with it. The fact that the U.S. is united behind this disgusting nation, as if it were a super-State of our United States, may very well be the straw that broke the camel's back. This cannot be sustained. We are reaching the end, I do believe - fiscally and morally we are at the end-game.

    Dissipation. Our enemies wait, our real and formidable enemies, while we dissipate our once bedrock financial and moral treasure on the rocks of the perverted Corruptocrats of Ukraine. Ukraine! Who the heck cares about Ukraine? Somehow ... we have entered into a marriage agreement with this hag.
