Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The Ukraine/Russia Debate Before the Catfight

For the past 10 days I've been posting comments on a well known website "debating" with a person who comments on nearly all that site's articles mirroring their point of view. This person might be one of the authors or one of their spouses, an employee or one of their spouses. I have no idea who this person is, however she's obviously someone approved by the website's ownership. 

Since the person thought I was a man because of my comment name she revealed that she's a woman, 5'1", age 62 and has a bad knee. Wanting to even the playing field (woman to woman, because for some reason this person thought the proverbial battlefield to be real) I revealed that I'm also a woman, my age and height and that I'm in perfect health. She then accused me of threatening to kill her!

The following is the mindset of two people - one pro-Russia (me) and the other pro-Ukraine (her). She must listen to the MSM. I do not. I changed the comment names to Me and Her because I have no idea if the website would sue Les Femmes, Mary Ann and me. 

In this post I won't defend my position nor demean hers. You can be the judge of what is said.

It begins with my comment to two men discussing Ukraine and Russia on a podcast.

Part I - The Debate

Discuss this: 
No one mentions the Nazis of the Azov Battalion in Ukraine or Ukraine’s infatuation with Stepan Bandera or the fact that Zelensky is a puppet of the West (Igor Kolomoisky is his sugar daddy buying him a 36 million dollar home in Miami and funding a billion dollar bank account for him) or that RUSSIA IS WINNING THE WAR…or that Russian Sergey Lavrov is the most brilliant diplomat on the planet or that the neurotic EU and Collective West are elitist buffoons stabbing themselves in the foot by sanctioning Russian gas and oil.

No one mentions the genocide of Russians and Russian speaking Ukrainians in the Donbass by the Ukraine Nazi troops over the past 8 years. No mention of Ukraine breaking the Minsk Accords. No one mentions that the BILLIONS AND BILLIONS sent to Zelensky in money to fund the Ukraine government is going into the pockets of the elites (especially cocaine headed former TV comedian Zelensky) and that only 20%, if that, of the weapons make it to the front lines since all the rest are sold on the black market. (Remember that Ukraine was and still is the MOST CORRUPT country in Europe.)

But all will be well for Russia, China, India etc because with Xi’s trip to Saudi Arabia it’s clear that MBS will join BRICS and that soon the USD will be overshadowed by the BRICS monetary system. The United States will become a backwater country – it’s well on the way to Communism at the moment – and the EU will implode. It’s going to be a cold cold winter for Europeans, Germans especially – with no heat because their elite political class sanctioned Russian gas and oil.

The EU and Collective West – especially the Biden Reich House (which no country outside of the West wants anything to do with) want regime change in Russia in order to plunder the vast wealth of all her commodities FOR FREE. Then the West will live happily ever after.

Actually, you hear this stuff from Russian apologists all the time.

There *are*–or were–some neo-Nazis in the Azov Battalion, but these are far dwarfed by the number of neo-Nazis in the Wagner Battalion, which is…Russian. In fact, there are far more neo-Nazis in Russia than there are in Ukraine, so perhaps Putin should invade his own nation?

Then, the idea that getting weapons to defend against an invasion makes you a puppet is very strange. I suppose the only ‘proper’ response for Ukraine is surrender to Russia? Given Lavrov’s admission that Russia plans on the liquidation of any Ukrainians who favor independence and this is what makes them “Nazis”, this is especially disturbing.

By the way, Lavrov’s admitting this may not actually make him a “brilliant diplomat”.

And no–Russia failed in their plot to send Chechen assassins to assassinate Zelensky, and have had to withdraw from the area around Kyiv and from Snake Island and all other parts of Ukraine save for small slivers of the country in the east and south. Given Putin thinking that he’d be able to take the entire nation in just days, how is this Russia “winning”?

As for the Minsk accords, Russia violated them first by invading Ukraine. They not only had vowed never to do so, but said they would defend Ukraine when she gave up her nuclear weapons. So much for that…

And I see the claim again that President Zelensky is a drug addict. This is in fact my “favorite” excuse for Russia supposedly having had to invade Ukraine–out of the dozen or so they regularly trot out.

And are you claiming that Ukraine is pushing Russia back using only 20% of the weapons they have gotten? Wouldn’t this actually be even more embarrassing for Russia if true? (Not that it is).

Then there is more cheering on Russia and China and other unfree states like Saudi Arabia. That you seem to be lauding this as a future for the world is very troubling.

Oh, as far as that cold winter goes, I found a Russia troll claiming that it had become common for Britons to spend their evenings in McDonald’s because they were heated and they were freezing to death at home. Only two problems with this bizarre scenario–it is August, and even in frequently chilly Britain you aren’t going to find people shivering in the Summer; and much of Europe is in fact going through a rather well-known heat wave right now, so this makes even less sense.

So bang on…

(Her name) needs to be red pilled. Poor thing....believing every Collective West piece of propaganda in the leftist MSM.

Note that (my name) is unable to point to a single thing that I got wrong–this should not surprise.

Here is the Lavrov interview: 

This is an inept interview by the BBC, but Lavrov’s own words are damning enough.

Is (my name) implying that this interview was somehow faked? What else is he claiming? He doesn’t actually say...

How *dare* Ukraine fight back? Don’t they know that disappointing Putin is not allowed? He is, after all the new Peter the Great–he’s said so himself.

Ukraine “fighting back”? Yes, just like the West wants it to, to the very last Ukrainian, because Ukraine is fighting a proxy war for NATO and the West. Shame on the Biden Reich House! 

In the interview with Russian Foreign Minster Sergey Lavrov that I posted above he claims that what makes a Ukrainian a “Nazi” is not wanting to be conquered by Russia. He also makes it clear that the goal of Russia in Ukraine is the liquidation of her people. So if you don’t want to be murdered by Russia this is bad. No Ukrainian should be allowed to fight back against this as (my name) would have it. Very disturbing.

(Her name) needs to get a grip on reality. Has (her name) seen the videos of King Zelensky and pals “playing the piano with their penises” back when he was a comedian? He did this act several times.

Of course I have! It’s hilarious! Zelensky and his comedy partner pretend to play the piano with their enormous penises. (Don’t worry–this is actually completely G-rated). Everyone here who hasn’t seen this should take a look! Thanks for the link.

Note that (my name) somehow considers this damning–that if you have a sense of humor you should not be allowed to stand up against savagery. How does that work?

Lots of people who take a stand against aggression have fine senses of humor–including the great Winston Churchill. Should Churchill have excused himself from facing down the Fascists because he could quip about it? I think not.

President Trump *has* condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine, though. In fact, I think it is quite notable that Putin didn’t invade Ukraine while Trump was president. He waited until someone he considered weaker was in the White House

Putin’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine also seems to have emboldened aggression from China, Turkey, and Iran. But given how things are going for Russia these days, they may think again.

Russia WAS provoked by the Ukraine but (her name) is too deluded to understand this. BTW – the Nazi Stepan Bandera is still a huge icon in Ukraine. He’s officially called Ukraine’s National Hero. There’s a 21 foot tall statue of him erected in Lviv in 2007, his 100th birthday was celebrated in several Ukrainian cities, a Bandera postage stamp was issued in Ukraine in 2009, and his 105th birthday was celebrated by a torchlight procession in Kiev in 2014. In 2018 Ukraine’s parliament designated Jan 1st (Bandera’s birthday) as a national holiday and 2019 was dedicated as The Year of Bandera. The Biden Reich House, the Eu and the Collective West support Nazis. They are arming Nazis. They LOVE Nazis…all the while calling the Jan 6 protesters Nazis!

Ah, yes–Ukraine wanting freedom and to avoid the Russian heel is “provocation”. In the same way, Britain “provoked” Hitler by not caving to attacks by the LuftWaffe.

I'm mystified at how Ukraine’s killing of 15,000 ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking Ukrainian civilians in the Donbass over 8 years is an indication of Ukraine yearning for freedom. Seems more like provocation. Also, Snake Island….you fell for the propaganda on THAT hahah.

Hitler was a Nazi. Western Ukraine is Nazi territory. The Russians in the Donbass want to get out from under the Ukrainian Nazi heel. They want freedom.

If (my name) *really* believed that Ukraine was indiscriminately killing ethnic Russians living in Donbass he would have stuck with that, instead of implying that Russia had to invade Ukraine because President Zelensky once did a comedy bit involving a piano.

But Russia itself scarcely mentions this supposed atrocity anymore–as I noted, more recently they have offered excuses for invading Ukraine that include the Ukraine simply not existing, Zelensky being a drug addict, and Putin being Peter the Great–known for his conquests, *not* his protecting Russian speakers.

And in Donbass *itself* over 80% of the population there wanted to stay with Ukraine. That number is probably higher now that Russia has caused so much devastation there.

And note that *no one* in Donbass welcomed the Russian invaders as liberators. There were no crowds in the streets waving Russian flags as the tanks rolled in. Why would that be, if the population there was yearning to live under a dictator like Putin?

The closest Russia came was an elderly woman–since styled “Babushka Z” by Russian propagandists–who waved the Soviet flag at Ukrainian soldiers who were handing out food. She was confused, and thought that these were Russian soldiers and they might not hurt her if she displayed a Soviet flag. So even this single old lady was not the symbol they had desperately hoped for…

The Snake Island mention is probably a reference to Russia saying that it abandoned Snake Island as a “good will gesture” to Ukraine. No mention of why a force bent on robbing, raping, and murdering civilians would suddenly abandon a strategic island as a “good will gesture” to the people it has said must be liquidated. But then, no logic is needed here.

All of (my name)'s recent comments here have been lauding Russian aggression. Very disturbing. Putin has used Chechen Muslims to try and terrorize Ukrainians and to try and assassinate President Zelensky; Putin is trying to get Syrian mercenaries to attack Ukraine; he is getting weapons from the Iranian Mullahs; and Muslim leaders in Russian Imams have issued a Fatwa declaring murdering Ukrainians an act of holiness, and that dying there makes Muslims “martyrs”.

(Her name) is deluded by believing the Western media controlled by the Deep State and its agenda. But that aside, even if it were true – which it isn’t – why the complaint that Russia is getting weapons from the Iranian Mullahs when the Ukraine has gotten all-l-l-l its weapons from the Collective West? What’s the difference?

None, because if one side can get weapons from several countries, why cannot the other side get weapons from some other countries? What (her name) is saying is that it’s OK for the Ukraine to do something but not for Russia to do the same. Unbalanced reasoning on (her name)'s part.

But then (her name) must love Nazis because of what I mentioned above about Ukraine and the Nazi Bandera to which (her name) remains silent.

At this point the catfight begins. Stay tuned for Part II - The Catfight and the accusation that I'm threatening to kill her...HERE


  1. I'm wondering if engaging such a person is worth the effort? Doing so instantly devolves into a pastiche of red herrings, straw-men and question begging. God bless you for trying.

  2. Russia (not the communist Soviet Union) has their stated reasons and pretexts. Listen to or read the words of President Putin himself. They make sense to me. It is no surprise that with expanding nuclear NATO now on the Russian border they would take action in defense of what they have always clearly stated is an existential geo-political region.

    Now compare that to US and our ridiculous WMD pretext - remember the “vial” Colin Powell showed the UN? That was our pretext to aggress, not a nation adjacent to our border but 7,000 miles away. We entered, blew their stuff up, killed thousands of military and civilians in urban war, took out their regime, gave them another government, constitution etc. All based on the WMD lie.

    You tell me which war was begun for more legitimate reasons.

    This person you are referring to … I would be interested to know if she’s willing to put personal skin in her game of total war in support of corrupt Ukraine and President Perv Zelensky. Is she willing to send sons, daughters, grandchildren to fight and die for her cause of victorious Ukraine. Because all war, especially modern war, is ugly, brutal, violent and increasingly lawless and depraved. Most Americans support wars like this because war and its costs will never touch them personally. Faceless volunteers go off to fight and die. It’s what they do. Well, I happen to respect that sacrifice immensely and I for one value their lives enough to demand the cause be debated and justified before asking them to lay it all down.

    No one ever stops to think - would I be willing to lose my child, grandchild; would I be willing to take up arms myself for this cause? We cannot ask others to die for a cause unimportant enough that we would not also be willing to personally lose everything for ourselves.

    I sincerely doubt armchair grandma would send her grandchildren into the Ukraine meat-grinder. It’s not our fight. Our time will come soon enough. And when it does … our survival will be very much in question. THEN there will be no doubt that to fight is our duty. But then - will we have a military violent and skilled enough to prevail? I have my doubts. We are wasting our military on stupid, even illegal wars and our own defense is now in question, at least for me.

    We have serious, growing threats. And we are wasting ourselves on the rocks of the fascist Ukrainian corrupto-State.

  3. About the only other site I routinely comment on is one for California Catholics. There is one person whose comments contrary to Catholic teaching and progressive on masks, vaxx, schools, etc. AT one time I thought this person obtuse. I concluded that this person is mentally incapable of responding rationally or entertain that others might have other opinions and still not be "evil racists repubs". Basically, I stopped responding to that person.
    It's not worth the effort to correct. I dont waste my time. I'd suggest you may want to consider the same here.

  4. Quick response to the very valid observations above (TM and Newguy40) in reference to responding to what are the equivalent of mindless trolls. I have had plenty of experience myself with this very frustrating experience - it has to do with their inability/unwillingness to rationally understand and engage another’s view.

    I am trying to be better at identifying such a one earlier and then be willing to state my own case and my own response to their case … without going into the weed patch of “winning” or “convincing”. Interchange is good, if it’s there. If not, you’re just left with endless back-and-forth in which words are scattered to the digital winds.

    Tough to let go. I’m learning that discipline.

  5. Perhaps I should have explained that the authors at the website and the website itself are immensely famous literally across the planet. The two men on the podcast also are famous - or at least very well known. The website is one where I had formerly given great respect to these people because of their experience and status. But no more because how can they defend Nazi terrorism? Why do they have such visceral hatred for Russia?

  6. After leaving my comment above, I ran across this article about Mass Formation, which gives an excellent reason to continue countering the Narrative publicly, even though it has no discernable effect on the already-brainwashed.

    In a nutshell, history has shown that PUBLICLY countering the false narratives being foisted upon us will prevent the worst excesses of totalitarianism, and speed its inevitable collapse. I had begun, like many others, to think that continuing our protestations against the Leviathan was a waste of time. No longer. In fact, countering the Narrative should perhaps be considered a corporal work of Mercy. So carry on those comment box battles. You'll help prevent the brainwashed from liquidating us if nothing else.

  7. It's so cute seeing dumbass Westerners defend Russia. Don't they learn from history? I mean, Soviets raped half of Europe and pillaged everything that the Nazis didn't have the time to do (oh, and the dumbasses don't even know that their little holy Russia helped the Nazis to arm themselves in the first place - just read about how Sergei Eisenstein's film, "Alexandr Nevsky" went through a ban (during the friends-with-Nazis period) and, then, got popular as wartime propaganda (during Hitler's betrayal of Stalin)), helped spread Communism across the globe, helped to make China Communist (unleashing yet another bloody threat on the world), helped toss the Sexual Revolution and the Cloward-Piven strategy at the Western countries (among all these other things that the "Catholics" here claim to vilify) - yet, they cheer Russia (a state that openly and proudly proclaims itself to be the successor of the Soviet Union in all of it's "glory" and that is headed by - you guessed it - a product of the KGB) at the expense of Ukraine. Don't they get it? Ukraine - first, then Europe. Time and time again, Russia rewards it's useful idiots with camps, prisons, poisonings, death and other vile fates. When will they learn? But, no, the Ukrainians are the bad guys (gee, how dare they defend themselves from the Golden/Toilet Horde)... Surely, they must be Nazis - as said by people who've never been to Ukraine, who don't know a shred of Ukrainian language and who fail to learn anything from history (whose blood was spilled the most by the Nazis and who was considered Untermenschen? "Nazi Bandera" is also a laugh - why don't you mention that he rotted in Sachsenhausen concentration camp from 15 January, 1942 to September, 1944 - some "Nazi" he was. Historical illiteracy really does make people look stupid). "Ukrainians looking for identity" - we've had our national identity since the times of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and our language? That came even earlier, during the times when Varangians traded with us and Byzantium. "American values are the same as Ukrainian values" - oh, yeah, if by American values you mean that American dream of yours, a strong accent towards personal freedom and responsibility, good work ethic, and, of course, a family-oriented culture. There's a lot of overlap; that's why the Ukrainian diaspora there is so strong. So... To avoid being a useful idiot for the Toilet Horde, try learning about the two cultures in question.

  8. According to Soltzhenitsyn Putin was never an agent of the KGB. I guess he knew what he was talking about.

  9. Sviatoslav said: “It's so cute seeing dumbass Westerners defend Russia.”

    They don’t need my defense. Nor does Ukraine. Our southern border on the other hand …

    Why should I care about Russia *or* Ukraine? I don’t. Especially since we are in the process of physically losing our country at the borders and politically losing our country as leftists simply declare our constitutional Republic null and void during the “emergency” that will never end until the coup is over.

    Your interpretations of history from 80 years ago are not relevant, except perhaps in class or on a back porch talking it out among friends. But I don’t care about any of it. Our problems are more immediate and personal.

  10. Putin was indeed a product of the KGB; after all, he was trained in Okhta, Leningrad and studied in Andropov's University in Moscow. Then, he was mainly famous for his stint as a KGB coordinator of the Baader-Mainhof Gang in Dresden. Putin himself claimed that he resigned with the rank of lieutenant colonel in the KGB. But, like with Solzhenitsyn, there are those who dispute these claims - Oleg Kalugin (a former KGB general who defected to the West) claimed that Putin was only a reservist major and never was a lieutenant colonel at all (Kalugin's even harder to disbelieve here, given that he was the youngest KGB alumni to reach the rank of a general and the head of KGB operations in the United States).

  11. Sviatoslav:

    Putin may be a “product of the KGB”. Ok. And? Does that frighten you? It doesn’t matter.

    George Bush was “a product of the CIA”. Again, so what? Should that have disqualified him from Office? Does that render his every act deceptive? Should nations refuse diplomatic relations with an American government led by a former CIA?

    They do what they do - don’t care.
    We do what we do.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Sviatoslav, you are welcome to engage on the issues. Insulting other commenters violates the comment rules. Calling people "dumb ass" is beyond the pale. I will not post any more of your dissertations on this subject. Start your own blog.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.
