Tuesday, August 23, 2022

The Flashlight: Another Former Novice with the Wyoming Carmelites Shares His "Awesome" Experience

Welcome to THE FLASHLIGHT where grifters and gaslighters are trapped and exposed. 

Another former novice with the Wyoming Carmelites has come forward to share his experience with the monks and defend them from the so-called investigation by Christine Niles, chief CM grifter. 

The former novices, all impressive and manly young men, avoid criticizing Church Militant (CM). But in view of the damage CM is doing to the faith by their slander, THE FLASHLIGHT is dedicated to exposing their shameful bias and their willingness to lie in order to advance their agenda. 

What's the agenda? 

It appears to be using real and false scandals to build their Ferndale Empire, make a name for themselves, and to take down as many other Catholic apostolates as they can. They claim on their website that they are the preeminent (or is it premier -- just pick a superlative, any one will do.) Catholic media group in the world, so trashing the competition appears to be a priority. Hey, if you can knock out your competitors, you won't just be the preeminent organization, but the only one. And isn't that what grifters and gaslighters want?
Why should you believe these men, all former novices at the Wyoming Monastery? 

Good question. 

And here's their answer. They spent years, not weeks, not months but YEARS at the monastery unlike the accuser who spent less than a month and his ally who was there for two weeks. The combined experience of the novices defending the monks is OVER SEVEN YEARS! Who's more credible?

Secondly, unlike CM which has big bucks to attack their enemies, these young men are operating a modest website in their spare time, time away from their leisure hours and families to defend the monks who were such a blessing to them. THEY ARE NOT PAID TO DO IT as some have accused them. 

So why should you believe them? 

Watch and listen and read their testimonials. Their videos and testimonials speak for themselves. I would be proud to be the mother of any of these young men.

As for the accusation of violence against Brother Joseph alleged by Augustine Inferrera, CM's whistleblower, the novice, Tyler, witnessed the episode and disputes it. He also disputes the claim that  Brother Joseph put a trowel to Augustine's neck. And during the entire time Tyler was at the monastery he never saw teenagers from the ranch for troubled boys working there, another CM allegation based on the testimony of the troubled kids.

Whose story is worthy of belief? CM's whistleblower and Christine Nile's with all her  ancillary junk that has little to do with the monastery? Or all the former novices standing up on their own with nothing to gain, to defend the priests and brothers of the Carmel?

One thing about grifters -- they never admit they're wrong. They delete info or change the story, but being a grifter is never having to say you're sorry. And when info comes out that makes you look bad, you do a Behind the Spotlight puff piece to make your crackerjack investigator look good in her "pop of color" jacket specially selected for the episode. 

The facade is beginning to crack however. God and the Blessed Mother will not allow this slander against her monks to go unanswered. 

It's time to pull the plug on CM!

Want to do something to fight their gaslighting? Share this information on your social media. Spread it far and wide. Give out the link to our CM pageOrder coffee from the monks, send a thank-you email to these young men, and express your gratitude to Bishop Steven Biegler, bishop of Cheyenne, for his support of the Wyoming Carmelites. 

Bishop Steven Biegler
Diocese of Cheyenne Chancery Office
2121 Capitol Ave.
P.O. Box 1468
Cheyenne, WY 82003-1468

Oh -- one last thing you can do. Ditch Church Militant! Jesus said you can trust a man if he's faithful in small things. The reverse is also true about liars. If they'll lie about one thing, they will lie about everything. CM even lies about things that are easy to check, like their association with sugar daddy Terry Carroll. We have four dozen articles about CM on the blog. Check them out and stop enabling the Church Militant grifters and gaslighters.


  1. I am no fan of CM and did not watch their videos on this matter, but not sure how you are recommending support for these goings on:

    the first day my family met the Prior, my father asked a genuine question about modernism and without warning, the Prior exploded into angry yelling in front of my whole family. My father never raised his voice during this encounter and young children were present. After the Prior finished yelling, he neither answered my father’s legitimate question nor apologized but regarded his anger as “zeal” for the true Faith.
    ... the Prior bragged to the community about how he yelled at my father.
    ...The Prior said several things in an aggressive, yelling voice. The Prior mentioned “beating the snot” out of people...the Prior addressed the entire community about the construction progress of the monastery. At one point, the Prior singled out three monks, Br. Angelus Mary, Brother Augustine Mary, and Brother Isidore Mary, and said that they will live in the stone shop for the foreseeable future to keep their stone cutting machines running all night. The Prior then said that these monks can handle the workload and the isolation because he “beat the melancholy out of them.” ...I was told that Br. Augustine Mary would have to postpone his seminary studies. ...the Prior announced to us novices one day that we were denied our 2 hours of mental prayer because we would become too “introspective” and go crazy. ...The Prior publicly told the community he has a phone recording device on his phone that he left on when making a call. The monks only make calls from cell phones provided by the monastery. I noticed that the Novice Master made comments about my family as if he had listened to my calls to my parents. It is my opinion that the superiors of the Monastery were recording the phone conversations of monks
    with their families without consent.The Prior looked at me intensely and said to go eat more food. I told the Prior that Iwas full. The Prior insisted that I eat more and I begged him not to force me to eat more. The Prior finally allowed me to go...I noted, on the day of my dismissal, Br. Joseph was in noticeable fear and trembling of the Prior as the Prior yelled at me and my family. I suspect that Br. Joseph felt responsible for my dismissal.
    Every day that I worked on the guest house, Br. Joseph, the other monks and I were required—apparently by the Prior—to do a disrobing ritual every morning, daily, before work. In the guest house, the work crew disrobed in front of each other to their underwear to apply lotion all over their bodies. The lotion that was used was a hand sanitizing, re-moisturizing cream. One day, as the novices were filing into the recreation room for class, the Novice Master decided to drop his pants to his thighs for a “joke.” In front of all the novices, the Novice Master walked into the recreation room with his pants down and his underwear completely visible. The Novice Master was wearing form-fitting briefs which were very unsightly to see as he walked into the recreation room.

    When the monks receive haircuts, the custom is to be in only underwear and maybe a t-shirt, kneeling on the bathroom floor while another monk only in underwear cuts hair

    There's much more about recording calls, firing guns at bears which no-one else sees. Wow.

  2. But is all this true? Are these other young men who were at the monastery for a combined total of over seven years deaf, dumb and blind?

    The bishop's investigation apparently did not find all this going on. Frankly, I question the story. Same as I questioned Anita Hill's story about Clarence Thomas.

    What do any of us know about the veracity of Augustine? He's getting plenty of attention from this.

    Why should his word be taken over the other former novices?

  3. Back at St. Isaac Jogues grade school in the 1960s when Nuns WERE Nuns they would tell us "The Catholic church is the one true church outside of which there is no salvation". I am now convinced this is true. If not then why is the Devil spending so much time trying to destroy us and leaving all the other religions alone. This is a prime example in spades! He seems to put much more effort in attacks on the trads. That also should tell us something.

  4. I was a supporter of the Carmel but withdrew my support after seeing that video and corresponding with the Carmel. It was mentioned there was a 'buff body' culture there and a gymnasium. Why on earth do monks need a gymnasium - especially these men who are doing heavy manual labour building the church? When I received a response from the Carmel there was no explicit denial they had a gym, but I was told that the monks have to exercise to 'keep healthy'. Sorry, that doesn't wash, especially with all that physical labour. I've never been to a gym in my life and I'm healthy. If there is a cult of the body there, then that is not a good sign in the religious life. I'm no fan of Church Militant - far from it - but we need to be careful in these days. All that glitters is not gold.

  5. The report states there is a female religious on the premises who walks through the male living areas including once right after they showered and that at least one of the males went in to her house alone. This is definitely not done. Also love bombing where the men tell each other and the female that they love each other, hug each other and engage in other touching. Also no time for mental prayer? Spiritual reading? No time for the rosary? Postpone seminary studies to build this monstrosity because some big unidentified donors want it? No fasting on one of the TWO days. They work so hard they become sick from one day of fasting? Surely your witnesses vouching for the place can easily verify these things. If one doesn't have a 'traditional' background/formation one wouldn't necessarily know these things are not what Therese of Lisieux did. If promised to be a priest in 7-8 years but no formation being given and no other men but two ordained out of there? Told to avoid and practice mental reservation w/one's family. Told wild animals or the neighbors will attack them if they visit. Making fun of each other and reporting each other. Force feeding. Prior commenting on size of someone's butt in front of the whole monastery. This is cult/bullying/domination stuff. I agree w/the report writer that the prior does not have sufficient background to run a monastery--nor the novice master who takes down his pants as a 'joke.' The place has no affiliation w/the carmelites. To me it is another maciel/voris/opus dei type operation where sacks of duped faithful Catholic's money are given to the bishop and Rome to close their eyes and shrug that men who go there are 'adults.' [I do remember in one of the newsletters I rec'd recently the prior or whoever writes it lamenting/commenting that for all the 'vocations' they get there, most leave (or dismissed?!). That is another thing that can be easily verified from these men lauding the place (even though they found they did not have a vocation--but maybe they did have a vocation if they'd gone to a real monastery).

  6. Putting all of this aside, what is their canonical status? What is their prospect for having more of their men ordained, given that, I presume, their priests are technically diocesan, because this Carmel doesn’t have the authority to incardinate members. I would think that they are out of luck for getting more priests, under the current situation. Will that send them towards the SSPX, and would they be accepted? There are plenty of questions as to the future of well established traditional communities, and morefor the fledgling ones.

  7. Okay, Anonymous, I posted two of your long comments quoting Augustine's dossier. I'm not posting any more. People can go read it on his website.

  8. Sounds like some of the CM folks are posting rebuttals here while posing as non-CM folks. Sorry Michael, Christine and your Anonymous friends here: your credibility is shot. The young men who actually spent time at this monastery come across as sincere, devout and grateful for the experiences they gained while discerning their vocations. The rebuttal posts here have just enough tabloid style sensationalism that draws a parallel with the style one reads/hears on CM.

  9. I think you hit the nail on the head, Andrew. We had four different visitors from within half an hour of Ferndale, CM headquarters, this afternoon, all on The Flashlight post. I don't have any malware on the site to collect info and track visitors to the blog, just a basic free statcounter. I'd start keeping track of these folks if it wasn't too much trouble. I just don't care enough. Life is too short and I have grandchildren to play with -- not to mention about 80,000 bees and eight chickens.

  10. Hi Mary Ann
    Re: the above comment about CM folks leaving comments here - although this is the first time I have commented on this site, I can assure you, I am not CM and have no time for them at all. I believe you know the Editor of Catholic Truth Scotland blog. We are long-standing friends. She will vouch that I am not a CM plant. I completely agree with what you said - that CM seems hell bent on taking down other Catholic apostolates. Their motives? I cannot say with any certainty, but having read E Michael Jones' booklet on CM called 'The Man Behind the Curtain: Michael Voris and the Homosexual Vortex' it gives some alarming insights into what is going on at CM. Having said that, even organisations such as CM are not always wrong 100% of the time, and I wouldn't dismiss criticisms of the Wyoming Carmel out of hand. It's that blind trust - even in traditional Catholics - that can lead to abuses. I think the best thing would be for someone in the USA (I live in the UK) to contact the local Ordinary, and ask the current status of the Carmel and whether he has any concerns. At the time, I did email the only address I could find on the Cheyenne diocese website but received no response.
    God bless

  11. Mary Ann,

    Just a quick visit to vouch for Kevin's integrity. He is definitely not a Church Militant infiltrator - far from it. Kevin has been a personal friend of mine for many years now, and he thoroughly researches information - I've made good use of his Sherlock abilities over the years when trying to work out the truth about situations like this CM/Carmel situation.

    I've not studied the situation myself so I can't give any definitive opinion, but from what I have seen and read, there does seem to be smoke, with or without the fire! Kevin's observations about the gym certainly ring true - that is NOT something of which either the foundress, St Teresa of Avila, or the Little Flower, St Therese, would have approved. Carmelite spirituality is, in essence, "God alone". There's something "off" about a gym inside a Carmelite monastery.

    Anyway, Kevin is no CM plant - that's a fact.

  12. Thank you, Kevin and Patricia. I appreciate your input. Patricia, you know I respect your work very much. Thank God there are people trying to be faithful to God and to defend the truth.

    Just a few observations.

    Bishop Biegler did send an investigative team to the monastery and apparently did not find it to be the hotbed of perversion alleged by CM. CM claimed he confirmed Augustine's accusations which was untrue. His letter to Augustine simply thanked him for coming forward and said they asked for a few things to be corrected without specifying. If the monastery is the hotbed of gay grooming alleged by Augustine, one would think the bishop would have taken more stringent measures. Not to mention that the former novices wouldn't have noticed.

    As for the "gym," what are we talking about? A few weights, a bike, and a treadmill? It would be interesting to see a photo of this "gym." Our diocesan retreat house has a "gym" with two pieces of equipment, a bike and a stair stepper. I use hand weights myself. I want to maintain enough arm strength to lift 30 or 40 pound boxes of honey frames.

    Think of the Wyoming winters. Is it unreasonable to believe that men who do serious manual labor need to maintain strength for when the weather improves to avoid injury? I think this is a mountain out of a molehill. It is not a moral issue.

  13. Thanks for your warm welcome, Mary Ann - I don't know how my email address appeared there, when I signed in as EditorCT although I would prefer Patricia. "I baptise you EditorCT" doesn't have quite the same ring to is as my dear Irish name!

    As I said, I don't really know much about this Wyoming situation and I do take your point about the gym - there may be an argument for it, in terms of basic physical strength. I think these days, though, there is more cause than ever for priests and brothers to be careful to avoid giving any impression of being under the influence of the "cheerful" movement! I don't imagine they'll be doing their gymnastics in their Habits...

    Similarly, I don't know anything about the US bishops, so I searched for Bishop Biegler and found this page - the fact that he has evidently said little to nothing on all the key moral issues of our time is a tad worrying.

    I would imagine that pulling the wool over Bishop Biegler's eyes wouldn't be too difficult. He is unlikely to see what he doesn't want to see.

    In conclusion, let me be clear; I cannot STAND Church Militant, have published several blogs challenging them over the years, and I know that Kevin is not a supporter either. So my comments (and I believe Kevin's as well) are as a result of focusing on the issues/evidence, not in any way keen to believe them - trust me. As we all know, though, even a broken clock is right twice a day! One of these days, I'll have an original thought!

  14. Good points, Patricia. We all need to keep our eyes wide open, but I've been very impressed with the former novices, none of whom gives the impression of being light in the loafers. Maybe at some point I can engage with one or more of them and ask some questions about their experience of day-to-day life at the monastery.

  15. Mary Ann,

    That would be interesting - to hear first-hand from the former novices, although, in the nature of things, it is normal to keep novices out of many things that are perfectly legitimate (in the life and business of any monastery)so if they were sincerely seeking the religious life, and there was something untoward going on, they may have been left genuinely in the dark.

    As for "think about Wyoming winters" - I'm too busy trying NOT to think about our next Scottish winter and shivering with cold at the thought of it!

  16. I'm wondering if my Tshirt color "pops" enough sitting here at my computer.

  17. I could understand why someone who is critical of CM and their expose would want to stay Anonymous. Look what CM is doing to RTF. Michael Vortex reminds me of L. Ron Hubbard. scientologist regularly file lawsuits. In fact, "anonymous" responders who agree with and or support CM's claims about Carmel should list their names, knowing that David Miscavige,
    I mean, Michael Vortex would financially help them file a defamation law suit.

  18. I forgot to mention the pic--that alone is enough to show this monastery is not traditional. No normal man (or woman) would put up w/people draping themselves around them and calling it 'love bombing.' Also particular friendships. It is a scandal that he is 'dismissed' for no other reason than speaking to his family which he had permission to do. Until reading the report didn't realize how much covid played into it--maybe that was the reason for scrubbing down w/sanitizer (still should be done in private). But w/no access to the internet (only thing I agreed w/--but candidates should have been informed) and sudden announcement that you are locked in due to this virus w/no visitors (never happened b4 in the history of the US). But anyway I am posting again because since you put so much stock in Biegler, I briefly looked him up on the internet. Don't think you can count on him to protect anyone against sodomites in religious life.

    Wyoming bishop downplays homosexual nature of most abuse in Church
    Wyoming bishop downplays homosexual nature of most abuse in ChurchCHEYENNE, Wyoming, September 7, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) — The Bishop of Cheyenne has released a statement playing down the fact that the majority of victims of clerical sexual crimes against minors in the Catholic Church have been teenage boys.
    In a blogpost called “Just the Facts”, Bishop Steven Biegler complained that many of the people writing about clerical sexual abuse are “poorly informed.”
    “Much of what has been written is far from the facts, and some are positing conclusions which are ridiculous,” Biegler wrote. “Maintaining a sane perspective through accurate analysis is needed more than ever.”
    Even rumors about Fr. Martin have made headlines. In February 2020, EWTN-owned Catholic News Agency published an article based on the claims of a few anonymous US bishops, who suggested that Pope Francis had expressed negative opinions about Fr. Martin and his ministry to gay Catholics during their ad limina visit to the Vatican. Even after the story was described as baseless by two other bishops (Archbishop John Wester of Santa Fe and Bishop Steven Biegler of Cheyenne) who were present at the meeting and were willing to put their names behind their words, the suspicion has remained, damaging Fr. Martin’s reputation in the eyes of many American Catholics. This has all transpired although Fr. Martin has insisted that he does not reject the teachings of the Church on sexuality and marriage, and he has promised submission to his own superiors, including the pope.

    Several bishops in the U.S. have released a statement in defense of LGBTQ youth, telling the youth that “God loves you” and “God is on your side.” …The bishop signatories, eight so far, are: Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, Archbishop John Wester of Santa Fe, Bishop John Stowe of Lexington, Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego, Bishop Edward Weisenberger of Tucson, and Bishop Steven Biegler of Cheyenne. Two retired auxiliary bishops, Bishop Thomas Gumbleton of Detroit and Bishop Denis Madden of Baltimore, also signed. Other bishops are invited to add their names.

  19. Re: The Hart investigation. What better way to play it than that the Bishop is going after him? There are 200 allegations against Hart. What evidence did Biegler cover up in the archives? But no one suspects because Biegler is instigating the investigation. Who publicizes Hero Biegler? CNN/Crux/Nat’l Cath Reporter. And what happens to Hart? NO criminal charges. NO Vatican charges.
    6.12.2020. No criminal charges
    1.26.21 No vatican charges –
    But Biegler is great. Vatican is bad.
    Other things from bio: bailey biegler (she/hers) in SD championing sodomy for the college paper. Biegler is from SD. Late vocation (you can read bio on wiki) Selected for NAC. Ordained by Chaput who is Opus Dei. Serves under Cupich in Rapid City.

  20. I'm not trying to throw accusations toward Augustine Inferrera's sexuality, but could it possibly be that he's "undecided" in his attitude toward women? If so could it possibly be that he viewed all the things he accused the monks of as temptations against his own "undecided" sexuality?

  21. Anonymous,
    It seems to me the very fact you posted this shows that you are trying to raise doubts about Augustine Inferrera's sexuality, when there is absolutely no evidence he is conflicted about it at all - it seems you're trying to put doubts into others' minds about this in order to justify the Carmel. It just shows how standards have dropped. Just because a man doesn't want to be around a load of other nude men in a MONASTERY (we're not talking about a secular situation here, like a communal military shower) or be physically attacked by another monk (who was charged and pleaded guilty) or finds it inappropriate that a novice master gives spiritual direction in his underpants, doesn't imply in any way, shape or form that he is conflicted about his sexuality. It actually shows he has some standards and moral fibre, to stand up to this kind of thing. I wasn't going to say this - I had mentioned it in a private email to the Editor of Catholic Truth, but there is a certain kind of traditional Catholic who thinks that trads are beyond reproach and that any criticism of trads is an unjust attack - whether it's made by CM or anyone else. The fact is, areas of the traditional movement have had occasional problems with sexual abuse as well. We need to acknowledge that.

  22. Hello again, everyone!

    I've now watched the CM video and the videos where the seminarians defend the monks.

    The one thing which, in my humble opinion, is utterly damning of the monks is the communal showering - a major offence against purity. There is absolutely NO excuse for that, whatsoever. That carries a massive "Warning - Danger!" sign - no question about it. And in passing, the business about the novice master hugging, the photo of him with Augustine: that kind of touching/hugging is strictly prohibited in the authentic Carmelite Order, as are all forms of particular friendships. So, these aspects of the life are of serious concern to anyone who understands the religious life, and the Carmelite Order in particular. The hug photo, while of no consequence in secular life, has always been regarded as a serious fault in Carmel. Of course, these days everything is more lax, but in terms of what would be acceptable in authentic religious/Carmelite life, that falls well outside the boundaries.

    One of the seminarians who defended the monks denied that there had been an assault but there are court records, which we saw on the CM video, so again, just as in that one major offence against purity being damning in and of itself, even one such contradiction in the testimony of the "seminarians for the defence" casts doubt on all the rest.

    I repeat, I absolutely can't stand CM, but I think, too, that we all have to be very careful about not falling into the dangerous trap of routinely defending someone, priest or community of religious, because they are - real or imaginary - "traditionalists". Believe me, I've been there, done that, bought the T shirt, and I have had to come out openly to admit that what we used to call the "crisis in the Church" is now more accurately termed an almost total apostasy and that it has spread very far and is very deep; we must admit it when we find it in the most unexpected places.

    It's right to be grateful when we find priests who offer the Traditional Latin Mass as we find ourselves in danger of drowning in the sea of modernism around us, but it's also wise to remember that even a lifeboat can spring a leak... I'll put it no more strongly than that!

  23. Usually the testimony of former members of any community regarding that community's state and integrity should always be taken with a grain of salt since, invariably, such testimony is highly critical. That surely is not the case here! What a profoundly edifying event that former novices can offer such heartfelt and positive words regarding their lives with with the Wyoming Carmelites. Lives measured in years not days.
    Christine Niles' reportage on the accuser was without any probative value or grasp of monastic existence. The cinematic effects alone undermined any sense of objectivity. Ultimately it left me with the perception that her maternal instincts were seduced by the innocent boyish visage and comportment of the fragile accuser. It might be termed a "mommy crush." She and he are not reliable. It seems that Church Militant has deep psycho-sexual preoccupations which go beyond the appropriate even during our epoch of infamous ecclesial disorientation. Church Militant in its urgent appetite for credence and readers has lost any respect it once claimed to possess. Indeed, that reputation now appears to have always been erroneous. It is pathetic to be regarded a lowbrow National Catholic Enquirer, and that is the fate it has earned for itself.

  24. At this point, any religious who comes under attack from CM should take it as a badge of honor. The fact that CM has chosen to attack the SSPX and the Carmelites with such venomous slander speaks volumes. If this was 2,000 years ago, I have no doubt Voris, Niles and company would be accusing the apostles of being a bunch of corrupt homosexuals. To all of these “anonymous” posers here: Is this what you went to journalism school for? To work for a sleazy, tabloid that only draws attention because of sensationalism? What’s going to happen when (not if) you leave CM? Do you really think any respectable Catholic or even secular publication will move your resume to the top of the list? Please, for the sake of your souls, think about where you are and what you’re getting from it.

  25. Andrew Dunn
    You obviously didn't read some of the comments above. Not all of us are CM supporters - as mentioned before, far from it. Neither myself, or Patricia, Editor of Catholic Truth Scotland blog have been 'Anonymous'. If you really must know, my full name is Kevin Peter Joseph Rowles. I live in the UK. I have more important things to spend my money on than Michael Voris's tonsorial arrangements. I am not, nor have ever been, a journalist. I know that Patricia wouldn't ever describe herself as a journalist either. Speaking for myself, this has nothing to do with sensationalism. It has everything to do with the pursuit of truth. I think we all agree that CM is abysmal. But as I said before, it doesn't mean that CM is 100% wrong, 100% of the time. For the sake of YOUR soul, please stand back a bit from this situation and exercise a little prudence and caution. All will be revealed in the end, right or wrong. I am not totally condemning the Wyoming Carmelites. There are just too many alarm bells ringing for my liking.
