Friday, August 25, 2023

Colonel Douglas Macgregor Makes a Lot of Sense: Get Out of Ukraine NOW!

This interview is worth every minute of watching. Macgregor makes it clear that a lot of the Ukraine insanity is about money. And the warmongers are willing to destroy the country to get it. We are overreaching and spending money we don't have. "It's the uniparty....I don't see any good outcome from any of these candidates [for president]....This war is a catastrophe. The people bathing in blood are in Kyiv and Washington, not in Moscow....Ukraine is an exercise in fraud, deceit, and criminality....When is it going to stop? When are we going to help Hawaii?....this is the problem. It is America last on every level....This cannot go on; it's got to end." 

Watch the interview. Macgregor is a man of reason and wisdom. May God give us more like him. And may the American people wake up before we are "pushed over into the abyss."


  1. Oh, yes, the same guy who's been crowing that "Ukraine is about to fall" for more than a year. Give him his meds already...

  2. Ukraine would have fallen in the first month if not for us. The U.S. is responsible for the devastating loss of life over there much more than the Russians. Have you taken your meds today?

  3. 100%. This “war“ is being waged for two reasons: 1. Money, laundering, 2. To clear out our inventory of old military equipment. At the outset, there may have been an underlying goal for a base on the border of Russia. However, the shadows that are running this operation realized quickly, they would not achieve this goal. The remaining two goals are good enough for them…

  4. "Ukraine would have fallen in the first month" - that's funny. Real funny. Because, in the end, we were the ones to tear apart (while the US wanted for it to remain) the Soviet Union after surviving multiple genocides and WW2. Chechnya and Afghanistan also managed to defeat Muscovy in direct engagements. And we are stronger than Chechnya and Afghanistan combined. "The US is responsible" - only in a way, by taking our nukes, with the proverbial blood in the water attracting the cannibals (foolish Muscovite cannibals should've read the Bible. Our ancestors were described in the book of Jeremiah as a lion that came from his thicket - that was the Scythian stomping of Assyria and Babylon). But US didn't attack Muscovy (Muscovite cannibals did all that on their own. They were doing that more than 500 years before the US existed).

  5. Mr Sviatoslav:

    Still playing the coward? Hiding behind a false name? Still willing to fight to the last Ukraine boy? Have you joined the Ukraine Legion yet? Have you gone to the front and fought?

    Of course not. You are a classic war monger. Cheering for war, blood shed and destruction from a place of safety.

    God hates a coward. Give up Nazism. Turn to Christ.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  6. Sviatoslav,
    WWII ended 78 years ago with the defeat of the Nazis. You're crude....calling Russians cannibals. If this were my blog, you'd be banned.

  7. who control the Ministry of the Interior Troops (aka National Guard) and reverting Christians, both Ukraine and Russian. The Nazis had been murdering reverting Christians all across the Ukraine; but in the Donbas the reverting Christians broke into the old Soviet armories and armed themselves. It was only after 8-years of warnings that the Russian Federation Army intervened on the side of the reverting Christians.

    Only Our Lady can resolve this mess now. I beg all to pray the rosary for peace. Our Lady under the title of "untier of knots" has resolved many difficult problems in the past. And now NATO faces nuclear war with Russia. Now, more than ever,we need her protection.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  8. "Ukraine" is a fake nation. It is and always was a part of Russia and if you don't believe me, it doesn't take a lot of research to find out that Kiev was once the capital of Russia. All Ukrainians speak Russian because it's basically the same language with a few nuances. If you are Ukrainian and you are still supporting the Zelensky/Biden/globalist talking points, you are a traitor to your people. This valley of tears in which we live is temporary, and will determine where we spend all of eternity. If some faggot zionist is bulldozing the Orthodox (and Catholic) churches in the land of Rus, now known as Ukraine, with full support from the Biden crime family and RINO evangelicals makes you feel good right now, then think for a minute what it will mean when President Putin's patience runs out and the faggots, trannies and 'allies' sadly calling the shots running the U.S and NATO military do when he decides that the world would be better without such evil people, and God tells His Angels not to hold back, agreeing 200 percent with Putin. We know from Fatima that Russia - not Ukraine - has a future in God's graces. So F Zelensky, Biden, Obama, Schwabb and the rest of satan's disciples. Get down on your knee and pray the Rosary for Russia.

  9. "Hiding behind a false name" - as opposed to a fully-mythical "Richard W Comerford"? "Have you joined" - have you purchased a ticket to your beloved Muscovy? When will you move? Come on, Richard. Stop being so hypocritical - stop cheering for the Muscovite cannibals from a conveniently safe country. Come over here, to Ukraine - since you are a believer in unstoppable Muscovite ubermenschen coasting from victory to victory, why don't you join in this "holy victory"? Heck, if you're lucky, you might even steal a toilet or a Nutella from a bourgeois Ukrainian home before a HIMARS or something whacks you. God indeed hates cowards and hypocrites - except you don't believe in God and we all know it.

    "Crude" - that's the truth, Susan. Read Herodotus, Ammianus Marcellinus, Plinius the Elder and the actual Muscovite chroniclers about the bloodthirsty rulers of Muscovy (how Peter the First forced his companions in Netherlands to tear apart a cadaver's muscles with their teeth), the constant famines (http:/ - here, a Muscovite actually posts a guide on how to eat people!!!) and, of course, such facts as Khanty-Mansy OMON literally EATING Chechens during the two Chechen wars.

  10. I think Susan is right, Sviat. Go haunt another blog.

  11. Mr or Miss Sviatoslav:

    It is a felony crime in the USA to false claim as your own a legal name with its accompanying social security number. My legal name is Richard W Comerford. The social security number assigned by the government to my legal name is 037-36-7062. Now go ahead. Report me to your Reich Commissars for daring to advocate for peace. However you are a war mongering, Nazi coward who sends young me to die in a senseless war while you hide in safety.

    This terrible war is not a matter of who is going to be the win. Both sides have already lost. The matter at hand is to end the fighting. (BTW, Now as evidenced by the record since day-2 of the "special military operation" I have, under my legal name, publicly called for an immediate cease fire followed by a just peace.)

    Save your immortal soul. Turn away from Adolf Hitler. Embrace Jesus Christ.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  12. Here's some news from Ukraine:

  13. Here's some news from Ukraine:

    The US should stay away from this fight between two equally corrupt and vicious regimes.

  14. Mr Barrieau:

    You are absolutely right. But we are right in the middle of this fight, Indeed it is our fight.NATO, led by the USA, is not only funding, equipping, training and organizing the Ukraine Army but vetoing peace agreements.

    IMO only are Lady under her title "Untier of knots" can bring peace. Please, I beg, pray the rosary for peace.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  15. Youtube is already banning this apparently to "hot" Douglas Macgregor interview with Tucker Carlson ...

    By doing so, it gets eben more interresting for even more people !   

    Youtube is censoring to often ... but they found en excuse for this one too ..!  

    E.g. Youtube titel: 

        Tucker: Ep. 18 Into the abyss: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now

      from the youtube channel:   

    Tucker Carlson on Twitter ( Fan)

  16. The interview is still here:

    Ukraine, like Covid, is an IQ test. Idiots support Ukraine in this war, just as idiots willingly masked and pumped themselves with experimental poisons.

  17. Tucker Carlson is of the opinion that the Regime in power will manufacture a true emergency, hot war with Russia, to use military war declarations to preclude any challenge to their powers. I agree.

    I couldn’t find the relevant five minute excerpt where he makes his case that the regime and their RINO allies are leading us into a war, which we will lose, and after which America as we’ve known it will end; through which we will suffer in ways unimaginable, unless you know history in which case you know how this ends.

    I can believe evil and therefor insane leftists propose going down this path, but it is inconceivable and I can’t believe otherwise rational conservatives, especially Catholics favor it. It is patently obvious, as explained within this linked Tucker interview, that the American collapse, led by the leftist regime, breaking ourselves in the far-away lands, battlefields and bank accounts of Ukraine and its Oligarchs is well advanced. But we continue on, enthusiastically - march, march, march to our national demise.

    Here’s the video.

    And if you need a morale restorative … here’s Tucker interviewing the Christian grownup in the room - Hungarian PM Victor Orbán -

  18. I finally got the relevant excerpt to work for re-posting ... Tucker Carlson explaining in 5 minutes why he believes the current leftist US regime (with their useful RINO allies) is going to commit us to a hot war with Russia, and therefor also China, for the sole purpose of retaining their own power by subverting Constitutional restraints through emergency war powers declarations and edicts. It will make the Covid era look like a warmup act.

    This warning, coming after his trip to Romania and Hungary, his interview with Ukranian neighbor PM Vikto Orbán, is well worth 5 minutes of your time.
