Friday, October 27, 2023

Courses at Hillsdale College are Worth Checking Out!

Hillsdale College, Home of Imprimis

We never stop learning from the time we are in the womb where we can hear our mother's heartbeat and her voice. A child is born having an intellect infused with the natural law and the gift of free will. The intellect was given to us to study the world and recognize and learn the truth. Our free will was given to us, not to choose to do whatever we want, right or wrong, but to choose the true, the good and the beautiful, in other words, to choose the will of our Creator.

There are many "teachers" out there whose goal is not to teach the truth, but to pervert and corrupt. 

...which gives rise to several questions:

What will we choose to study? 

Who will we choose to be our teachers?

How can we be sure that what we are "learning" is the truth?

That's just the beginning and I'm sure you can think of many other questions.  

Every month my husband and I get Imprimis, a pamphlet with a lecture given at Hillsdale College. They are little gold nuggets covering a variety of issues by experts in the field. I always read them. They are a valuable source of information and offer much food for thought. The most recent issue was titled Inside the Transgender Empire. It identifies the money and politics fueling an insanity which is consuming many of our kids.

Right now I'm in virtual attendance at the course, The American Left: From Liberalism to Despotism. Anyone with eyes to see who hasn't swallowed the Left's incessant poison through immersion in CNN, NPR, MSNBC, Google, Facebook, and other media disinformation knows our country is in serious danger. It begins with turning our kids over to the indoctrinators using lust and lies to corrupt their minds and hearts. If you can brainwash the young with your lies, you own the future. And it appears the Left is doing a pretty good job.

Check out Hillsdale's courses for yourself. I don't agree with everything they present, but they raise serious issues and explore them with civility and reason. They use facts, not feelings, to teach. Would that we all had teachers who do the same.


  1. I believe I too was a victim of brainwashing through immersion. I was taught to memorize, believe and obey - no questions asked.

    It wasnt until college that I realized I had not learned how to think for myself. Since that time, to this day, and for the rest of my life, I will question everything.

    I have learned some, and will contiue to strengthen more, by ability to discern. Serenity to accept what I cannot change, courage to change what I can and wisdom, discernment, to know the difference💕🙏

  2. Something one can learn from should one choose to accept these "facts."

  3. The feds went after all the ethnic neighborhoods in the cities with their urban renewal. See E. Michael Jones, The Slaughter of the Cities.

    And then Planned Parenthood targeted black neighborhoods for abortion businesses which explains why a group that represents only about 12% of the population has almost 30% of the abortions. Discrimination and eugenics.

  4. I also agree that you were brainwashed, Susie, by the liberal nuns at Archbishop Keogh passing contraceptives around the classroom and by the liberal professors at University of Maryland, but most of all by the liberals in show business. Memorizing prayers and doctrine is no more brainwashing than memorizing the multiplication tables. Mom and Dad "immersed" us in the truth. I thank God they did!

  5. I concur with your recommendation to read Imprimis and watch the free courses. For those so inclined to travel they do have free events/speakers on campus and throughout the United States. While not a Catholic school they do have many Catholic students and professors. Every year a number of students join the Church at Easter. And I know of a number who after graduation eventually joined the Church. Reading the classics and exposure to the good, the true and the beautiful will do that.

  6. A comment on segregation by design.
    It is the most human instinct to live with and near the people we agree and identify with. You can conduct a personal experiment on this statement and look at where you live now, and in the past, then look at your parents, siblings, friends.
    Are you white? Do you live in a predominantly white neighborhood? Have you always? Did you ever seek to live in a culture foreign to you? Of course there are outliers, after all a little pepper with your salt makes a better steak!

    In short, segregation in our lives is a natural action. So I say that institutional segregation by government as just the outflow action of what we do personally for the most part. Just look at immigration in the US past 200 years and the neighborhoods that developed from it. This is a natural human thing and is not wrong.

    What is wrong is to work to undermine the other groups and treat them as anything but one of Gods creations. Abortion, aside from it being and inherent evil, it is also such a movement to undermine groups of Gods creations…

    Frankly the element of pushing different groups closely together is a government planned evil. Cultures always had a difficult time mixing. One or both cultures MUST change its morals and customs for peace to emerge. The culture that’s emerging from modern “diversity is our strength” government programs is what is bad. They know Catholics must stop being Catholics to get along with government programs. It will get worse in coming years..

    Be proud of your Catholic faith, whether it come from Ireland, England, Italy, Spain, Egypt, or other tribe. Live Catholic and grow your local community strong, Soon you will find more commonality with that near neighborhood of Spanish Catholics, Ethiopian Catholics, or even Italian Catholics who do the same…

  7. Great comment Tu,

    During college I once went home with a classmate from the Italian section of Brooklyn. On Sunday there was a big family dinner with a table full of immediate and extended family. Those were the days when there were ethnic neighborhoods and even Catholic churches served various ethnic groups.

    My great grandparents were immigrants who settled in a big German enclave in Wisconsin. Lots of Germans ended up there because the farmland was cheaper. My great grandfather wasn't a very successful farmer and ended up running a store.
