Thursday, October 26, 2023

Is Armageddon on the Horizon? Sure Looks Like It!


  1. Where the hell are Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan, the move on dot ogres, and all the other celebrity anti-war protesters? This, and the whole Ukraine proxy war are 100x more dangerous than Afghanistan and Iraq were.

  2. I thought we were heading to war with Russia. That didn't happen...yet. Wonder if this is just all talk? I think so. But do I think the end of the world is coming? Yes. But I think we are all contributing. Find solace where you can.
    "Do not fear for I am with you."

    I don't listen to Tucker Carlson

    Thank you for reading.

  3. Susie,

    Really, you "literally can't believe the facts Tucker Carlson tells you," but you can believe the radical, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and all the other liberal drive-by media?

    Of course, you are right that we all contribute the disaster in the world because we are all sinners and sin is the cause of all unhappiness, violence, etc. As G.K. Chesterton said, "What's wrong with the world? I am." That's why I need the Catholic faith and the sacraments, especially Confession and the Eucharist.

  4. I think what is needed here is love and kindness and mercy and generosity and understanding and courage and patience etc -
    Those are what I believe are part of any honorable spiritual tradition. The question might be, what do they look like when practiced? Please show me.

  5. Susie, this article from NPR you shared immediately starts off by accusing Tucker of being a "racist" without any factual evidence to support that charge. So, from the get-go, NPR is NOT showing love, kindness, mercy, etc.
