Thursday, May 16, 2024

It's a Spiritual Work of Mercy: Pray for the Living and the Dead.

I got a message this morning from a dear friend whom I've known since she was a teenager. I did a reading at her wedding back in the early 80s. She asked for prayers for her daughter, a busy mom of many, who is in the hospital with pneumonia. I've received many prayer requests lately: from a young father who's very sick, from an internet friend who lost his job and is near retirement age with not even a thin parachute for his golden years, from a number of sick family members including my sister in a nursing home, and from a number of other suffering souls. I've been keeping the Poor Clares busy with all the requests for their intercessory prayers.

Yesterday going through my rosary box, I read dozens of names on holy cards commemorating the long list of friends who've reached the finish line ahead of me. So many dear ones who worked with me when I was the pro-life coordinator at St. Louis church in Alexandria. Some I shared paddy wagons and courtrooms with after abortion center rescues. 

And then there are all the folks who helped do the bulk mailing of the Les Femmes newsletter before we moved out to the Valley. What fun we had laughing and labeling and eating chili dogs. Most of those loving friends who sat around the table have gone to their reward. I often ask them for prayers. The thought that came as I remembered all these friends was, "It really is a Valley of Tears" one with a tunnel at the end as it nears its end at the gate of paradise.

For several months, I've been doing a novena of surrender. It's become a perpetual novena for me and I recommend it. You can order the booklet here. Surrendering to the will of God is the answer to everything. and this is day one of the novena to give you an idea:

May we all desire God's will above all else and never let the attachments of this world interfere with our determination to reach the goal of doing all for God. As St. Augustine reminded his flock during an Eastertide sermon of 407, "Love, and do what thou wilt." With a proper understanding of love and a desire to do and be all for God, we can begin to experience heaven here on earth.

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