Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Shock of the Election Cycle? CNN Calls out Kamala as Bigtime Liar!

Fact check: Harris campaign social media account has repeatedly deceived with misleading edits and captions

Whodda thunk it? 

CNN actually moved away from its usual Kamala Kool-Aid Koverage to say something honest? They didn't call her a liar exactly (which is what she is). They said a number of posts coming from her social media headquarters are "deceptive." Kamala's stooges have deliberately quoted Trump out of context to make him appear to be saying things he's not. They have used all kinds of lying maneuvers as weapons of Trump destruction. 

Well, what can one expect from the party of liberal liars? Kamala lied over and over during the debate to hide her radical positions, especially on killing children in the womb through all nine months and even after birth. That's what she favors. She played let's pretend late term abortions never happen. They do and the number is at least in the thousands and women who choose them, according to the Guttmacher Institute (Planned Parenthood's research arm) do so for the same reasons women choose earlier abortions. (Source)

The article linked above gives:

eight examples of false or misleading video posts from the account since mid-August, including three from the latter part of this week. All of them have previously been highlighted by an anonymous rebuttal account called @KamalaHQLies, which itself has more than 268,000 followers.

Check out that Kamala lies X account. Very enlightening! Pass it around. Did your mom never tell you that you can't trust liars! It's true! If you buy Kamala's lies and she wins, you only have yourself to blame.

1 comment:

  1. There is definitely something up here. Brian McCall on CFN said he thinks the Democrats are giving up on the election focusing instead on taking over congress. I can see that in my dark blue Elgin Illinois neighborhood. Some Harris/Waltz signs but not nearly as many as 2020 Biden signs but a slew of Susan Ness for state congress signs. Not US congress but still an organized attack. Something is up here no doubt about it.
