Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Tough Love and the Upcoming Election

How many parents are still supporting adult children? Are you nodding and saying, "Been there; done that?" How many sons and daughters earned diplomas you paid tens of thousands for and then end up living at home letting Mom and Dad foot their rent, utilities, food, and even babysitting expenses?

At the same time, how many of those college-educated freeloaders think Mom and Dad are dinosaurs who know nothing about how to make the world a better place, in fact, by creating the liberal Utopia promised by the Democrats?

I've met some of those parents in grocery stores and in waiting rooms. For some reason people open up to me and share about their personal lives. I've never quite figured out why that happens, but it does. So when I read an article today advising conservative parents to cut off their adult children financially if they plan to vote for Harris/Walz, it resonated with me. In the coddled society where feelings pass for thinking, we need tough love!

An Open Letter to Conservative Dads

Note that the author is NOT calling parents to cut off relationships with their children. Leila Miller is urging them to make their kids live in the real world and accept responsibility for the disaster they will live in if the policies of the Clinton-Obama-Biden era continue. 

Remember, the libs have controlled the executive branch of government for twelve of the past sixteen years. Is America a more safe, economically stable, and moral country because of their oversight? You'd be hard pressed to make a case for it. 

With Biden considering providing long range missiles to Ukraine, something he said we would never do, we are getting closer to a hot war with Russia. Think of submarines off our East and West coasts with missiles capable of hitting every major city in the country. Sobering thought, eh?

Here's a bit of Leila Miller's article:

If your adult child is telling you that she (because it’s most likely a daughter) is going to be voting for Kamala Harris and the Democrats this November, you need to cut off that child financially.

You must lovingly, tactfully, but firmly let that child know that you will no longer be supporting her with your hard-earned wages. If a child that you raised through the blood, sweat, and tears of the past couple of decades is about to help vote into the presidency a woman who opposes—and is set to destroy—all that you stand for (with potentially no coming back from it), then she doesn’t need or deserve your financial support while doing it.
Imagine a child working against the very hands that fed her, clothed her, housed her, kept her healthy. Imagine a child betraying the hearts that loved her, nurtured her, taught her about Jesus, and sacrificed everything they had for her out of pure love and precious duty. You and her mother have given her everything, and, sadly, she is not interested in your values, your ideals, or your way of life. That is her prerogative. But you don’t need to subsidize your own destruction.

We live in a society that brainwashes kids from the playpen with all kinds of immoral and devastatingly damaging ideas. Force fed in the classroom, many reject the values and teachings of their parents and embrace the liberal agenda of anything goes as long as it makes me happy. 


Many end up confused, broken, and addicted never outgrowing teenage rebellion. 

Jesus believed in tough love. A bruised reed He would not break and a smoldering wick He would not quench. But He never coddled sinners. "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" He asked the man who became the Apostle to the Gentiles. "Go your way and sin no more," He told the woman taken in adultery. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone," he told the hypocrites ready to stone her.

Tough love! It's what the world needs now. I'll change the song lyrics a bit. "What the world needs now is love, tough love. It's the only thing that there's just too little of. What the world needs now is love tough love, no not just for some but for everyone."

May we see a spiritual revival in this country. The perspective for viewing life is from our knees. 

Lord Jesus, King of the Universe, have mercy on us.

O Mary, Conceived without Sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.

St. Joseph, Pillar of Families, pray for us.



  1. IT is the Clinton-Bush-Obama-Biden era ... the masks have been off for some time.

    1. Correction to the Correction:

      Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama-Deep State*-Biden era of presidencies

      *Deep State actors and entrenched Leftist bureaucrats ran the government from January 2017 to January 2021.
