Friday, May 29, 2020

Lots of Opinions on Coronavirus: Who's Right? Who Knows?

Someone posted a comment on Wednesday's post about an aerosol scientist who thinks COVID-19 can be airborne for miles and that's why it's so contagious and spreads so rapidly. She thinks people should be more vigilant about wearing masks and that's what she does even outside. (She is clearly expressing an opinion; there are no studies confirming it.)

Dr. Russell Blaylock, on the other hand, believes face masks are dangerous, can reduce your immune response and can concentrate any virus load a person is carrying so he can infect himself. He thinks masks for the healthy are contraindicated and can be down right life-threatening for some. His article cites a dozen studies plus one of his own.

So who's right among all the "experts" expressing their opinions?

Who knows?

It reminds me of what our mentor who got us into beekeeping told us. "You have as many opinions on beekeeping as you have beekeepers." Seems the same is true about COVID-19 and medical advice. Even the so-called "experts" give us conflicting information that changes by the press conference. Fauci told us one thing in March about no need for face masks. Then he went all out for them and now he's kind of in the maybe they help stage. He tells us all to social distance except if you want to hook up with a stranger and are willing to take the risk. Really???

What's a body to think? What's a body to do?

My dad used to say that they call it the practice of medicine because they're practicing on you. That certainly seems to be the case with COVID 19. Many elderly probably died because of the ventilators that were supposed to help. Lots of doctors say they've had success with hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and antibiotics if they're used early on. Others say, no-no-no it will kill you. And the anti's tried to prevent anyone using HCQ while promoting other experimental treatments like remdesivir, a much more expensive treatment with very little positive outcome.

It does seem to me a strange recommendation to use a mask which reduces your oxygen for a disease that compromises your body's ability to get oxygen to the cells. But I'm no doctor. What do I know?

When I had cancer at age 39 I had lots of experts telling me lots of things. Do chemo. You don't need chemo. Do radiation. You don't need radiation. Do radiation as well as chemo. You don't need anything but surgery. I finally realized I had to be my own advocate, do my own research, and my husband and I would make the best decision we could for our family.

That seems to me to be the best strategy today with COVID-19 as well. We're doing all we can to boost our immune systems, make prudential decisions about what we do and where we go, and not do anything out of fear or panic.

Each of us has to make the best decisions for ourselves and our loved ones. It's up to you and it's up to me. It would be nice if we could make our decisions without attacking those who make different ones. Obviously everyone who's sick needs to stay home. As for those who aren't sick, do we really want to presume everyone is a possibly asymptomatic leper who may infect us at any moment?

I have no idea who really has the best of it. I don't trust Fauci; he's too connected to Bill Gates, a man who has done tremendous damage to people all over the globe with his vaccine and population control agenda. Fauci's also directly connected to China's Communist government and actually helped fund the lab that probably released the virus that sparked the pandemic. Why would anybody trust the man?

Coronavirus is so politicized at this point that it's hard to know who is telling the truth. Certainly we can't trust the mainstream media who only care about influencing the 2020 election.

So I will go on doing my own research and making my own best decisions. If you don't agree with me, that's okay. You do your research and make your best decisions as well. Hey, we can treat each other like grown ups who can disagree without being disagreeable and calling each other names or accusing each other of mass murder and wanting to kill Granny.


  1. Allow me to share this verse from Isaiah 26:20
    ' Go, my people, enter into thy chambers, shut thy doors upon thee, hide thyself a little for a moment; until the indignation pass away.'

    'All things pass away but God never changes' Saint Teresa of Jesus Carmelite Mystic

    May our faith in God direct our individual decisions around this pandemic and may the Holy Spirit the breath of God serve as our Comforter as we enter into Pentecost. Amen.

  2. I read a lot of medical reports at my job, and also from personal experience, I completely agree with your dad that they're practicing on us. (Sort of like some people practice Catholicism.) But also think some are downright evil. I've got a blessing in a good Catholic doctor who puts up with my distrust of medicine. I leave the rest up to God's will. I distrust MSM completely and try to do my own research.

  3. Also, I've begun having sore throats since wearing a stupid mask everywhere, inhaling your carbon dioxide instead of fresh air. Don't you automatically get a weird reaction to seeing everyone with a mask? It's like a science fiction movie.
