Thursday, February 4, 2021

The "Vaccine" is Killing People! Will It Kill More Later Due to Enhanced Immune Response?

My sister is in a nursing home in Maryland. At one point she tested positive for the Wuhan virus and was moved to the COVID unit for about two weeks. She never had any symptoms, and I have my doubts she really had the virus. She has COPD, diabetes, is very overweight and is on oxygen. But I also convinced her to take Vitamin D and Vitamin C since most deaths occur in patients with very low levels of Vitamin D. So if she did have it, she was protected.
We have had several talks about the "vaccine" and we both agreed it is not in her best interests to get it. The nursing home encourages the vaccine, but isn't pushing it. (I already knew it was off my "to do list." No way, Jose, will I ever get it, primarily because of its connections to aborted babies whose kidney cells were used in the lab testing!) 

I put "vaccine" in quotes because a number of doctors, e.g., Liz Merritt, say the Pfizer and Moderna meds are not actually vaccines; but "biologics" whatever that means. But as the elderly are "vaccinated," there are disturbing reports of many dying within a week or two of the jab from the virus which is not supposed to be contained in the "vaccine." Some health care workers are blowing the whistle about what's happening in their nursing homes and some are refusing to give the vaccine because of concerns for the safety of their patients. If you look at only one of the links below, listen to the nursing home whistleblower. He has nothing to gain and everything to lose by his openness. 

32-Year-Old Mexican Doctor Suffers Seizures and is Paralyzed After Receiving the Pfizer Experimental Vaccine

Pfizer COVID vaccine trial shows alarming evidence of pathogenic priming in older adults

This is only a small sample of the headlines showing the danger of the "vaccine" particularly to the elderly. There are a number of cases of people whose deaths are directly linked to the shot and a number of others who were apparently healthy at the jab but died within days or weeks. Some were young like the Portuguese pediatric assistant, Sonia Azevedo (41), who died two days after taking the Pfizer "vaccine." 

The MSM is reporting that Hank Aaron (86), who died in his sleep a few weeks after being "vaccinated", died from "natural causes" whatever that means. People Magazine used his death to promote the "vaccine" as "completely safe," a claim that flies in the face of all the warnings associated with the unapproved, experimental drug. Since they couldn't even get Aaron's age right, I have little confidence in anything else in People's article. You can read the package insert for the Pfizer vaccine yourself. Here are a few of the adverse reactions:
* Serious adverse events are defined as: • Death; • A life-threatening adverse event; • Inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization; • A persistent or significant incapacity or substantial disruption of the ability to conduct normal life functions; • A congenital anomaly/birth defect; Revised: 12/2020 9 • An important medical event that based on appropriate medical judgement may jeopardize the individual and may require medical or surgical intervention to prevent one of the outcomes listed above.

And this doesn't even consider the danger of an enhanced immune reaction when those receiving the "vaccine" are exposed to future coronavirus triggers. 

I'm a big believer in doing the research and making the best informed decision I can about medical issues. We've been lied to over and over since the virus appeared. Can we really believe all the head-patting voices coming from the CDC, WHO, Fauci, and the mainstream media -- and even FOX, for that matter. The universal brainwashing about the safety of this unproven, experimental drug along with the deplatforming and demonizing of medical experts who won't toe the party line raises huge red flags!

When I had cancer at age 39 and had to make medical decisions, I learned as much as I could so I could make an informed decision. It's a little hard these days since sources like Fauci, WHO, NIH, and the CDC have spent months lying and banning the most effective drugs for both treatment and prophylaxis of the virus. It's shameful! As some doctors are saying, Covid and the "vaccine" are perfect bio-weapons. They are also a boon to the population controllers who want to cut world population by billions. And who is one of the chief population control advocates? BILL GATES whose links to the "vaccines" is common knowledge. 

So who is calling the shots? (Pardon the pun.) It's healthy these days to be a skeptic. Do you really trust the Godless left to tell you the truth about anything?

One last question: Where are all the people screaming that one death from the virus was too many, but are totally silent over deaths linked to the "vaccine." 


  1. They spared the animals testing for the covid vaccine.
    However, they used the organs of aborted babies.
    Tiny pieces of their kidneys sliced out of these children at around ten months gestation and placed on a microchip.
    They are SO worried about the mice and rats . Do you think they even wondered if these murdered children were anesthetized?
    "Organoids (tiny mini organs)28 and microphysiological systems29, i.e. ‘body/organ-on-a-chip’ technologies are both human-relevant methods, which provide a more realistic way to test new therapies. Both methods are now being used with immune cells added to them, which is particularly appropriate for vaccine development and can also be exposed to antibodies, or to the serum of infected or vaccinated people to test efficacy. A Spanish team has already shown that SARS-CoV-2 can infect engineered human blood vessel and kidney organoids and that a human based enzyme can inhibit this, providing promise for a potential treatment."
    Will God bless their work?

  2. Thanks for this additional information, Elpine. People really need to do the research.

  3. Mary Ann, I am truly scared.
    We have a "Nextdoor" blog in our neighborhood.
    Someone posted how Canada declared the "Proud Boys" terrorists. I replied that I am more scared of bio terrorism like the kind that was sent all over the world by the Communist Chinese and is killing your friends and family members. Covid is a terrorism you cannot actually see. While the Proud Boys and their ilk were a couple hundred that were actually waived in by Capital police.
    About ten youthful women came down on me in posts telling me that the Communist Chinese are NOT threatening us.
    My dearest friends who have eight grown children are fighting the same battle.......all but two of their children have told them to NOT send anything in defense of Trump or his policies and to please stop warning them about the mRNA inoculation they all plan to get.
    Really I find the young and middle aged adults more frightening than any of this.
    They have really been effectively brainwashed.

  4. You're right. They've been brainwashed for years. Which will make them less culpable. We just need to keep speaking the truth and be prepared for the backlash. It happened to all the saints. If you're being persecuted, you're doing something right. I'm getting it a little on FB right now. How am I dealing with it? I'm relearning how to juggle. Sound silly? Perhaps, but it's harmless fun. I use three beanie baby animals and pray to St. John Bosco while I throw them. I call them my "flying animals." I haven't got it back yet, but I'm improving. St. Philip Neri, the joyful saint, and John Bosco are my go-to stress relievers at present. Both were terribly persecuted. The merchants even tried to poison John Bosco. Hang in. Let's pray for each other. Smile a lot.

  5. Another great post. Think of it as reasonable doubt instead of scepticism. 🙂

  6. My friend's 92 year old mother-in-law died 2 weeks after receiving the vaccine. She collapsed in the shower and died later that day at the hospital. This 92 year old woman still cleaned her owned house and looked after her husband of 71 years. Only a fool would think there isn't a connection between this mRNA poison and her death. I find it laughable that all seniors had to be locked downed so that they couldn't get the virus even though many were so lonely they died of broken hearts but now that seniors are dying after getting the vaccine, oh well, it's just old age.

  7. Thanks for the pat on the back MK, I needed that today after coming home from the Dermatologist who yes, got his mRNA covid shots and went out of his way to assure me it was safe and just like any other vaccine. I asked if it contained attenuated live virus and he assured me it did. Then i asked if he even knew what mRNA was. He pointed to his PhD ,MD embroidered on his pocket and asked me if I but green bananas......I do not know where he was heading with his quip, but let him know I'm old just like a banana with spots and that is why I am here , for him to look at my spots.
    I arrived home and a friend called. Her new son in law who is almost finished his residency in a Kentucky Hospital was informed he is the ONLY Physician who did not get the covid jab in the hospital and if he refused they were sending him back to Canada
    ( he is a Canadian)and in a bind because he will lose all is hard work.
    Meanwhile , her daughter who is a PA in the ER and married to him also refuses the shot because she recently watched a co worker die after having the shot herself.
    I think we will all be in a data base somewhere as refusniks and too bad , it is what it is................

  8. I'll offer my Mass and rosary for your son-in-law today. There's a nursing home, I think in Michigan, where all the staff are required to get the shot. They lost 20 nurses who quit or were fired which seriously undermines the staff's ability to care for patients. This isn't about caring for people; it's about control. Will the "vaccine" be used to allow travel, or shopping? Today is the feast of the Japanese martyrs, good intercessors for us. They rejoiced at their crucifixion. May we rejoice at what is looking more and more like crucifixion by thumb tack.


  9. "They've been brainwashed for years. Which will make them less culpable."

    But no less influential on others when they trumpet their own vaccination.

    I think we still need to urge already pricked people to undergo secondary vaxginity and they should tell people not to do as they did.

    Even if this one is not the mob, the infrastructure is being set up for the next one... Or the next...etc

  10. By now i am beginning to think I am the ONLY one in the world who remembers when Fauci got the Grant to be sent to Wuhan Labs. Years ago, around 2007 , I remembered a Science article I read about how Dr F wanted to allow US labs to re engineer animal viruses to speed up the process of evolution for the eventuality of when the virus does evolve to infect humans , they would have an inoculation ready.
    American scientists deemed it "too dangerous" and so Dr Fauci got the Obama Administration to send Grant money to do this in Chinese Labs. Fauci is the highest paid Government employee , pulling in just under half a million in salary yearly.
    Now we see the Bio covid vaccines were already created and ready to go.
    Scientists are worried that some patients may get HIV from the vaccine as it IS in the mRNA inoculations.
    Did they make AIDS also in a lab?
    Funny how they keep saying these are viruses that just happened to jump from animals to humans all by themselves.

    Here are some other articles I found. I thought I might list them here before they too are deleted from the internet.

    Pt with chorea after inoculation .Facebook removed her video

  11. One more piece of information for your archive MK.
    Once a person gets the mRNA shot ,if exposed to it in society he may contract it but be asymptomatic. At that point he may unknowingly shed it infecting others .

  12. God Have Mercy .....for your discernment

