Friday, March 31, 2023

Audrey Hale is the Poster Woman for Transgender Vengeance

There is something so creepy and ironic about the Nashville shooting taking place on a day  leading up to the "Trans Day of Vengeance." It is even more creepy that the organizers were planning to go ahead with the event this weekend claiming there is "no connection" between the "vengeance" Hale carried out against her targets and the violent rhetoric of the trans community. Since their initial response, the organizers cancelled the event -- not out of respect for the murder victims, but: 

due to a credible threat to life and safety.... The safety of our trans community is first priority. This threat is the direct result of the flood of raw hatred directed toward the trans community after the Tennessee shooting.

What a bunch of BS from a group that constantly harps on the "hate speech" of their opponents. Will the real haters please stand up!  [Excuse the language in the photo, but it illustrates exactly where the violence is - not coming from the Christian community.]

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Matt Walsh on the Monstrous Nashville Transgender Shooter

 Matt Walsh is based in Nashville where the Daily Wire has its headquarters. 

Lent is a good time to reflect on death.

And here are the prayers of several saints to help you do it.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

"The Gathering Storm" and Fr. Tom Collins' Reaction to It

Summer Squall, Winslow Homer 1904

Editor's note: Check out the LifeSiteNews article linked below and Fr. Tom's commentary on it that follows. Both the secular and Catholic world are in serious crisis. We need to pray like everything depends on God and work like everything depends on us. Let us defend the faith, speak the truth, and pray for our enemies and all those who hate us. God is faithful, so don't be anxious. Foster peace of mind! Twelve apostles changed the world. Can Catholics today not hasten the reign of Christ the King through prayer and sacrifice?

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Billboards Go Up in Rome Defending the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM)

Read the press release about this project. Dozens of Billboards have gone up in Rome to defend the TLM. Let us all pray for the pope and for Holy Mother Church and publicly call for the TLM in our communities rather than retreat into an "indiscreet silence" that "leaves in error those who might have been instructed" according to Pope St. Gregory the Great. 

We're Going to Have a Multipolar World Unless We Blow It Up

Twenty minutes on how to be an economic and political grown up.


O Lord, Give us Many Holy Priests!

The Communion of the Apostles
 Luca Giordano (Italian (Neapolitan), 1634–1705)

A question came up the other day that elicited a difference of opinion between myself and someone with whom I was chatting. He believed that a priest's Mass was not valid if he said it while in the state of mortal sin unless he was repentant and had the intention of going to Confession as soon as possible. I thought that was inaccurate and part of the Donatist heresy. So I looked it up and here's what I found:

Monday, March 27, 2023

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Passiontide Begins...

Editor's Note: I wrote this in 2016, several years before COVID returned my husband and myself to regular attendance at the Traditional Latin Mass. We will never go back! As we enter into the mystery of Christ's suffering and death for our sins, let us rejoice at the glory of so wonderful a Savior!

Friday, March 24, 2023

Simon Rafe: You have a "moral duty" to support the grifters at Church Militant if you "use our product."

Sometimes I can't help uttering a guffaw when I get an email telling me about CM's latest comedy show and go to check it out. These days I rarely waste two seconds at CM in six months, but today I watched Simon Rafe's lecture to viewers (on the donation page, of course). His message? Pony up, you Catholic deadbeats!

Are You "In Full Communion with Rome?"

Kennedy Hall has an interesting article on this topic today which set me thinking about it. First of all, what does it mean to be in "full communion" with anyone? Here's the definition and origin of the word communion from etymonline:

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Our Duty: To Suffer for the Truth!

Every now and then a theme crops up everywhere I look and demands attention. Over and over the echoes roll over me like a tidal wave: on social media, in news feeds I follow, in magazines I read, etc. Often it has a lot to do with what's happening in my life at the moment. "Pay attention!" my guardian angel reminds me, "This is important!"

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Take Heart: The Crisis in the Church is Terrible, But We've Seen Others!

Some say we face today the worst crisis the Church has ever experienced. Perhaps it's true. Horrifying things occur on an almost daily basis. Satan's influence pollutes the Church in many places. But take heart. The Church rose and grew in the midst of crises in the first century and has seen one after another ever since. Has there ever been a time of universal peace without difficulty and persecution? Church history overflows with periods of crisis.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Guest Post: The Forgotten Message of Jesus to Sr. Lucy

 by Greg Diefenderfer 

"The moment has come in which God asks the Holy Father to make, and to order that in union with him and at the same time, all the bishops of the world make, the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate heart, promising to convert it because of this day of prayer and worldwide reparation." The Blessed Virgin to Sr Lucy on June 13, 1929.

Monday, March 20, 2023

It was Only a Matter of Time: Bishop Schneider Gets the Hobnailed Boot from Church Militant!

Are we surprised when Church Militant (CM) attacks someone who (horrors!) defends the
SSPX? Goodness, there's a bushel full, and now one more, a good and holy bishop, Athanasius Schneider. 

Voris and company recently featured a Catholic World Report article by disgruntled former SSPXer Andrew Bartel. Bartel is not a canon lawyer and has pretty slim credentials to challenge a bishop with a doctorate in theology and patristics. 

According to his profile on Catholic World News:

Andrew Bartel is a lay Dominican of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. He lives with his wife and their three children in Montana, where he works as a glazier. He is also pursuing a degree in English and Philosophy.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Sunday Meditation: The Main Crisis in the Church? "We banished God from the center."

 Bishop Schneider explains why we must defend the liturgy and restore the Holy Mass with its "richness." The limitations set by Pope Francis, he says, "will collapse." The Church "is in the hands of God." 

Amen! I'm buying the book.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Liberty vs License: The Crisis in the Catholic Church - Part 2

A picture is worth a thousand words. The fact that the smoke of Satan has entered inside her walls literally with the Satanic architecture of the papal audience hall. Satan is hardly disguised there, but raises his reptilian head for all to see.

See  Part 1

Without naming Lamennais, Pope Gregory XVI addressed his errors in the 1832 encyclical, Mirari Vos: On Liberalism and Religious Indifferentism: is obviously absurd and injurious to propose a certain “restoration and regeneration” for [the Church] as though necessary for her safety and growth, as if she could be considered subject to defect or obscuration or other misfortune. Indeed, these authors of novelties consider that a “foundation may be laid of a new human institution,” and what Cyprian detested may come to pass, that what was a divine thing “may become a human church.”

 The pope went on to decry indifferentism which:

Friday, March 17, 2023

Chastisement is for our Purification: The Glory of the Church is Coming!

Don't fear the chastisement.

Exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger shares his witness about the crisis in the church.
"All that we are going through now....shows that the good is coming....Don't take your focus off God....If you keep your focus on God you will have peace and joy despite the tumult that is worldwide."
"God made man for rightly ordered worship....It will come!" 

"God's timing is perfect....He will correct these things."


From the Les Femmes Newsletter: Liberty vs. License Part I

Even secular voices recognize that license is accompanied by evil!

Editor's note: This is from the winter issue of the Les Femmes newsletter. Check out past issues at


The crisis in the Church looms ever larger. With the Synod on Synodality on the horizon, informed Catholics are right to be concerned. Under assault for decades from both inside and outside the Church, the faith has been so undermined that some people have no idea what the faith even is. What a threat to souls! The crux of the matter is the divide between true liberty that frees man to know, love, and serve God versus license that enslaves man to his lower passions transforming him into a creature more like a beast than a human. The challenge for Catholics is to help save souls by waking up as many beasts as possible enabling them to cast off their slavery to sin and embrace truth and virtue and thereby become “free” in the true sense.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Thought for Thursday: Embrace "Courageous Happiness and Inner Peace"

I'm reading The Tumbler of God: Chesterton as Mystic. I've barely begun, but even in the introduction there are gems to be mined. This caught my attention this morning:

One of the tests of sanctity is said to be a contagious happiness and inner peace. Chesterton had his share of sorrows and of illness and his darker moments; but more than most people he was imbued with a kind of unpretentious beatitude that tended to convey itself to those around him. The writer Franz Kafka said of Chesterton, "He is so happy one might almost think he had discovered God." Indeed he had, and he was doing his best to live in the light of that discovery. What was his "secret"? It was to love the splendor of the real, and to live in adulthood the innocence and wonder of the child who sees everything for the first time. The Gospel tells us we must become again like little children in order to enter the kingdom. Chesterton shows us how.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Which is a more serious act of war and a greater environmental disaster?

Our blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline.

Or Russia taking down a drone?


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Who Are the Legalists? What Comes First -- the Faith or the Law?

First things first! 

What is more important -- canon law or the salvation of souls? You don't have to wonder because the very last law in the Code of Canon Law, Canon 1752 in the chapter on procedures for transferring pastors, spells it out clearly. It calls for "having before one's eyes the salvation of souls, which is always the supreme law of the Church."

Here's the definition of "supreme" from Merriam Webster: "highest in rank or authority, highest in degree or quality, ultimate, final." In other words, the FIRST and most important principle of canon law is the salvation of souls. It is, in fact, the first reason and principle of the Church herself, to go forth and baptize all nations in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. And why baptize them? FOR THEIR SALVATION!

Monday, March 13, 2023

From the “Hey, Catholics, Did You Know...?” File: About the Mass

Offertory prayers at the Traditional Latin Mass stress the offering of Jesus Christ in atonement for sin.

Let's talk a little bit about the Holy Mass. Most Catholics today have never experienced the Traditional Latin Mass, barely remember Vatican II, and have no idea what came before and what's been lost. So let's look at just two changes effected by the Novus Ordo Missae: the offertory prayers and Communion in the hand.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Sunday Meditation: Catholicism and Liberalism Can't Coexist! Why? Because of What it Means to be Catholic.

The fullness of the truth and the glory of God expressed in art, architecture, and music are found in the Catholic Church. She invites us to a closer union with God through the true, the good & the beautiful.

To know and understand the world you live in serves in many ways to free one from the tyranny of confusion and chaos that swirls around us. The fact is that we live in Liberalism Land. I could call it Liberalism Loony Land for it often seems we slog through a Slough of Despond where everything is upside down, backwards, and inside out. A number of isms control the narrative today, a predominant one being liberalism, a philosophy of lunacy.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

I Think St. Patrick Would Approve of Bishop Rhoades' Decree!

Let's face it...St. Patrick's Day has become more of a secular festival, an Irish Mardi Gras, than the celebration of a great saint. I don't know whether we will take advantage of the Friday dispensation or not, but if we do, I'll follow the penitential decree of Bishop Rhoades rather than the vague, easily forgotten recommendation of you-choose-it penance from my own bishop. May we all take seriously the Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. 

Friday, March 10, 2023

German Church Votes to Approve Same Sex Blessings! One More Rotten Fruit from the Synodal Way.

While Rome crusades to stamp out the Traditional Latin Mass and Sacred Tradition in the name of "unity," the real apostles of disunity and heresy, the German Church, just passed a resolution calling on Holy Mother Church to bless sodomite unions. This is what the "Synodal Way" is giving us: a repudiation of Church teaching and putting a sin that cries to heaven for vengeance on the level of a sacramental of marriage. This resolution was spawned in the depths of hell. 

How Hard It Is to Say Good-bye!

Part of the sorrow at losing a loved one is the sense that you could or should have done more. I've been there. My mom lived with us the last four months of her life and, after she died, I remembered all the ways I failed. She died in 2002 and I still tear up when I think of specific times when I could have done something differently or showed her better that I loved her. So I wasn't surprised to get the email below from my friend whose mother-in-law died on Monday. Please keep her and my friend and his wife in your prayers.

My wife is crying often. She says she thinks she could have done more. 

I've got videos from about 5 years ago showing Mom's visible decline in her physical & mental state. Mom's reasoning & mental acuity declined. As time went on very bad decisions were made with her Pekingese, how when and where she would walk him. Especially when Mom would walk the dog at 6 am, with cars on the roadway and darkness all about; not the best of decisions.  Mom would have obvious physical coordination problems, falling off the treadmill in the basement and never alerting us about it.  I can now assume Mom knew she had problems, but was afraid of the changes we'd have her make.  She'd walk up and down staircases arns full of stuff, walking like a 17-year-old with a devil-may-care attitude; knowing I'd enlighten her if I found out. 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Do Charity and Love Prevail in the Diocese of Arlington?

Before I get into the subject of this post, let me explain the collage above. My oldest brother, who died in 2019, created it for his Facebook page. That's him as a baby and as a teenager. He always said he was the youngest survivor at Pearl Harbor because my mom was a few months pregnant on December 7th when the attack occurred.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Good News from Red States! Let Us All Take Our Civic Duty Seriously: Defend the Common Good!

There's plenty of good news coming from some of our great red states: banning dangerous transgender drugs and mutilation for minors, protecting children from drag queen story hours and twerking shows, expanding school choice to offer a parents an option outside government indoctrination centers, etc. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

May the Souls of the Faithful Departed, Through the Mercy of God, Rest in Peace.

My friend sent a final post today about his mother-in-law who died Monday morning. Her journey is over as it will be for all of us. Please, in your charity, pray for the repose of her soul.

Monday, March 6, 2023

What Goes Into the Mind of the Child You Created Depends on You

This is the 11-year-old boy and his father spoken of in my post from February 28 - Libs of TikTok creator: "This is just creepy". As the child reads the filthy smut directly from the book he checked out at his school's library followed by his father's reaction to the far left school board, ask yourself what you're doing to protect your own child from his or her school's leftist indoctrination. 

Are you looking at the books your child brings home? Have you been to the school library to peruse books available to your child? Are you reading content from classroom books? Do you know what is being taught to your child? 

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Nearing the End of a Long Road of Suffering from Dementia

If you have been following my friend's posts describing the journey his wife accompanying his dying mother-in-law who has dementia, the story is nearing it's end. You can read more at:

Sunday Meditation: Did You think the Council Fathers Created the Novus Ordo? Think Again!

Father Terrence Keehan, pastor of Holy Family Catholic Church in Inverness, Illinois, uses a guitar to give the final blessing at a Mass livestreamed on Feb. 13. (photo: Screenshot of YouTube video / Screenshot of YouTube video via CNA)

Have you ever read the Vatican II (VII) documents on the sacraments, beginning with the Constitution on the Liturgy, Sacrosantum Concilium (SC published December 4, 1963)? It outlined the guidelines to be followed in revising the mass. The Novus Ordo (NO) did not spring up like the Phoenix as the council ended; it was the product of a committee with its major architect Annibale Bugnini who wanted to eliminate anything that could possibly be a stumbling block to Protestants. 

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Nothing Can Be Believed about the War in Ukraine Coming from Western Media

It's a war of propaganda and nothing in the media can be trusted. "Mainstream media is part of propaganda war... We must be skeptical of absolutely everything." (John Pilger) 

Friday, March 3, 2023

West (by God) Virginia: Almost Heaven!

My husband is from West (By God) Virginia and most of his siblings and their families still live there. Larry graduated from the University of West Virginia in Morgantown with a degree in Electronics Engineering. He had a wonderful beginning there in the mountain state and how this Navy brat enjoyed the introduction to that wonderful state! 

Vatican II is Ancient History for Today's Young Catholics.

How much do most Catholics know about all the Vatican councils of history? We hear about the Council of Trent and its significance in refuting many of the errors of the Protestant revolution. It revitalized the Church and cleared up ambiguities resulting from the spread of heresy. The importance and impact of Trent have echoed and re-echoed down through the centuries. But have most Catholics even heard of most of the other twenty councils? Maybe they remember the Council of Jerusalem since it's mentioned in Acts of the Apostles. Perhaps they faintly recall the Council of Nicaea. "Oh yes, Nicaea gave us the creed we say at Mass." How about the four councils of Constantinople and the two councils of Lyon or the councils of Chalcedon and Ephesus.  Could they describe a single thing rising out of them? I sure can't without looking them up.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

"End Stages Dementia is definitely a challenge to my Catholic Faith."

Editor's Note: I've been following the challenge my friend is facing as he and his wife, a nurse, care at home for his wife's mom who is in her 90s, suffering from dementia, and nearing the end of her life. I read a column recently by a woman who described the different stages of dementia that challenge home care givers. Home care, she said, is "not for the faint of heart!" That is certainly obvious from my friend's emails.

We Have Met the Evil Empire and It's Us!

Moral pollution of the evil empire is engulfing our beautiful country!

I'd like to believe in "American exceptionalism" and I believe there once was a time when America could be accurately described in those terms. Unfortunately, today Reagan's famous line about the Soviet "evil empire" calling Communism "the focus of evil in the modern world" can arguably be applied to us.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Love Not of This World

The world wants to demonically abort all children with Down's Syndrome, not for medical reasons, but so that the wicked among us won't have to look at love which is the opposite of their hatred.