Thursday, May 31, 2018

Another Day, Another Papal Scandal

A Bishop "Married" with Children Will Be Created Cardinal by Francis (Exclusive in English)

Ah...but who are we to judge? After all, the liberals frequently remind us that some of the apostles were married. And since Amoris Laetitia is being used to legitimize all kinds of living arrangements, why not a bishop with a concubine? He will join a group that can already be described as a school for scandal. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Sometimes Satire is Totally on Target. It's ALWAYS about the MONEY!

Democrats Warn That Defunding Planned Parenthood Will Reduce Access To Essential Campaign Donations

Does anyone really doubt that this isn't the mentality behind the Democrats' support for Planned Parenthood which borders on adoration? Even after the baby body parts scheme was exposed, the Democrats can't bring themselves to commit sacrilege by criticizing one of their best funding sources.

So read this as satire if you will, but know that there's more truth here than fiction. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

More on the Irish Referendum: The Battle was Lost Years Ago!

Reap the wind and sow the whirlwind! God help Ireland and the complacent bishops!

Phil Lawler has an insightful (as always) article on the Catholic Culture website about the Irish referendum. It begins:

The UK is a Police State with Tyranny from the Bench!

Tommy Robinson jailed in the UK police state
What kind of country has the U.K. become? A few weeks ago, a judge mandated the killing of little Alfie Evans. A few days ago, Tommy Robinson, a citizen journalist, was on public property outside a courthouse where Muslims accused of grooming children for sex were on trial.

All Tommy did was what any news media would do outside a courtroom here in the U.S. -- report on what was happening. And yet he was swept up by police for "breach of the peace," immediately taken to court with a lawyer who didn't know anything about him and had no time to prepare a defense, and within hours was sentenced to 13 months in prison and headed to jail. Free speech no longer exists in the U.K.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day: Praying for all those who gave their lives for us -- and remembering my dad.

RADM R.J. Schneider, USN
1917 - 1985
He survived World War II or I would not be here -- nor would eight of my ten brothers and sisters. Daddy was a Pearl Harbor survivor on the USS Detroit, one of only two ships to get out of the harbor that day. As an ensign, he was the ranking officer on board because all of the other officers were on shore that Sunday morning.

My oldest brother was among the youngest of the Pearl Harbor survivors since he was in my mom's womb during the attack. Many of Daddy's classmates (USNA 1940) lost their lives that morning. I'm sure that influenced his decision to stay in the Navy after the war. He went on to devote his life to the defense of the country. One of his first acts of defending his family was to escort the ship evacuating my mom and brother from Hawaii back to the west coast where they remained for the duration of the war.

Death Never Has the Last Word: Unanswered Prayers and the Love of God

Sudden death of a loved one leaves us reeling!
Many friends have sent letters of condolence and Masses since they learned of our dear grandson Brendan's suicide. A sudden and unexpected death, whatever the cause, can only be described as evil. As Dr. Eduardo Echeverria states in his article below, "death is evil, an enemy of God! -- darkness and light, truth and falsehood, life and death raging all around us."

And that's exactly where our family is right now, or at least my husband and I. We are in the midst of the whirlwind of wild thoughts and emotions -- the why's and what if's and if only's. And in the midst of it all the crying out to God. "Why are you sleeping; don't you know we are about to perish?"

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Sunday Meditation: The Bell Tolls for Ireland and for Western Civilization

In 1624 John Donne wrote a short book of meditations titled Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions. At the time he was dean of St. Paul's, a prestigious position in the Church of England. The meditations were inspired by a long period of illness with spotted fever when he lay in his sickbed and listened to the funeral bells ringing at a nearby church. He made this observation in Meditation XVII:
The Church is Catholike, universall, so are all her Actions; All that she does, belongs to all. When she baptizes a child, that action concerns mee, for that child is thereby connected to that Head which is my Head too, and engraffed into that body, whereof I am a member … All mankinde is of one Author, and is one volume; when one Man dies, one Chapter is not torne out of the booke, but translated into a better language. [Unusual spellings are from the original.]
From there follows a poem that contains two very famous lines: "No man is an island." and "For whom the bell tolls."

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Console Your Sorrowful Mother who Shares in the Passion of Her Son.

Have you ever wondered what words would console the aching heart of the Blessed Mother as she cradled her adorable Son in her arms, His body covered with the signs of His torture? 
I'm praying every day to Our Lady of Sorrows for our darling Brendan. Will you please join me? My greatest consolation right now is to imagine our sweet boy in Mary's loving arms. All you grandmothers in heaven, please intercede for Brendan and embrace him with the grandma hugs I can no longer give him. You patron saints and guardian angel of Brendan, pray for him and for us.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on Brendan and us.
Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for Brendan and us.
St. Brendan, pray for Brendan and us.
St. Lawrence, pray for Brendan and us.
St. Patrick, Brendan's confirmation patron, pray for Brendan and us.
Guardian angels who watch over Brendan and everyone in our family, pray for Brendan and us.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Why Are Catholics in Rhapsody over the Royal Wedding?

Oooooo! Aren't they just the cutest thing!
I'm about to be a wet blanket.

Catholics, why are you in rhapsody over the royal wedding between Meghan Markle and Prince Harry? Why do you celebrate with gushing Facebook posts and wedding-watching parties the fake nuptuals between a divorced woman and the prince? Is it because they are such a "cute couple?" Is it because her veil is "to die for" (even if her dress looked like a flour sack as many commented)? Is it because Princess Charlotte was the sweetest bridesmaid ever? Really? Is your faith that shallow?

Marriage is a sacrament. Let me repeat that. Marriage is a sacrament instituted by Christ to give grace. "But...but...", you may say, "Meghan was only married to Trevor Engelson for two years and doesn't she have a right to be happy?"

Thursday, May 24, 2018

We have our own Alder Hey Hospital in Ohio -- Twin Boys Just Weren't Worth Saving at Riverside in Columbus, Ohio!

It's important to realize that babies as little as this have survived and that 22 week babies often do if they are treated aggressively. But in the culture of death life is cheap so the twins, even the larger and stronger, were simply abandoned. Like Alfie Evans and Charlie Gard in the UK, they weren't worth the effort despite the hospital's own policy to treat babies born at 22 weeks five days.

Suicide Survival: Prayers and Wisdom from a Friend

I received this email from a friend in California whose mom recently died and herself experienced the suicide of an uncle last fall. Since our precious grandson took his life, many have shared their own stories of close family members who took this desperate way out to escape their pain. 

At this point there is little consolation from anything except, for me, to meditate on the suffering face of Christ, but the reaching out of friends has been like a lifeline. Thank you to everyone who is praying for our family and having Masses said for our darling Brendan. May God reward you for your kindness.

Mary Ann,

What you just wrote to me is precisely one of the greater goods that Our Lord is bringing from your and your family's suffering: an increased awareness of suicide. Your experience is more devastating because it has happened in your family with a precious young adult, your grandson, but no matter the age of the person who commits it, it is always devastating to surviving loved ones.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Age Is Supposed to Bring Wisdom, but These Grandmothers Champion Murder!

O most pernicious woman
O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain!
My tales, -- meet it is I set down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain;
At least I'm sure it may be so in [Maine].
Hamlet Act 1 scene 5
Grandmas for Abortion

The acronym of these grandmothers from Maine is GRR (Grandmothers for Reproductive Rights) and all I can say is it's an insult to animals that go "grr...."

I remember a squirrel who carefully moved her babies from a tree we were cutting down at our old house. She very methodically carried each tiny bundle of fur down the tree in her mouth and relocated them to a safe place. What a good mother! Rescuing them from the treecutter's axe.

I've often watched small birds attack a bigger bird threatening their nest.

And we all know how dangerous it is to get between a mama bear and her cubs.

No, these women don't even have the hearts of a squirrel or a bunny rabbit. The abortionist is their ally as they champion the murder of their own offspring. They have the heart of Medea who, after murdering her brother and her father, murdered her children to revenge Jason for his infidelity. An evil woman is an appalling thing.

Do You Believe in Coincidence? I don't!

Mother Adele Garnier with
the Basilica of Sacre Coeur
in the background
We've had two deaths in our parish lately of two mothers/grandmothers and I decided to write cards today offering Masses for the repose of their souls tucking in a copy of a newsletter I get from an abbey in France, Saint-Joseph de Clairval. The inspiring little document always features a saint or blessed or holy man or woman. Many I've never heard of, but delight in being introduced to them.  The one I picked up first today spoke to me profoundly because of its focus on suffering and the encouragement to offer them in reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The newsletter (dated April 12, 2015, I save them all) was dedicated to Mother Adele Garnier, a 19th century sister born in the Diocese of Dijon, France in 1838 who was deeply devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She was instrumental in starting perpetual adoration at the Basilica of Montmartre, Sacre Coeur, in Paris.

During a long period of illness, she went to Lourdes and was inspired to offer the society she hoped to found to adoration in "reparation to the Heart of Jesus, under the protection of Mary Immaculate." As she wrote to Cardinal Guibert, the archbishop of Paris:

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

I Meme This: God Exists

Jon McCray uses his talent and modern day resources (YouTube channel Whaddo You Meme??) to demonstrate St Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica theory for proof of the existence of God. Jon has also joined David Wood and Vocab Malone in a series of hilarious YouTube videos, Islamicize Me: The Challenge, where they "spend 30 days during Ramadan (May 17 - June 16 for 2018. The dates change annually as they're determined by the sighting of a new moon from Saudi Arabia.) living according to the teaching of Muhammad, and fighting the evil forces of Islamophobia". 

Here's Jon proving God's existence re: St Thomas Aquinas.

What Saint Peter and Donald Trump Both Know

Quite by coincidence today, ….if anything really is coincidence, I happened to open up a little New Testament I carry frequently in my purse and randomly began to read 2 Peter, chapter 2.
I thought, “Lo and behold!”, and then I chuckled to myself, because in verse 12 of this chapter 2, I read a message from St. Peter to the Christians, whom we  are, telling them the following:  “These men are like wild beasts, mere creatures of instinct born to be caught and killed.”

Monday, May 21, 2018

Study Shows 81% Increase in "Moderate to Highly Increased Risk" of Mental Health Problems for Post Aborted Women

The "sample comprised 22 studies, 36 measures of effect and 877 181 participants (163 831 
experienced an abortion)." The abstract of the study reports:
 Women who had undergone an abortion experienced an 81% increased risk of mental health problems, and nearly 10% of the incidence of mental health problems was shown to be attributable to abortion. The strongest subgroup estimates of increased risk occurred when abortion was compared with term pregnancy and when the outcomes pertained to substance use and suicidal behaviour. 

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Sunday Meditation: Jesus, the Man of Sorrows

Albrecht Dürer 1493
Have you ever reflected on the title of Jesus, Man of Sorrows? I have thought of little else these past ten days. God, Who made us for Himself, suffers even to the point of sacrificing every drop of His blood out of love for us, a love wrapped in suffering -- And all for our salvation.

Think of the awesomeness of that. God, in his divinity, can't suffer. He can't weep. He can't "feel sad" or be unhappy. But after the fall of man brought suffering into the world, God wanted us to realize that human suffering has meaning. It isn't pointless. It isn't a waste. It isn't the lying  mantra that, "Life's a bitch and then you die." Suffering means something. Even when our hearts rebel against it, we can embrace the pain in the knowledge that God will bring good out of it. Yes, let me say that again. No matter how heart-shattering our grief, God will bring good out of it! My Jesus, I trust in You!

The Second Person of the Blessed Trinity became a man -- "like us in all things but sin." He suffered in every way a person can suffer. He suffered physically from the wounds so eloquently witnessed to on the Shroud of Turin. He suffered mentally by the abandonment of his friends and the knowledge that so many would reject him to the point of willingly entering hell rather than accepting His love and mercy. He suffered spiritually, afflicted by the assaults and temptations of the devil with his lies and empty promises.

Friday, May 18, 2018

On My Knees, I Come to You, O Lord

There was a time when every Catholic Church in the world had some things in common, such as an altar against the wall, a tabernacle, a pulpit, and a communion rail. 

Tis the Season for Confirmation! All you Saints of God, pray for us.

Two of our grandchildren, Zack and Grace, are making Confirmation next week. Zack chose St. Benedict for his patron and Grace chose St. Teresa of Calcutta. In their honor I post these pictures with the promise that we will be praying for them to their adopted saints with the confidence that they will grow in the virtues shown so powerfully by their selected special friends among the prayer warriors of God.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Pray for Ireland! Pray the Rosary and Make Holy Hours to Defeat the Move to Gut the 8th Amendment!

Darling Brendan, please pray for the babies of Ireland! Please offer all your sufferings joined with the sufferings of Christ to defeat the Culture of Death in Ireland. Read more here...

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Little Warrior, Alfie Evans, Goes to His Final Resting Place -- Baby Alfie, Pray for Us!

Tom Evans carries his little warrior to his final resting place.
Alfie's parents bury their precious son!

It looks like one more victory for the culture of death, but it isn't! Where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. The agony of Alfie in the hospital room and his personal crucifixion ends up, like Christ's, in Resurrection and Pentecost.

I'm praying to little Alfie for the defeat of the satanic forces working to gut the 8th Amendment to the Irish Constitution (May 25th) that defends the right of babies in the womb. I have no doubt the little warrior is on the job!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Depression is Up -- Especially in the Young!

Electronics can't even begin to explain the rise in despair!
Major Depression Diagnoses Way Up Since 2013
  • A study has found that major depression cases have risen by 33 percent since 2013
  • Teens and millennials are showing the largest jump in diagnoses
  • Doctors are looking at increased social media and electronics use as a cause

Monday, May 14, 2018

The Easy Road to Hell

In a comment on a previous post, our editor, Mary Ann said referring to past generations, “Life was harder but it was healthier. Hard work taught valuable lessons and kept kids out of trouble.”
WOW!  That statement says a LOT.
What made life healthier?  Life was not nearly so infected with vulgar temptations on a nonstop basis.  Our government had not deprived us of the “food for thought” we all need in our lives----symbols of faith such as stone tablets with the Ten Commandments on them at our court houses,
prayer in schools, songs in music classes that echoed what we heard in church, and elected leaders who were not afraid to give credit to the Creator for the blessings we have, knowing it is from the Almighty that all things come.  Mothers were doing what mothers do best and fathers were providing for and protecting them.  Kids were reared by their parents and not the state.  They belonged to and were the responsibility of their parents and not “the village.”  Those same parents had the best interest of the child in mind and not the needs of society at large, run by men that see in youth only a future work force or a passive electorate and not a little soul in need of salvation. 
When it comes to “hard work and valuable lessons” one wonders today if the word hard has lost most of its meaning.  The Church teaches us that we should fast, but that’s hard and most resist doing it, or engage in it very seldom, and only when nearly forced to do so.  We want everything to be easy and consequently we have very little self-mastery.  When you have trouble understanding or begin to believe that doing what is hard is not worth the effort, you eventually look for the very wide path of least resistance. 

Sunday, May 13, 2018

It's Hug Your Mom Double Day!

As I was thinking about Mother's Day this morning, it occurred to me how many things have changed for moms over the years. The challenges of parenting are a lot different today than for moms raising their families in colonial times or as the country moved west in Conestoga wagons. Think of a world with no cars, no cell phones (no phones at all!), of wood-burning stoves and gas lamps. Think of a quieter time with no radio, no TV, no films, no computers, no ipods, ipads, or tablets; a world where entertainment was games: mumblety peg, jacks, red rover; play-acting, reciting, music: fiddles, harmonicas, and jews harps -- a world with no labor saving devices: no washers, dryers, microwaves or hairdryers.

And yet, the essentials of motherhood remain: loving our children and grandchildren with a word of wisdom, or encouragement or solace or just silent presence (with a cookie accompaniment) -- laughing and celebrating in the good times; crying through the hard times; sharing, loving, living, and praying through all the moments given to us by God with our families.

A Mother's Day hug to all moms today and all children of moms! What a blessing God gave us when He came to earth through a woman we call Mother Mary.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Faith and Suffering

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.
Those of you who know me personally are aware that our family has experienced a profound tragedy that has sunk us all into deep pain and grief. It is the kind of suffering that shakes you to the core and begs for answers. There aren't any. I feel like I've been gripped by a huge wave, swirling out of control, wondering if I'll ever come up for air. As a mother and grandmother, I look at all those I love around me and suffer for myself and them. Can a person really die of a broken heart?

And so I search, not for answers, but for meaning. Why do we suffer? If there's no purpose then life is meaningless, "full of sound and fury and signifying nothing."

Sodomy is the New Catholic Marriage

"Yes, Holy Father. I told the holy sodomites, 
Soon, soon...your sin will be ok'd by the Church."
On April 24th Belgian Cardinal Jozef De Kesel, the Cardinal-Archbishop of Brussels, said, "The Church must respect homosexuals and lesbians more, also in their experience of sexuality. Twenty years ago I would have spoken differently about it than is the case now. I would then have followed the official teaching of the Church. I now look at it much more 'comprehensively' where respect is central." [He rejects "the official teaching of the Church" in favor of his own personal opinion of respecting sin.]
He went on to say that an ecclesiastical prayer from the Catholic Church is possible for a sodomite relationship between two men or two women as long as it does not start to look like an ecclesiastical marriage between one man and one woman. 

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Thought for the Day: The Scourge of Our Time is Nihilism

From Merriam-Webster
The answer to nihilism: faith, hope, & the example of the saints


1.  a : a viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless

Nihilism is a condition in which all ultimate values lose their value.
—Ronald H. Nash
 b : a doctrine that denies any objective ground of truth and especially of moral truths

2.  a: a doctrine or belief that conditions in the social organization are so bad as to make destruction desirable for its own sake independent of any constructive program or possibility
b: capitalized : the program of a 19th century Russian party advocating revolutionary reform and using terrorism and assassination

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Sooooo...did you hear about the Met Gala Featuring Fashions "Inspired" by the Catholic Church?

These must have come from the collections of sex abusers. A pretty dress for the men who like to dress as women and a bondage mask to go with your S & M kit! Fr. James Martin was on board with this and attended the did Timothy Cardinal Dolan whose statement is after the break.

Question: Isn't this cultural appropriation? Why are the liberals not screaming about secularists and Cathlic haters dressing up Catholic? Remember how they attacked the mom of the little girl who dressed like a Geisha for a birthday tea? Once again the hypocrisy of the Left is front and center!

Note the bondage mask with the crosses and beads mimicking the rosary.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Thank God for Poland!

Remember all the old "Polak" jokes. Well the joke's on us. Poland appears to be one of the few countries in the world that hasn't gone completely insane, which is no doubt why the Left has Poland in its crosshairs. Can't let Poland influence or obstruct the agenda, eh? -- especially using the rosary!
The left’s new target is Poland & Polish Americans. Here is why...
Here's just a bit from the article:

Thank God for a Few Good Priests! Like Alfie's Defender Don Gabriele Brusco

This photo of Fr. Brusco is on the parish website of Our Lady of Lourdes in London where he serves as an associate pastor. He was ordered by Archbishop McMahon of lIverpool to leave Alder Hey and the bedside of Alfie Evans and return to the parish. Why? For daring to warn the staff about their culpability in cooperating with evil. Watch for further punishent of this good priest.
If you've followed Alfie's story, you know that there was one heroic spiritual presence accompanying (to use Pope Francis' word) the family. Fr. Gabriele Brusco never wavered in his support of Baby Alfie. He gave the toddler the sacraments of Confirmation and the Anointing of the Sick and challenged the staff at Alder Hey not to cooperate with evil. I read this testimonial to Father's heroic witness at Torch of the Faith:

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Heartbeat Bill Passes in Iowa: Court Challenge Inevitable

Iowa governor Kim Reynolds signs abortion bill
flanked by pro-life supporters. 
Iowa Governor Signs Bill Banning Most Abortions after Six Weeks

I remember back in 1973 after Roe v. Wade when all the dim bulbs on the left predicted the issue was over and abortion would be accepted within a few months. Little did they know they had lit a fuse that would create one of the longest civil wars in American history.

While feminists and gays joined ranks under the slogan "my body, my choice," pro-life Americans opened centers for women and began sidewalk counseling outside abortion mills. The technology advanced and ultrasound opened a window to the womb.

Priest Who Ministered to Alfie and His Family Denied Attendance at the Baby's Funeral

Fr. Gabriele Brusco, Alfie's good shepherd
Fr. Gabriele Brusco has been forced out of England by the UK bishops and refused incardination in the Diocese of Westminster. That's what happens when you speak the truth.

And it also appears that Father was an eyewitness to the hospital's dosing the child with the drug cocktail followed by his death two hours later.

Read the report here and please continue to pray for Alfie's family. The bishops' behavior brings to mind another bench of English bishops who bowed to the will of another tyrant.

St. John Fisher, faithful shepherd who died for refusing to cooperate with evil, please pray for all those clerics who walk in the footsteps of Christ.

Lord, Jesus Christ, give us shepherds after your own heart. Remove the false shepherds from our midst! Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy, pray for us.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Guest Post: On the Unraveling of Mark Shea

All Mark Shea fans,
follow me!
by Antigon

Editor's Note: I received this response to yesterday's post about Mark Shea and baby Alfie Evans. I think it warrants its own post.

Mark Shea is a genuinely sad case. Deciding to become a virulent Bergoglio man, he has pretty clearly abandoned what he would have called, back when he still had some wit, the-thing-that-used-to-be-Catholicism. So, however painfully depressing, it's not surprising he also seems fairly well to have lost his mind.
His constant and truly frenzied rants are now, in substance, little different from folk like Kathy Griffin or Kurt Eichenwald, however occasionally dressed with an unconvincing RC veneer. He claims still to be against abortion, but writes post after post denouncing any who seriously fight it; didn't just oppose Trump, but openly promoted the election of Hillary Clinton; insists we are obliged to accept Roe is forever, and work instead for the destruction of the Republican (but not Democratic) Party; and that we can only seriously be 'more pro-life' (his regular refrain) if we first embrace and effectively support the manic left positions of the Dem Party - complete open borders, gun confiscation with relevant pretenses, criticism of Soros is anti-semitic, Russia elected Trump, God wants him impeached, now!, the whole crazy shtick.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Keep Talking about Alfie's Murder! It's an Atrocity that Should NEVER be Repeated!

The Italian press that says Alfie was administered four drugs shortly before he died stand by their story and will not retract saying they have an eye witness.
Mark Shea may look like
 Santa Claus, but........... 

Meanwhile, Mark Shea wrote on his blog at Patheos that anyone who doesn't just shut up and pray is "using" Alfie Evans, not caring about him. (I won't link to Shea's blog because I understand Patheos pays by click count -- Hmm...does that mean Shea "used" Alfie's controversial story as click bait?)

After taking a shot at Fr. Peter West of Priests for Life who decried the silence of the Left on what was happening to Alfie, Shea goes on to aim his verbal AK-15 rapid fire at the "right wing base." He characterizes people like me as crazies and nut jobs who "stampede" over the latest "panic du jour" being stirred up (not sure by whom). In transparency, in case you haven't noticed by what I write, I do consider myself both an orthodox, practicing Catholic and a conservative who hates the deconstruction of Western culture! Nevertheless, I didn't fit into many of his bullet points about conservatives. Earth to Mark, we are NOT all cut from the same cookie cutter.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Cooperating with Evil is a Sin -- Especially When You're Wearing a Roman Collar!

Is this wolf in sheep's skin
wearing a roman collar?
My colleague Janet at Restore DC Catholicism posted a great video on the nine ways individuals participate in the sins of others. Cooperation with evil is, in fact, evil.

You don't have to commit a murder to be a party to it. The boyfriend who urges and pays for his girlfriend's abortion is every bit as guilty of killing their baby (perhaps more so) as the mother who agrees to it. The nurse who neglects a patient at the order of a doctor, participates in the death that follows. All those silent staff members complicit in the starvation and dehydration of Terri Schiavo were cooperators in her deliberate murder including Bishop Lynch of St. Petersburg, FL who aided and abetted it using his bully pulpit to endorse it. In 2007 when Lynch retired, Bobby Schindler wrote an open letter decrying the bishop's support for Terri's euthanasia saying, "When bishops don't do their job, innocent people die."

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Was Alfie Euthanized with a Drug Cocktail?

Disturbing new details about Alfie's final hours.

What's being reported is that, "Within two hours of being administered a cocktail of unknown drugs, the toddler was dead." According to an Italian website his oxygen level was at 98 before the drugs and quickly dropped to 15 within 30 minutes of the injections. There is some question about whether this is true, although the original article remains on the website. 

The original death plan involved giving Alfie drugs to suppress his respiration so this scenario is certainly plausible. A toxicology screen on the baby ought to be done to see if his death really was "natural" or induced.

And give two big thumbs down to Cardinal Nichols who is now castigating anyone questioning the hospital and talking about what great care Alder Hey provided.  His Liverpool associate Archbishop McMahon who apparently never made one visit or sent a local priest to minister to Alfie's parents is singing the same song. The Italian priest who was providing support to the family was REMOVED leaving them without spiritual consolation. 

As for the "professional care" at Alder Hey read what Benedetta Frigerio writes about the mold in Alfie's ventilator tube and the deliberate failure to feed an already stressed infant for over a day which Tom Evans protested in a press conference. And there were other signs of neglect as well. 

But we're assured by the honorable bishops that the honorable hospital had Alfie's "best interests" at heart, their honorable hearts, of course. 

My take on all this? -- let Alder Hey treat the bishops the way they treated Alfie. The bishops appear to be brain dead after all. And what a scandal they are to the Church!

Remember Uncle Tom's Cabin? Will Alfie and Charlie's Stories Start Another Great War?

Kate the commoner with her little one, slaves
 of a totalitarian regime exercising raw power!
There's a popular story, which may be apocryphal, about Abraham Lincoln meeting Harriet Beecher Stowe, the Connecticut-born writer and abolitionist who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin. Lincoln supposedly greeted her saying, "so you are the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war." Whether or not the story is true, the book did, in fact, influence northern attitudes toward slavery which, at least in part, contributed to the conflict.

Today we fight another great war, and, once again, slavery plays its part. Alan Keyes, in an eloquent piece on LifeSiteNews writes: 

Two Pathetic Archbishops Affirmed the Killing of Alfie Evans!

One of the most scandalous aspect of Little Alfie Evans murder was the behavior of Liverpool
archbishop, Malcolm McMahon and President of the Vatican Academy for Life, Vencenzo Paglia. Both undermined Alfie's parents and affirmed the hospital's neglect. A good Italian priest stationed in London who ministered to the parents dared to prick the consciences of the medical staff at Alder Hey reminding them they would have to answer to God. He was removed through the efforts of the pathetic Liverpool archbishop. LifeSiteNews reported: