Saturday, August 10, 2019

Topsy and Tuptim Review the Pan Amazon Document from Beginning to End and Survive!

The Synod targets the priesthood and the Church!
Topsy and Tuptim finally finished reading and discussing the Instrumentum Laboris for the Pan Amazon Synod taking place in October, the month dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary. It's a Lepanto moment for all of us that calls for prayer warriors to defend the faith.

The meetings, documents, previous synods, and off-the-cuff interviews with Pope Francis that preceded this latest assault target Holy Mother Church for destruction. That is nothing new. But the organized march through the institution by clerics and religious with the media blitz from the likes of Fr. James Martin may very well be.

Rise up, Church Militant! If not now -- when?

Pray the rosary daily specifically for the defeat of the synod heretics. Be informed about what's happening. And then work. Write letters to your bishop and the Apostolic Nuncio. Write open letters and post them on blogs and social media. Don't let your silence enable the crucifixion of Jesus. He saw the preparations for the synod in the Garden of Gethsemane. He watched Pope Francis and his cronies conspire together from the cross. He heard their murmurings and was present when the St. Galen Mafia hatched their plots. Rally under His banner of truth, love, and mercy to defend your Mother, the Bride of Christ.

We are warriors in the Church Militant; not children at the church picnic! Let's act like it. Viva Cristo Rey!

Pan-Amazon Synod Instrumentum Laboris: Introduction

Pan Amazon Synod Instrumentum Laboris: Chapter 1

Pan Amazon Synod Instrumentum Laboris: Chapter 2

Pan Amazon Synod Instrumentum Laboris: Chapter 3

Pan Amazon Synod Instrumentum Laboris: Chapter 4

Pan Amazon Synod Instrumentum Laboris: Part 2 Chapter 1

Pan Amazon Synod Instrumentum Laboris: Time Out to Examine the Game and the Players

Pan Amazon Synod Instrumentum Laboris: Slogging Through Part 2

Pan Amazon Synod -- Time Out from Tuptim

Pan Amazon Synod Instrumentum Laboris: Pravda and Propaganda

Pan Amazon Synod: High Noon and the Synod from Hell

Pan Amazon Synod: Discussing Part 3 at the Opthalmologist's Office

Pan Amazon Synod Part 3: "New Signs" and "New Flesh"

Pan Amazon Synod Part 3: A Bridge Too Far?

Pan Amazon Synod Part 3: Topsy and Tuptim Wrap Up 

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