Saturday, October 31, 2020

Miracles Happen: Let's Pray for a Miracle on Tuesday -- A Trump Win With No Violence!

This is being passed around on Facebook and it is too goose-bump inspiring not to share as widely as possible. As we get ready for the Feast of All Saints, remember that Jesus Christ still lives with us here on the earth. We can go to our king in the golden throne of the tabernacle and waiting for us at the altar. We can bow before Him asking, "Lord, what do you want of me?" Then we can listen as He tells us -- sometimes in words, more often in circumstances like those in this story.

He uses our arms to hug the lonely, our hands to feed the hungry and thirsty, our feet to walk in His footsteps, our lips to offer counsel and consolation to those in need, our ears to listen when just listening is what's needed. What opportunities are waiting for us today and will we see them and respond? "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening."


Friday, October 30, 2020

Celebrate Family: The Challenge to Keep on Living a Full Life!

By the way, before I begin, "Masks don't control viruses; they control you!" Follow the science, as Joe Biden and his Democrat tyrants always say while they throw scientific facts out the window! With regard to masks, the growing group of Frontline Physicians say:

"The big deal is, they may be soft, and they may look okay, but this is George Orwell’s boot on a human face forever...." 

And now to the subject of my post....

WOW! Look at all the YOUNG people in downtown Beverly Hills, CA marching for President Trump

There are more people of color than a BLM riot.
Everyone is happy,
no businesses were looted or burned,
and no statues were pulled down.
Hollywood elite leftist movie stars are SURROUNDED by 
MAGA hats and Trump supporters! 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Trump Boat Parade, Tequesta, FL - 10/17/2020

What a sight - sunshine and open air. 
Beautiful American girls, handsome American boys
and they're all - gasp - young. 
Black voices for Trump. 
Latino voices for Trump
Even gay voices for Trump.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Biden Motorcade vs Trump Motorcade

All the news polls say that Biden is leading. (Hahahah!)
Judge for yourselves.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Saturday, October 24, 2020

National Sins Are Punished by National Chastisements

We hear a lot these days about “systemic racism.” If you’re white, you’re racist. That’s a given. If you say, “Gosh, I’m not a racist. I don’t discriminate against anybody. I treat everyone I meet with respect no matter what their race, religion, sex, or even their gender identity.” (After all, morally crazy people and sinners were made by God too.) “No, you’re a racist,” they say, “because you’re white and all white people are racists. Denying you’re a racist just proves you’re a racist in denial. I don’t care that you’re out at abortion businesses trying to save black and brown babies. You’re still a racist!” 

Friday, October 23, 2020

Fr. Tom Collins On the USCCB: It Lacks Integrity and Degrades the Authentic Spirituality of the Faithful!

Editor's Note: Orthodox Catholics have exposed the evils at the USCCB for years. Through the Catholic Campaign for Human Development they fund pro-abortion and pro-contraceptive groups, as well as community organizers working to elect Democrats with their evil policies. They advance the sexualization of children and the LGBT agenda. What evils has the USCCB NOT enabled?

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Joe Biden and his Democrat Brethren, Reeds Shaken in the Wind

Joe Biden calls himself a faithful and devout Catholic, as do Nancy Pelosi, Tim Kaine and other renegade Catholic politicians. He's not, of course, and neither are the others. You can't thumb your nose at God by violating his commandments and committing grievous evils while calling yourself faithful. The game of "let's pretend" doesn't work with Almighty God as the history of Ahaz in the Old Testament shows. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Topsy and Tuptim Take Fratelli Tutti for a Ride on Skyline Drive - Part II

(See part 1 -- Topsy and Tuptim meet at IHOP to Discuss the Latest Papal Document and Other Things)

Topsy and Tuptim take advantage of a glorious fall afternoon to pack their backpacks with Fratelli Tutti and  some snacks for a ride on the Skyline Drive. They begin at the Front Royal Entrance and make their first stop at the Dickey Ridge Visitor Center.

Tuptim: This was such a great idea, Topsy, if I do say so myself. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

A Mysterious Friendship: Antonin Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Scalia’s friendship with pro-abortion Ginsburg is as curious as G.K. Chesterton’s friendship with atheist Shaw

What Scalia and G.K Chesterton had in common is that both were faithful Catholics who took seriously the Lord’s command to love.
Tue Oct 20, 2020 - 2:51 pm EST
Featured Image

Fr. Tom Collins Reflects on the Hunter Biden Scandal and the Silence of the Bishops

Before reading Fr. Tom's article, here's a report from Sky News. A big part of the corruption story is Big Tech's power in impacting the election by protecting and covering up for Biden and his family. 

And's Fr. Tom's commentary!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sunday Meditation: Take a virtual visit to Fatima

The documentary with Ricardo Montalban is one of the best films on Fatima that I've ever seen. It doesn't have all the most recent information, but is a great place to begin to understand the Fatima mysteries! Watch the whole thing!

Friday, October 16, 2020

Topsy and Tuptim meet at IHOP to Discuss the Latest Papal Document and Other Things

Will Topsy and Tuptim pay their IHOP bill with the new Vatican Pachamama coin?

The IHOP is almost empty when Topsy and Tuptim arrive. A sign on the door reads, "masks required to enter." 

Tuptim: Gosh! I forgot my Trump mask? Do you have a mask?

Topsy: (shakes her head) No, I ordered an "I'm a Trump girl" mask, but it hasn't come yet.

They go in.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Amy Coney Barrett and the Gary Peters' Abortion Story: When Tragedy is Used for Politics!

The battle is on and the Democrats are pulling out all the stops to try to deep-six Amy Coney Barrett's nomination to the Supreme Court. What a dilemma! They can hardly use the sex accusation tactics that made the Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh hearings such side shows. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Nobody is asking you to like Trump or have a beer with him.
It's about policies and the future of our Constitutional Republic!

I just read an article that ended like this. 
Everybody needs to get beyond “I don’t like Trump and wouldn’t have a beer with him” to “If Trump loses, this place becomes Venezuela:” 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Would Jesus Vote Democrat or Republican, for Biden or Trump?

Voting for the Radical Communist Left (Biden)
means voting for re-crucifying Jesus.

by Rudy Lohse

    The Catholic Church is not a political party. It is a defender of the moral law. Jesus is not partisan and would never support a particular political group, such as the Democrats or Republicans. Rather Jesus would vote to uphold the moral teachings He has entrusted to His Church for safekeeping through the Pope and Magisterium, i.e. the bishops in communion with the Pope. Thus Jesus would be oriented to specific issues to determine and support those that are in accord with His divine law, and permit flexibility of choice to the people whenever the issues are primarily secular rather than divinely mandated. This is entirely consistent with His mandate to “Render to Caesar (the world) the things that are Caesar’s, and render to God the things that are God’s.” From this frame of reference, consider the following issues that have become the focal point of the 2020 presidential campaign: 

God’s Things 

One must preserve God’s Law by always opposing:

  • Abortion 
  • Same-sex marriage/LGBT
  • Embryonic stem cell research 
  • Cloning 
  • Infanticide 
  • Euthanasia

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Sex Trafficking Is One of Trump's Priorities! Do You Really Think Democrats Care about This?

 You will never see sex trafficking as a Democrat priority. They are lust enablers. Among their biggest supporters are Hollywood moguls who've used the casting couch for years trading roles for sex. Young people in Hollywood, both girls and boys, tell of the systemic abuse. You won't hear about it from the mainstream media because so many of them are up to their necks in depraved sex.

The left makes abortion a sacrament because it gives them an easy out. How many times did Bill Clinton visit Epstein's pleasure island where underage girls were offered as fresh meat? How many times has Planned Parenthood covered up statutory rape even advising young girls to lie about their ages so they wouldn't have to report it? The Democrats are in bed with Planned Parenthood. They will NEVER EVER defund or touch PP's business. 

Sure, there are sinful people on both sides of the political aisle, but the Democrats couldn't care less about sex trafficking or abortion. Trump, on the other hand, makes them a priority. 

We hear Democrats talk all the time about helping those already born. Well...children trafficked for sex are already born and they deserve protection. So do adult women. Does anyone really believe they'll be protected by adulterer and child groper, Joe Biden or Kamala Harris who trafficked herself to get where she is today? 

Are You a Faithful Catholic? Joe Biden Isn't!

Joe Biden champions intrinsic evils that endanger his soul. Pray for him! Don't vote for him. Catholics who do are guilty of all the evils he champions! To support the murder of the innocent, is to reserve your spot in hell. That Joe Biden pretends to be a faithful Catholic, makes his guilt all the worse. Don't share in it!

Friday, October 9, 2020

Well FINALLY! A Catholic Diocese Sues the State Over Wuhan Tyranny. As for the pope's new doc....

Diocese of Brooklyn sues New York over new Mass restrictions

Well... it's about time. Catholics cold be forgiven for thinking our bishops just plain don't care if we never have a live Mass again. Some dioceses shut down before governor Mass wreckers went to work dismantling the constitutional protection of religion. It was the Protestants and Jews  (and a few SSPX priests) standing up for religious rights. Let's hope lawsuits against the state tyrants proliferate!

Where Will It End If No One Resists?

 We no longer attend the parish we are registered in and have called home for the last eight years.  Initially it never occurred to me that we would be making a move when the churches were all shut down last spring.  Because of our age we thought it might be a good thing to start going back to a smaller parish and at a mass time that is sparsely attended.  Many continued, even after the government dictators said it was ok to open churches, to stay at home, hunkered in their bunkers against the deadly killer lurking just beyond their door.  ---unless they needed bacon or booze, of course. 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

A Suffering Superhero: St Ignatius of Loyola

St. Ignatius of Loyola 1490-1556

I'm working on the quarterly Les Femmes newsletter and, as so often happens, my research draws me straight to the saints. Since the lead article is on suffering, I decided to look at some of the suffering saints and found myself with one of my favorites, St. Ignatius of Loyola. Ignatius experienced a profound conversion on a bed of pain. Wounded at the Battle of Pamplona, he was recovering at his parents' castle attended by his brother's wife, Magdalena, as nurse. Ignatius wanted novels of chivalry to pass the time, but the only books available were a life of Christ and the lives of the saints. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Think Masks are No Big Deal? This Article Dispels that Notion!

Masks Can Be Murder

"We all understand that people will say things online that they would never say face-to-face. And masks create a similar sense of anonymity for the aggressor, empowering face-to-face violence and hostility across our nation....

Anyone Who Votes for Joe Biden Votes for the gods Moloch and Baal...

 ...If that isn't a mortal sin, I don't know what is.

Biden doubles down on abortion law pledge

What does Biden not understand about the commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Murder?" 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Well, It's About Time! NETFLIX Indicted in Texas.

BREAKING: Netflix indicted in Texas over ‘Cuties’ film sexualizing children

This should have happened ages ago. NETFLIX should have been indicted for their promotion of suicide with their disgusting series, 13 Reasons Why. They promote porn, rape culture, drugs, gender ideology and just about every immoral perversion out there. If you haven't done it yet, join the 2.5 million viewers who joined the #cancelnetflix community. I ditched the evil group several years ago over their suicide enabling with 13 Reasons Why and haven't missed them one day since. Who's next?

Monday, October 5, 2020

Money Talks and George Soros Has a LOT OF MONEY!

Will this be George Soros' home after death?
Jan Van Eyck, The Last Judgment circa 1440-1441

We all hear about the influence of George Soros, but, personally, I had no idea of its extent. I knew of some of the organizations on this list and their links to Soros, but the magnitude is mind boggling. It shows how much influence an evil rich person can have on a society. 

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Dante's Prayer

Loreena McKennitt said (see link above) that Dante's Prayer is "a beautiful prayer that came from a hell". On a cold December, 1995, trip on the Trans-Siberian Railway, Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy kept running though her mind, especially in Siberia where "many fields of the Gulag were installed which made it a living hell for hundreds of thousands of human beings". Remembering the trip to hell that Dante made in The Divine Comedy, she wrote this prayer.

At the beginning and end of the song the St Petersburg Chamber Choir conducted by Nikolai Korniev, performs Alleluia, Behold the Bridegroom from the Lamentations of Holy Week (which we missed this year) from the album Russian
Easter. Loreena McKennitt, who wrote the melody and lyrics of Dante's Prayerbegins singing at 2:04.

It's Time to Call Our Bishops to Do Their Duty!

Biden's Bishop Enables Joe Biden by His Silence! Sad to say, he has abandoned Joe by not exercising the spiritual work of mercy: TO ADMONISH THE SINNER! Shame on you, Bishop Francis Malooly. "Do Your Job!" Save the bodies of the babies and do your best to save the soul of Joe Biden who is gripped in the claws of the evil one!

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Random thoughts and interesting articles! From Melania, to Chris Wallace, to our Great Red States!

I love Melania Trump and after CNN's hit job, like so many have said, I love her even more! Can't even blame her for the bad language. The media continually spray her and the president with putrid sludge hoping they can get something to stick. They even go after their minor son Barron. The MSM's shameless behavior inspires anger and contempt, and Melania can be excused for expressing a little of both in her "private" conversations with her "friend." Listen to the phone calls! She loves the president and she loves our country. God bless you, Melania.

Check out the hit job that makes Melania look good!

Will the Real Misogynist Please Stand Up!

Scratch your head. Trump gets attacked all the time by the mainstream media as a man who doesn't respect women. But who's his press secretary, his public face on so many TV screens? The beautiful and articulate Kayleigh McEnany. Who was his previous press secretary and campaign manager for 2016? Kellyanne Conway. ( 

What a Surprise!

I saw this on Facebook and lo and behold there's my nephew smack dab in the middle of the back row. Very clever lyrics.