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Friday, December 7, 2018

Use Advent to Do Prayer and Penance to Prepare for Battle!

Let us all pray that 2019 is a year of faith and action -- when serious Catholic laity pick up the standard of Christ dropped and abandoned on the battlefield by complicit clergy. We cannot take the place of the shepherds called by God to defend the faith: to teach, govern, and sanctify; but we can boldly defend the faith, hold our ground and prepare the advance for the good shepherds. May we commit ourselves this advent to pray and fast like the Holy League facing the Turks at Lepanto in preparation for the great battle. 

Below is the battle plan presented by the Complicit Clergy Website. Does your parish and diocese do ANY of the good things listed? Or do you have out and proud homosexual priests running parishes, flying the rainbow flag, marching in sodomite-celebrating parades, etc? Are priests in your diocese allowed to advance the homosexual agenda scandalizing the flock? Do you EVER hear a homily about the threats facing Catholic families today from homosexuality, gender ideology, contraception, abortion, sex education in schools and libraries, etc.?

Friends, it's time to fight!

Prayer and fasting are fundamental to gird us for battle. But if all we do is pray and ask God to do all the work, we are cowards fleeing the battlefield under the mask of piety. Silence about the atrocities in our culture represents consent and is a sin!


"Gird your loins" is a scriptural call to battle. (Jeremiah 1: 17-19)

Let us pray and call our bishops to imitate the Holy League -- and stop running from the field in fear! We have a twelve star general whose feast we celebrate tomorrow. Gird your lines and prepare for battle under the standard of Christ our King and follow Mary even to the foot of the cross!

The Good Shepherd Battle Plan

  • Publicly disclose the names of all clergy credibly accused of sexual abuse within your diocese.
  • Call for all consecrated celibates within your diocese to publicly reaffirm their vow of chastity.
  • Remove clergy with demonstrated homosexual tendencies from public ministry.
  • Rid diocesan seminaries and schools of manifest public dissenters of Catholic teaching.
  • Issue a Pastoral Letter reiterating Church teaching on Human Sexuality, including Chastity, Contraception, Abortion, Homosexuality and Gender Ideology.
  • Schedule days on the diocesan calendar in which pastors will preach on these topics each year.
  • Restore the Prayer to St. Michael after every Mass.
  • Require diocesan priests to routinely warn the laity at Mass about the mortal sin of the unworthy reception of Holy Communion, a sacrilege condemned by Christ himself.
  • Require parishes to offer the Sacrament of Confession at least three times each week and to strongly encourage the laity to receive the Sacrament at least once each month.
  • Restore respect for the Most Holy Eucharist by requesting that Communion to be distributed only by Priests and Deacons, on the tongue, while kneeling (Intinction may be a way of achieving this objective).
  • Request that Communion rails be re-installed to remind Catholics to never take for granted the awesome gift of Christ in the Eucharist.
  • Enforce Canon 915 at all diocesan parishes, withholding Holy Communion from those who obstinately persist in the public manifestation of grave sin.
  • Request renewal of the practice of fasting on Wednesdays, Fridays and at least 3 hours before Communion – as Christ himself taught, some evil spirits cannot be defeated without both prayer and fasting.
  • Restore sacred music in the Mass, including polyphony, Gregorian chant, Latin Sanctus and Agnus Dei.
  • Promote daily devotion to praying the Rosary, as called for by Our Lady of Fatima.
  • Encourage parishes to establish monthly first Saturday Rosary devotions, as called for by Our Lady of Fatima.
  • Defend priests who teach the truths of the Catholic faith when attacked by dissenters.
  • Where there are no Catholic schools available, encourage and support parents willing to home-school their children or establish parish co-ops.
  • Restore Lectionary scripture passages that have been omitted because they were deemed to be “difficult”.

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