Playing to the crowd |
Put a curly red wig and a false nose on Anthony Fauci (Well, maybe he doesn't need the nose.) and you'll recognize him for the clown he is. He's stirred Wuhan virus panic since the beginning and most of his advice has been bad. He rides a seesaw from one interview to the next with his changing advice, but consistently sounds like Chicken Little on steroids.
If Trump had listened to Fauci's advice not to ban travel from China, the spread of the virus would likely be worse. As for the constant hand-wringing and gloom and doom, how exactly does that help?
Also, can we trust the data that's driving all this? Florida, for example, is a state showing a large surge in the virus. Is the data accurate? Well...not likely. As of July 14th, many labs were
showing a 100% rate of positive tests. Everybody knows that's wrong but those are the numbers being reported. Hospitalizations and death rates tell more, but with the politicalization of the disease even that's questionable. It seemed in NYC that every death was attributed to the virus. What are the real statistics? Who knows?