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Monday, September 16, 2024

Swifties for Trump?

I have several granddaughters who are Taylor Swift fans. One, in fact, traveled with friends to Vienna to attend the show cancelled because of terrorist threats. So I found the X message from Swifties for Trump interesting. (See below) If you search Swifties for Trump, you find numerous articles claiming the group doesn't exist. Everything is AI-generated. Maybe, maybe not. The group claims over 800 members. The message on X generated almost 700 replies. Half of them, however, are from Swifties for Trump so it's certainly possible that the "group" is only one person with plenty of time and 800 ghost members.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Meditation: A Reflection on 9/11 by Fr. Jim Sobus

OnWednesday, 9/11, I received an email reflection from a dear priest about the tragedy that took place 23 years ago. It reminded me that some things are so serious they should never be forgotten. The sacrifice of  the early Christian martyrs who went singing to their deaths, inspires all who suffer "for righteousness sake". The actions of tyrants challenges us to act differently, especially when we have power and authority over others. We need to remember that God is the ultimate authority, and those who receive it from Him condemn themselves when they misuse it. So many bloody atrocities stain  the pages of history, especially the 20th century and these early years of the 21st. We forget them at our peril. Let us remember 9/11 with sorrow, but also with admiration and gratitude for those heroic souls whose glorious response merits our determination to never forget!

A Reflection on 9/11 by Fr. James Sobus

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Did ABC Collude with the Harris Campaign?

Former Clinton adviser calls for investigation of ABC debate between Trump, Harris

Is collusion between ABC and the Harris campaign just the latest conspiracy theory swirling around the 2024 election? Let history give the likely answer. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Who Won the Debate?

As someone texted me after the debate, "It was a clown show." The question is, do debates win or lose elections? Watching the Reagan movie last night, it was interesting to be reminded of the Reagan/Mondale moment during the second debate when Ronald Reagan eviscerated the question and doubts about his age. It also validated Nancy Reagan's advice to the staff, "Let Ronnie be Ronnie." 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Speak Now Or Deserve What You Get! Write to Donald Trump!

Politicians are as fickle as false lovers. They say whatever they think they need to say in order to win or stay in office. As Lord Acton said, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." And we've seen the corruption of good men over and over in politics.

I spent a number of years working for the Republican party in a somewhat lackluster way. Politics was never something I enjoyed. In the early days back in the 1970s and 80s, all the pro-life politicos told us to just shut up about abortion during campaigns because it only lost them votes.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Thought for Monday on the Truth. Yes, Virginia, Truth Exists!

I had the great privilege of attending two retreats with Fr. John Hardon. The second in Windsor, Canada during the Fall of, I think 1999, was probably his last. Cardinal Raymond Burke (a bishop at the time) participated and Fr. Hardon passed the torch of the Marian Catechists to him. Those retreats were two of the greatest blessings of my life along with the two decades of the Spiritual Exercises retreats with Fr. James Buckley. God has blessed me abundantly with such great priest guides and continues to do so. The revival of the Church begins in the cradle and is magnified in the seminary. May God give us many holy priests to lead His Church. 

Fr. Hardon, Servant of God, please pray for us.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday Meditation: Happy Birthday, Blessed Mother!

For Our Lady's birthday, I'm reading Pope St. Pius X's encyclical Ad Diem Illum. He wrote it in honor of the 50 year jubilee of the dogmatic declaration in 1854 of her Immaculate Conception. That dogma was declared by Pope Pius IX in his own encyclical, Ineffabilis Deus. If I finish reading the encylical by Pope Pius X, I will read the original declaration.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

How Much Did Butter Cost in 2020?

We are on the way to economic meltdown. I just came home from the grocery store. Land o' Lakes butter is almost $8.00 for a two-pound box. I checked the inflation table and the cost of butter has increased by almost 35%. Consider that with everything else you're buying. And then remember that the feds are spending like drunken sailors to give goodies to illegals and to send trillions to foreign countries to wage war and protect their own borders when we refuse to protect our own. 

It's insanity on steroids! 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Tim Walz's family doesn't support their Marxist relative. The Family Feud Continues!

The ‘Nebraska Walz Family’ confirms viral pro-Trump photo: ‘The picture is real. The shirts are real’

From the article:

What's Wrong with In Vitro Fertilization? First and Foremost. It Offends Almighty God!

Baby dolls for sale through IVF

In vitro fertilization is grievously wrong, a mortal sin in fact. It treats babies like doll objects. It is the flip side of abortion. If you don't want a baby doll, get rid of it any way you can including infanticide. If you want a baby doll, do anything you can to get one including creating life in a petrie dish and hiring a poor third world woman to bear the little one with spares sent to the freezer orphanage.

It's wrong -- plain and simple -- grievously wrong!

God is the Creator! We are called to be cooperators in creation, but He wrote the manual and the rule book. Scientists and lab workers have no right to co-opt and usurp God's rights. Men and women have no right to demand that God fulfill their desires.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Deus Vult: The Enemies of Tradition Can Never Win!

A wise philosopher once said, "Stupid is as stupid does." Read this article and take heart. When things seem dark, they are often closest to the light. You can only eclipse the sun for so long! Pray, hope, and don't worry. Deus Vult! God wills it!

Remember when everybody was sure that there was a new Latin Mass suppression coming down the pike from The Dictator Pope and his mercy for the margins?

That came from a credible rumour published by our friends at Rorate back on June 17th. While that was brewing, Viganò got the axe from the Vatican, and a different report denied any existence of a new TLM suppression.

Meanwhile, the “Agatha Christie Petition 2.0” was released, along with a second petition by the same authors for the faithful to sign. A third petition was also put out (“An Open Letter from the Americas to Pope Francis”), signed by people like Trad critic Larry Chapp and endorsed by Archbishop Cordileone. [Continue....]

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Curiouser and Curiouser: Election 24 and the Family Feud Games

Election 2024 just keeps on giving with the latest entertainment being a real life Family Feud game. Yup, the election feuds could give the Family Feud TV show a run for the ratings. Let's consider a few of the contestants.

Hunter Biden reportedly hates stepmom Jill and called her a "vindictive moron" and an "entitled c**t." [Source] Sometimes ya just gotta laugh. Think about it. An entitled, vindictive, druggie moron saying those things about his stepmom. Tut tut, Hunter, that's the pot calling the kettle black.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

On the Feast Day of Pope St. Pius X: Challenging Times are Nothing New!

In the old calendar, today is the feast of Pope St. Pius X (pope from 1903-1914). In honor of his feast day, I am reading selections from My Words Will Not Pass Away: doctrinal writings of St. Pius X. I am personally grateful to this pope for encouraging the frequent, even daily, reception of Holy Communion and reducing the age for reception to the age of reason around seven years old. [This is what the Church means when it talks about "development of doctrine". It doesn't mean playing fast and loose with the perennial teachings of Holy Mother Church.] We have a lot to learn from this great saint!

Monday, September 2, 2024

Labor Day Is a Good Time to Say Thank You to St. Joseph, Patron of Workers

During my prayer time this morning, I was thinking about St. Joseph and what an appropriate day this is to thank him. He prayed, worked, suffered, and protected his precious family entrusted to him by God. What a model for all fathers who pray and work, suffer and protect their families. My husband's confirmation name is Joseph. He has three great saints watching over him. St. Lawrence, who suffered an agonizing torture for the faith who considered the poor his family. When the tyrannical authorities demanded he bring the treasures of the church, he presented the poor, God's little ones.