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Sunday, February 18, 2024

Sunday Meditation: How Has Your Lent Started?


  1. Fasting cleanses the soul, raises the mind, subjects one’s flesh to the spirit, renders the heart contrite and humble, scatters the clouds of concupiscence, quenches the fire of lust, and kindles the true light of chastity. Enter again into yourself.

    It is like quoting St. Paul, "if I should have prophecy and should know all mysteries, and all knowledge, and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. if I should distribute all my goods to feed the poor, and if I should deliver my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing," to say that one doesn't need to have faith or to distribute all one's goods or to deliver one's body to be burned or to fast to be perfect as long as one has 'love.' That is not the intent of the passage. Jesus said all these things are necessary to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. St. Augustine never said he or his flock didn't have to fast, but tried to get them to remember that one is fasting for the love of God/mourning for the suffering our sin caused our Saviour. How much sorrow/tears/grief is there when it is forgotten/assuaged by/cannot forego a candy bar/glass of wine during Lent?

    Who would believe that not 60 years after Paul VI overthrew the laws of fasting and abstinence that sodomite transgender whores would be declaring themselves saints in St. Patrick's Cathedral on the second day of Lent and reported in Time Magazine, Vogue and the NYT (those publishers of lies). Sure the blogosphere is filled with outrage and finger pointing (did it bring forth one tear for the cascade of sins committed there, the hammer blows on our Saviour during His Passion (as all our sins were suffered by him) ?). But sure all of them will 'believe' the reparation and disavowal of the archdiocese and be at the closest diocesan church on Sunday to fulfill their church 'obligation' to attend mass (or what the pope/church call 'the liturgy') and none of them will fast or abstain during Lent because 'the pope/the church' tells them they aren't obligated to do so. Not only won't they do it themselves, they will advocate against it like you and broadcast the bad seed of Paul VI, we are doing works of charity this Lent instead of fasting or denying ourselves (something positive like a corporal work of mercy for a sinner).

    Zwilling, who told OSV News Feb. 16 that the organizers had “requested a Mass,” said he was “sure” that “for every funeral that has ever been held in St. Patrick’s Cathedral — yesterday’s funeral or (that of) any archbishop of New York or anyone else who’s ever been buried from there — they’ve all been funerals for sinners.”

  2. I don't think St. Augustine was saying fasting is not necessary. Can't one believe both/and rather than either/or? The point of prayer and fasting are to be united to Christ and draw closer to His holy will. That, I think, is the truth St. Augustine is getting at, not that fasting is unnecessary or unimportant.

  3. Have you ever shed tears over the passion of Christ? I have seen one person in my entire life do that (and he got one person to join him)--and it wasn't me. These youth are taught to shed tears over their own troubles during the stations of the cross: "As Pope Francis gave his blessing in Portuguese, the giant screens set up throughout the park showed close-ups of young pilgrims in tears. But just as quickly as they fell into silence to hear the pope, they cheered loudly when he waved goodbye."

    I prayed at abortion clinics and saw very few tears from anyone ever--one post abortive woman holding a sign to that effect; a few women on the way home; a few first timers on the way in--none among the 'peaceful prayers' -- maybe because we all knew we were not going to do anything to stop the murders: arrest, jail, risking our middle class lives--no, we were drawing the line at 'peaceful praying' (and for 99% that included not participating in the fast of the 40 days for life campaign). Our hearts were hard as rocks and we were fearful and intending to keep ourselves fearful--not of God, but of our parish/family/community and the police.

    St. Augustine was fasting (like Jesus, St John the Baptist, St. Paul and all the apostles and disciples) and he was speaking to those who were fasting and that is what YOU (not he) fails to make plain. Maybe they never got to the point of shedding one tear over the passion of Christ, but their churches weren't full of abortion and euthanasia supporters/ practitioners, contraceptors, divorced and remarried, fornicators, and sodomites--all assuring themselves that they weren't fasting or denying themselves anything for Lent, but engaging in prayer and positive works of charity and social justice (like getting rid of the death penalty for murderers while passing laws legalizing abortion and assisted suicide/euthanasia). Really, what do all these positive doers of charity do the rest of the year when they don't have to make an excuse for not fasting/denying themselves?

  4. Well...I've been to jail for rescuing babies and I've cried plenty over their murder. You imply criticism of the "peaceful prayers" at the abortuaries. When I was sidewalk counseling (almost every Saturday for about 20 years) I was incredibly grateful for their presence and credited them with the saves. Fasting is important; so is charity. I don't find your posts filled with charity, but filled with criticism. Perhaps that's not what you intend, but that's how you come across.

  5. I do intend criticism. Fasting isn't 'important' it is NECESSARY as a corporal act of the Church. If you were fasting and speaking to those who were fasting to encourage remembrance that while works are necessary, they aren't an end in themselves but only merit when done for the love of God, that would be fine. But you are not fasting and you are speaking to those who aren't fasting and implying that you are not fasting because St. Augustine said so and moreover you are doing something better: shedding big tears over the passion of Christ. It is exactly like the doctrine of Korban: you don't have to care for your parents because you are giving to God (meanwhile these people saying this were a stinking offense in the nostrils of God). In regard to abortion, I realize you believe your hands are tied. What else could you possibly do without laying down your own life (there is no greater love than laying down one's life) and no doubt the world would say and the devil would tempt you to believe that you laid down your life in vain for these babies. Many people were going to jail until the FACE Act (sponsored by Catholics and no doubt conceived by their Catholic pastors to stop any backlash against the Church (i.e. themselves) because abortion is an offense to God and abortion proponents would retaliate against God in His person, the Church) made it a felony. One can only conclude that this was the will of God. But why did He will this? So that people would stop going to jail and choose this life over the next? Jesus fasted for 40 days to strengthen Himself spiritually. He fasted to detach Himself from this world. How has evil taken over our Church and world? Jill Biden, good catholic, is inviting a woman who went to another state to murder her handicapped child to sit beside her during her husband's 'state of the union' speech. What is the "state" of the union? What is the 'state' of a Church that would have such rock-hearted, selfish people not as 'lapsed' members - but members in good standing and the 'prolife' members continue to belong and attend with them. Would the ACLU let Poles and Germans off because they "prayed" as they stood by while Jews were led to the slaughter? Will God? YOU credit people with 'saves' (adopting the language of the Saviour/judge, for yourself (as you were taught by VCII--why not credit God, if that's who they were 'praying' to? But you are saying I credit them rather than myself). Who invented 'sidewalk counseling' -- would the ACLU let off those who 'sidewalk counseled' the soldiers who were going in to slaughter Jews? Will God? I wonder what will make people rend their garments, fall down on their knees, cover their heads with dirt, and, fasting, cry out to God for help. In one generation the Catholic Church is gone with the wind. We all pretend to believe in the Bible/Jesus and yet not one of us is willing to do what it/He says. "Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Maybe we really aren't that sorry: take a tour of Camp Kreitzer and have a glass of wine and a chocolate bar and count your "blessings."

  6. One correction: I credit the saves at abortuaries to the INTERCESSION of the prayer warriors to Christ and His Blessed Mother. He is the one who rescues. I'm not posting any more of your screeds. We actually agree about fasting, but you are a clanging gong. I'm silencing your clanger from this point on.

  7. If someone were walking into a school / nightclub / anywhere with a loaded gun w/expressed intent to kill and people stood on the sidewalk counseling and praying while they went in and proceeded to carry out their intent, what would you say?

  8. Are you saying we should kill the abortionist? Or kidnap the mothers and hold them hostage until they give birth? Or should we do like the rescuers do, put our bodies between the killer and the victim? I'm curious; are you a rescuer?

  9. Anonymous' comparison is a ruse. It's illegal to go into a school with a loaded gun with intent to kill and rescuers would have every right to stop them by force. Meanwhile its legal to kill babies and rescuers get arrested if they so much as step one inch out of line.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Ms Anonymous
    Re: "In one generation the Catholic Church is gone with the wind."

    Almighty God disagrees with you:

    Matthew 16:18 "That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it"

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  12. Ms Anonymous
    Re: "people stood on the sidewalk counseling and praying"

    I spend almost exactly 50-years carrying a gun for a living - military, law enforcement and private security.

    And I cannot think of anything more effective than prayer when lives are at risk.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford
