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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Fr. Tom Collins on the Tragedy of Abortion that Denies Life to the Infant, but also Baptism

Is baptism necessary or just an excuse for a party?
A number of years ago, I read of a macabre Mafia practice, whereby arrangements were made to have an enemy seduced, so that he could be murdered in the act of fornication. In this way, it was thought that he would not only be killed, but also, having been denied any opportunity to repent, he would be eternally damned.

Over the past half century, a similar but even more sinister practice has come to be viewed as acceptable and even noble by a large number of Catholics. The practice they have endorsed as tolerable, or even noble, is the deliberate denial of innocent babies the right to be baptized. Specifically, they have bought into the agenda that it is a form of “social justice” to kill pre-born babies, and thus to deny them the ability to be baptized.

Some try to overlook this evil by alleging God to be so merciful that we can presume that such babies will enjoy the gifts of sanctifying grace and eternal life without Baptism. Yet, such an excuse rings hollow. The very nature of aborticide includes attitudes and actions, whereby those promoting this evil are de facto deliberately taking steps, whereby an innocent baby is to be deprived not only his/her natural life, but also access to supernatural life. As such, it is even worse than the Israelites who joined in the pagan rituals of child sacrifice to the god, Moloch, since the access to the life of sanctifying grace offered through Baptism was not available at that time.

Thus it is that we now have millions of Catholics in a rather precarious spiritual condition. First of all, they assert that they are willing to tolerate or support the efforts of those who want to use the most hideous methods to ensure that innocent babies will not be able to enjoy life either outside their mothers’ wombs or in the bosom of Holy Mother Church. And secondly, they allege that the Eucharistic Christ Himself, with His Own Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, wills to support the sadistic rituals of abortion. Sadly, recent history shows that priests who dare to withhold sacramental ratification of such a perverse identification of Jesus with the ancient blood-thirst god, Moloch, risk serious disciplinary actions by their bishops – just as did priests who sought to expose and stop clergy sex abuse of children in the late Twentieth Century.

All this raises some serious questions (dubia). First of all, does the failure/refusal of so many bishops to decisively and publicly refute these assertions of such Catholics indicate a willingness to concede that Catholics are morally free to cooperate with efforts to exclude innocent babies from access to the life of sanctifying grace? Secondly, is the acquiescence of our bishops to pro-abortion Catholic politicians promote the idea that we are free to merely presume upon God’s mercy, rather than humbly appreciate that mercy by cooperating with sacramental disciplines established by Christ? Thirdly, do our bishops want us to believe that the Church has changed her teaching on the necessity of Baptism for salvation by indicating that salvation is realized by presuming of God’s mercy? Fourthly, since many bishops are acquiescing to those Catholics, who assert that the dismemberment of living babies is pleasing to the Eucharistic Christ, what other forms of barbarity does our compassionate Savior want to promote with the Eucharistic nourishment He offers his Church? Fifthly, do our bishops want to allow us to take steps, which incrementally identify the Kingdom of God with the New World Order and its Culture of Desecration and Death? Likewise, has the precept in II Cor 6:15 been so abrogated as to allow Catholics to either worship Jesus with Moloch or to identify Jesus with Moloch?

The promotion of the cult of Moloch demands the sacrifice of innocent babies on the altars of comfort, convenience and complacency. It is thus in direct opposition to the cross of Christ and His reverent, sacrificial and sanctifying love for all humanity. Yet, for close to half a century, most bishops have refused to decisively, publicly and specifically denounce as evil Planned Parenthood, its agenda and its supporters. (It does makes one wonder, though, whether there may be a further reason for this reticence. After all, for decades, Planned Parenthood and its secularist allies have been promoting various “family life curricula” and “sex education programs”, which have “groomed” vulnerable children to be more open both to sexual experimentation and to sexual exploitation. It thus has been very helpful in providing a steady supply of “fresh meat” to assuage the sexual appetites of perverted predatory priests and prelates). Instead, they have regularly given high ecclesial and academic honors to prominent Catholics and other “social justice champions”, who insist that the promotion of aborticide and infanticide, as well as the perversion of human sexuality and marriage, is in harmony with the Gospel of Jesus.

The Lord said to Moses: “Say to the people of Israel, Any man of the people of Israel…who gives any of his children to Molech shall be put to death; the people of the land shall stone him with stones.  I myself will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people, because he has given his children to Molech, defiling my sanctuary and profaning my holy name.” Leviticus 20

Since actions speak louder than words, and silent acquiescence to evil indicates consent, the failure or refusal of so many bishops over the past half century to, minimally, directly refute those Catholics, who publicly and repeatedly assert that support for Planned Parenthood, its agenda and its programs are in harmony with our Catholic Faith is quite disturbing.

And it raises a serious question. Since so many bishops for decades have allowed unrepentant pro-aborticide Catholics to receive Holy Communion (custom immemorial?), are Catholics now free to identify Jesus with the ancient pagan god, Moloch? After all, they cannot allow His precious Body and Blood to be abused, so to ratify as legitimate the sin-seared consciences of such Catholics, unless they are willing to concede the contention that Jesus Christ is Moloch.

The world wonders.

Fr. Thomas Collins


  1. When you receive the Eucharist with mortal sins on your soul, you, yourself begin to hate God. The more communions you take into your body, while you are in the state of mortal sin, the more evil enters you, and you'r hatred of God grows. These people that are doing that, are not loving God, the are hating God and they will end up in hell. The silent Bishops are not doing them or themselves any favor and they will have to answer to God and His judgement; not the worlds.

  2. We need to pray and fast for their conversion -- that their eyes might be opened to the peril in which they place themselves.

  3. When the Eucharist; the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, is taken by people in mortal sin, we should pray for them. We can say as Jesus did on the cross, 'father forgive them they know not what they do'.

  4. Thank God for this God fearing, well catechized Catholic priest, I didn’t think there were any left. God bless you Father Tom.

    Most Bishops are awful. They spend most of their time on administration rather than babies being murdered and mothers committing murder and Catholic politicians encouraging abortion.

    ‘Father forgive them for they know not what they do” has nothing to do with abortion or sacrilegious Communion. This is Jesus forgiving the executioners who crucified him because they knew they were crucifying a man but they did not know they were crucifying the Son of God.

    Stay strong Father Tom for the sake of God and our snakes.
