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Saturday, December 30, 2023

My Very Favorite Classical Piece -- Perfect for Christmas!

Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring by Johann Sebastian Bach

-- Merry 6th Day of Christmas. 

Let the swans swim in rhythm to this beautiful piece! I think this evening I will take my phone out and play it for my chickies. Surely it will encourage them to lay a few more eggs as a return gift. 

Thank the Lord for the blessing of heavenly music and the ears with which to hear it! Bach once said, "I play the notes as they are written, but it is God who makes the music." At the top of each page he composed he wrote J J signifying Jesu Juva, Jesus, help me. And, clearly, Jesus did inspire him. 

When he was finished composing and satisfied with a piece, he wrote at the bottom SDG - Soli Deo Gloria - For the Glory of God Alone. This reminds me of the practice in elementary school of writing JMJ (Jesus, Mary, and Joseph) or AMDG (Ad Majorem Dei Gloria - For the greater glory of God) on tests. 

Bach hoped that when people heard his music, their thoughts would be directed, not to him, but to God. How can anyone not experience the presence of angels listening to his music? Nonetheless, despite its glorious sound, it will only be a faint echo of the music we will hear when we kneel before the throne of God. I praise and thank God for Johann Sebastian Bach. What a gift to the world!

Celtic Woman also has a beautiful version:

You can learn more about Bach here

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