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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Pray for Phyllis Schlafly

I'm an enthusiastic fan of Phyllis Schlafly. She is beautiful, gracious, and smart as they come. I only wish I had half her brains and beauty. (Barbara Walters, eat your heart out!) So when Phyllis took a fall recently and broke her hip I immediately began praying for her full recovery. Phyllis is an icon of the conservative movement and a champion for traditional marriage and the family.

It's hard to imagine the energy of a woman who taught all her children to read before they went to school, created the slogan and wrote a book for Barry Goldwater's run for president against LBJ, "A choice not an Echo," while her kids were still little, and almost single-handedly orchestrated the defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment. She continues to energize women to be the best they can be without having to be men. And did I mention she's beautiful, feminine, and carries herself with the dignity of a queen. I love that woman! What a role model!

The last time I heard Phyllis speak she was addressing a meeting of the Catholic Leadership Conference about the dangers of no-fault divorce which is devastating middle-class families in the same way welfare policies destroyed poor (mostly minority) families. She continues to speak the truth and influence the Republican party. Her Eagle Forum is a group to be reckoned with. I wish the party had listened to her for the past twenty years and really practiced conservative principles instead of running on Eastern, yankee, backroom powerbroking. We'd have a real conservative, small-government party instead of being Democrat-lite.

But it's never too late. If the Republican party returns to conservatism it will present a sharp contrast to the liberal dystopia threatening to turn the United States into an orwellian nightmare under a socialist demagogue.

Get well, Phyllis. We need your sensible voice now more than ever!

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