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Saturday, April 10, 2010

The EPA is the Church's Friend?

I have to admit that when I see the Environmental Protection Agency posing as a friend of religious congregations, my suspicious mind begins whirring as all the neurons, or whatever they are, start looking for connections.

Energy Star for Congregations is a program of the EPA and the Department of Energy. Consider that both of these  departments are unconstitutional. Exactly how are they going to help us? Well...there's a big effort to force the "greening of America" on us which is really about forcing us to do all the things the government says are good for us. Just as the Cap and Tax legislation has all kinds of draconian clean energy proposals in it including the energy home inspector coming to check your appliances before you can sell your home, I expect the Energy Star program is really about changing the ways congregations think and enlisting them in the government's environmental scam.

I did a search on the Energy Star website on "global warming" and came up with 1800 hits. What do you think this is really all about?

As Ronald Reagan often said, the most frightening words in the English language are, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you."


In the new world order I fully expect to see morality defined as using low water toilets, coiled mercury lightbulbs, smart cars, and of course, aborting all those unwanted babies so we can save the planet for the wolves, polar bears, snail darters, and beetles...oh, and of course, old growth forests.

Thanks to Catherine of Siena at Threshing Grain for the heads up.

1 comment:

  1. For shame! I can see that you completely botched your Lenten Carbon Fast! ;-D
