Did you ever notice how fortune tellers fill their windows with religious objects as props? Does Church Militant do the same? |
I have to shake my head over the hypocrisy of Church Militant. Let's go back once again to their April 20, 2020 hit piece on the SSPX. The title, as you may recall, was SSPX: Sympathetic to Perverts. The title appears to have come from a letter an SSPX parishioner wrote to Bishop Fellay about layman, James Simmerman, a convicted child abuser who spent four years in jail for molesting two young girls in the congregation. A wealthy man, Simmerman also settled a $3 million lawsuit with the families involved. CM quotes from the letter to Fellay including the "sympathetic to perverts" comment that became the title of their Spotlight:
Does the SSPX really want to be known as sympathetic to perverts of this nature? Couldn't this type of policy be seen as a magnet to other predators?
The letter was precipitated by the fact that, after his release from prison, Simmerman returned to the SSPX chapel. In the same letter, the parishioner condemned those who allowed such a sinner to sit amongst them. Here's a further portion of the letter quoted in the CM piece:
On this last Sunday, Feb. 21, my family arrived at Mass to find a convicted child molester, James Simmerman, seated in church, with his wife and his stepson's family. He was within arms reach of several young girls. I was immediately filled with a range of emotions: disgust, horror, anger, shock, et al. This is a man who violated and stole the innocence of young girls in our parish (at times in the church building itself!), destroyed families, and tore a rift in this parish …
The man's anger over Simmerman's past sins is understandable. The violation of innocence is a grievous matter that should make everyone angry. But the implied accusation that he might begin abusing "young girls" during Mass since they were "within arms reach" is mind boggling! Is the man expected to ring a bell whenever he goes out saying, "unclean abuser; run away, run away?" Perhaps he could wear the scarlet letter A.
What Simmerman did in the past was evil and disgraceful. He went to jail for it and, hopefully, like Chuck Coulson, had a serious conversion while behind bars. It's happened before. Perhaps the letter's author would prefer he'd been stoned to death rather than serve time in prison.
St. Maria Goretti's murderer, intent on rape, was enraged by her refusal to submit to his lust and stabbed her numerous times. Unrepentant for years, he converted after a prophetic dream where Maria visited and spoke to him. He was present at her canonization where Maria's mother told him if her daughter could forgive him, so could she. No one is beyond the grace of God while he still lives. We are, in fact, a Church filled with sinners. Hopefully we all repent and try to make amends.
Would it be better for Simmerman to be in a parish where his misdeeds were unknown? Isn't it likely to be less of an occasion of sin for him to be among parishioners alert to his past and wary? Is it possible he returned there precisely because of the humiliation it would entail and the suppression of temptation? Would anyone who knew of his past deeds allow their children to be around him unsupervised?
Or would the author of the letter rather shuffle the problem off to another congregation ignorant of Simmerman's past abuse so he can feel self righteous about protecting his own children? Hey...no problem if he abuses someone else's kids where he's unknown.
Wasn't that what happened when predator priests were shifted around by their bishops?
The fact that CM used this case to further attack the SSPX is particularly hypocritical and sanctimonious in view of their own scandals. Michael Voris openly admits that he engaged in sins of perversion for twenty years. He is certainly "sympathetic" to at least one pervert. Did he ever have relations with a minor? Did he ever seduce a partner in sin much younger than himself? Did he ever pay or give money or expensive gifts to any of his partners? How about turning the Spotlight on Michael Voris?
On the brink of exposure, Voris engaged in a self-serving sob story about his dearly departed mother and garnered "sympathy" for his perversion because, of course, he claims to be a repentant sinner. And, besides, homosexuals like him are victim souls. His fan club immediately gathered around to defend and protect him from anyone daring to suggest his CM apostolate, a cult of personality, was imprudent. Meanwhile anyone who supports Simmerman, a real sinner, unlike Voris, -- well, that's a horse of a different color. Simmerman's beyond redemption, and anyone daring to support him shares in his wickedness!
But....one wonders.... Has Michael Voris at any time since his public confession fallen back into his former sins? Is the pied piper of other people's perversion a danger to young men sitting "within arms length" of him? There were certainly rumors about CM's 2016 "retreat" at sea. After it ended, a close associate on the "retreat" (Fr. Paul Nicholson) tweeted a warning that pretty clearly pointed to Michael Voris and his homosexuality.
CM continually accuses those who support the SSPX of acting in a self-righteous and superior way toward others. Meanwhile they have endless sympathy for their own sins, an obvious example of believing themselves to be superior to those other sinners. They, like so many with elitist attitudes, are above suspicion or criticism. So it's eternal condemnation for others and eternal sympathy for their own sinful perversions which include sodomy, abandoning a marriage, and creating a pornographic video game. How many have been led into sin by the sanctimonious superheroes at CM who are "sympathetic to perverts" as long as they are CM perverts? Maybe they should apply the same standards to themselves that they apply to others.
I readily admit that some of what I say here is based on he said/she said "evidence," especially the comment about the "retreat" at sea. Actually I find CM's "retreats" creepy. Anyone who believes people are "retreating" on a luxury cruise ship doesn't understand the meaning of the word "retreat." It's even creepier to see that their 2021 "retreat" on land was scheduled during the Triduum and Easter. I can hardly imagine anything more inappropriate.
Those holy days are supposed to focus on Jesus Christ. To think of Michael Voris making himself the center of attention during the holiest days of the year indicates the ultimate in narcissism. The appropriate spirit for the Triduum is SILENCE, not a series of talks and long Q and A sessions with Michael Voris. I've posted the schedule at the end of this article with all TEN Voris' presentations highlighted as well as his two lengthy Q & A's. Note that the "retreat" ended with a movie night and popcorn, an appropriate finale for a circus masquerading as a retreat complete with Voris, the ringmaster.
The word "retreat" in the religious sense means to draw back to a place of seclusion. Webster defines it as: "a period of group withdrawal for prayer, meditation, study, or instruction under a director." Is Michael Voris your idea of a retreat director? He certainly isn't mine!
Is this all about giving CM, particularly Michael Voris, an aura of holiness and authority as a trusted spiritual advisor? How can you mistrust anything he says? He's led you on a retreat!
I don't care how many trappings of religion CM employed or how many priests were involved, it was a bizarre "retreat!" CM makes a big deal about those they claim hide behind religiosity. Isn't that what this was? And for priests to enable such a charade was seriously imprudent in my opinion. They are enablers promoting Voris' cult of personality.
In view of the fact that CM's coverage of the SSPX is rife with he said/she said "evidence" as well as innuendo and exaggeration, they can hardly criticize anyone else for drawing similar conclusions about them. I have no idea what Michael Voris, Christine Niles, or Simon Rafe do in their spare time. I hope they pray a lot for all the people they slander.
Finally... what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. It's high time someone with millions, like those in CM's pockets, investigate their sins with the same zeal they do to others. I'm confident there's plenty to find at Church Militant, just as there was with the pharisees of the first century. Let the investigation begin!
And now...ask yourself. Would you go on a "retreat" during Holy Week to listen to ten or twelve hours of Michael Voris posturing as a spiritual director? I can think of better ways to spend $1200 dollars plus travel expenses. Hmm...I wonder if Terry Carroll, CM's big bucks Texas buddy, attended.
Spare us, O Lord!
Join us for our first RETREAT ON LAND!
Holy Week 2021
Tuesday, March 30 (welcome reception) –
Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021
Embassy Suites — Dallas, Texas
7600 John Q. Hammons Drive, Frisco, Texas 75034; 972-712-7200
Rates (from $1,180 per person, based on double occupancy) include all these bundled features:
– Six nights' accommodations at the Embassy Suites, Dallas/Frisco (room only; incidentals on own, credit card will be requested upon check in; check in Tuesday, March 30 - check out Monday, April 5 (these spacious suites can accommodate up to four persons)
– Exclusive conferences given by Michael Voris on the theme of HOLY WEEK ("Judas", "Eucharist", "Church and State", "Our Lady", and "Resurrection")
– Daily Mass, Eucharistic exposition and benediction
– Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
– Daily Rosary and Lauds (Liturgy of the Hours morning prayer)
– Sacrament of Confession
– Welcome reception on Tuesday evening
– Daily breakfast
– Daily luncheon
– Daily breaks with coffee, tea, fresh juices, soft drinks and water, and an assortment of fruits and snacks
– Easter Sunday brunch
– Q&A
– Complimentary online link to the set of all conferences post-retreat
– Retreat on Land customized notebook and pen, name badge holder
– Camaraderie with fellow faithful Catholics from around the United States
HOLY WEEK RETREAT ON LAND Schedule (Subject to modification.)
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
7:00–9:00 p.m. Registration / Reception
Wednesday, March 31 (Theme: "Judas")
8:30 a.m. Registration
9:00–9:50 a.m. Morning Prayer (Rosary, **Liturgy of the Hours, CM chapel prayer booklet)
9:50 a.m. Break (snacks provided)
10:00–10:50 a.m. Michael Voris, Presentation ("Judas", Part 1)
10:50 a.m. Break
11:00–11:50 a.m. Michael Voris (Q & A)
12:00–1:50 p.m. Lunch provided
2:00–2:50 p.m. Mark Henry, Presentation ("Catholic Legacy Planning")
2:50 p.m. Break
3:00–3:20 p.m. Divine Mercy Chaplet
3:20 p.m. Break (snacks provided)
3:30–4:20 p.m. Michael Voris, Presentation ("Judas", Part 2)
4:30–6:00 p.m. *Mass
Beginning immediately after Mass, the Blessed Sacrament will be reposed in the tabernacle in the Adoration chapel for private prayer and meditation the duration of the Retreat.
CONFESSION available throughout the Retreat in the Adoration chapel during breaks, Q&A sessions, and by appointment with the priest.
HOLY Thursday, April 1 (Theme: "Eucharist")
9:00–9:50 a.m. Morning Prayer (Rosary, **Liturgy of the Hours, CM chapel prayer booklet)
9:50 a.m. Break (snacks provided)
10:00–10:50 Michael Voris, Presentation ("Eucharist", Part 1)
10:50 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m. –12:15 p.m. Movie screening "The Holy Eucharist: God's Lamb" documentary by Church Militant (1st showing)
12:15–1:50 p.m. Lunch provided
2:00–2:50 p.m. Michael Voris, Presentation ("Eucharist", Part 2)
3:00–3:20 p.m. Divine Mercy Chaplet
3:20 p.m. Break (snacks provided)
3:30–4:20 p.m. Joe Gallagher, Presentation (Resistance)
4:20 p.m. Break
4:30–6:00 p.m. *Mass (need 12 men volunteer disciples for washing of the feet)
6:00–7:00 p.m. Procession to Adoration chapel aka the Gethsemane Garden (same 12 disciples sit with Our Lord during first hour)
7:00 p.m. Holy Thursday – 3:00 p.m. Good Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
GOOD Friday, April 2 (Theme: "Christ & Caesar")
9:00–9:50 a.m. Morning Prayer (Rosary, **Liturgy of the Hours, CM chapel prayer booklet)
9:50 a.m. Break (simple snacks provided)
10:00–10:50 a.m. Michael Voris, Presentation ("Christ & Caesar", Part 1)
11:00–11:50 a.m. Breakout sessions
12:00–1:00 p.m. Simple meal provided
1:00–1:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross (we will provide "Way of the Cross" booklets)
1:30 p.m. Break
1:40–2:30 p.m. Michael Voris, Presentation ("Christ & Caesar", Part 2)
2:30 p.m. Special screening of short film "Thrones of Holy Week" (7 minutes. Special thanks to the director, Brandon Li.)
2:40–3:00 p.m. Divine Mercy Chaplet
3:00–6:00 p.m. Solemn Commemoration of the Passion of Our Lord
6:00 p.m. Dinner break (on own) or simple snacks provided
8:00–10:15 p.m. Movie screening "Passion of the Christ"
HOLY Saturday, April 3 (Theme: "Our Lady")
9:00–9:50 a.m. Morning Prayer (Rosary, **Liturgy of the Hours, CM chapel prayer booklet)
9:50 a.m. Break (snacks provided)
10:00–10:50 a.m. Michael Voris, Presentation ("Our Lady", Part 1)
10:50 a.m. Break
11:00–11:50 a.m. Michael Voris, Presentation ("Our Lady", Part 2)
12:00–1:50 p.m. Lunch provided
2:00–2:50 p.m. Kari Beckman, Presentation ("Veritatis Splendor")
2:50 p.m. Break
3:00–3:20 p.m. Divine Mercy Chaplet
3:20 p.m. Break (snacks provided)
3:30–5:00 p.m. Q & A with Michael Voris
5:00–7:30 p.m. Dinner / break (on own)
7:45 p.m. Assemble on patio for blessing of Easter fire; then procession in for Solemn Vigil
8:00–10:00 p.m. Easter Vigil *Mass
EASTER SUNDAY, April 4 (Theme: "Resurrection")
10:00–10:50 a.m. Morning Prayer (Rosary, **Liturgy of the Hours, CM chapel prayer booklet)
10:50 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m. Easter *Mass
12:30–2:30 p.m. Easter Brunch / Michael Voris, Presentation ("Resurrection")
2:30–3:30 p.m. Q & A with Michael Voris
3:30 p.m. Break
3:45–5:00 p.m. Movie screening "The Holy Eucharist: God's Lamb" documentary by Church Militant (repeat showing)
5:00 p.m. Break
5:10– 6:00 p.m. One True Faith Special ("Meditations on the Eucharist: It Is Or It Isn't")
6:00 p.m. Dinner break (on own)
7:30 p.m. Movie night with popcorn, "Paul: Apostle of Christ"
I don't know about Pope Francis but I am back to Traditional Mission based upon ecclesiocentrism since there is no known salvation outside the Church.We cannot meet or see someone saved without faith and baptism; Catholic faith and the baptism of water in 2021.
We are back to the non separation of Church and State since outside the Church there is no known salvation and being a Catholic is a priority for avoiding Hell.So the priority is a Catholic Government.In Heaven there are only Catholics is the official teaching of Vatican Council II ( rational) .
This is the official teaching of the Catholic Church today when Vatican Council II and other Magisterial documents are interpreted with a rational premise.This is not just a personal view.
Vatican Council II is dogmatic and not only a pastoral Council.It supports the 16th century EENS, which did not have any exceptions.It was common sense that the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance, without the baptism of water, did not refer to personally known and objective people.This was known at the Council of Trent.-Lionel Andrades
UNE 12, 2021
There are so many reports/articles on the Vatican websites which interpret Vatican Council II as being non dogmatic and as a rupture with Tradition.The Council is dogmatic
There are so many reports/articles on the Vatican websites which interpret Vatican Council II as being non dogmatic and as a rupture with Tradition.The websites for the Congregation for the Clergy and the Council for Christian Unity, I have shown on this blog, use a fake premise, to interpret the Council as a rupture with extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
This has been presented as 'a new revelation' in the Catholic Church. The error was used to justify Amoris Laetitia and so to give the Eucharist to the divorced and remarried.
But the Council is dogmatic. It is in line with Church documents which affirm exclusive salvation with only Catholic faith and the baptism of water.Faith and baptism in the Catholic Church(AG 7) is the Conciliar Church's teaching on exclusive salvation with the past exclusivist ecclesiology.-Lionel Andrades
The hypocrisy is RANK and blatant at CM and one must wonder at the psychosis fueling the rabid furor behind Voris/Niles/Rafe. I'd add Fr. Paul Nicholson to that number as his 'tweet' is self-referential.
ReplyDeleteOne only has to review Nicholson's past content/behavior wherein he decried all manner of things as evil while--hmmm--disobeying his superiors. Nicholson's superiors required that the Opus Dei priest have NO contact with Voris yet Nicholson's blessedly defunct Cracker Jack Club that featured--sorry--the gayest intro of Nicholson in full clerical regalia riding in on a pony/donkey owed much to Voris's media savvy to get Nicholson's apostolate going. Ewwww. Just ewww. (So, not speaking out against the hierarchy, just acting out is okay. A regular do as I say, not as I do scenario had Nicholson acting as Voris's henchman, delivering damning trad 'missions' across the country to pump up CM's highly controlled narrative. The narrative that has the dubious Voris starring as the rehabilitated chief cook and soul/brain washer.)
Even worse is Nile's too public fixation with the person of Michael Voris. Idol worship? Idealization? Who knows? Is the untouchable 'god' something to fill the empty space she pushed onto her kids? Very sad.... but that smacks of Opus Dei glory based mind control. The ultra feminine persona she attempts to engage to hide her MOB ENFORCER tactics is a lamentable example of serious issues too long ignored. A cautionary tale at the very least.
Sadly, however, abused people--the flock and that includes CM & Crew--are easier to prey upon and thus we get "RETREATS" that focus on Voris--the magisterial head of the Vortex Church, where lies and falsehoods are relied upon to keep damaged, abused, confused sheep flooding into his self-serving pen. (One has to wonder if Voris gets extra $$$ from the fed like public schools who get paid for every seat they fill.)
You may want to revisit the facts on the ground about VII. It was a pastoral council and sought to define no NEW doctrine. So, in as much as VII doubled down on established doctrine, it is binding. The novelties are not.
That's not an invention of the SSPX and/or CM.
Our Lord says, "By their fruits you shall know them," and the rotting VII lab concoctions are unfit for human consumption. But eat the apple/orange replicas if you will...just don't expect those whom God has gifted with eyes to see and ears to hear to accept the lie that Astro Turf is real grass.
Mary Ann, while I understand your distaste for Voris using that letter to attack the SSPX, the letterwriter's concern was reasonable. People like Simmerman never give up their perversions until death comes calling. Years of research into the behavior of people like him have proven this time and time again. If he's allowed to attend any church, he should be steered away from any place where there's a large number of minors. And the fact that he's remarried in a red flag to me. I suspect he's using his new wife and her kids as a cover. It's his way of saying, 'hey, I'm not such a bad guy. Look, I got a wife and kids'.
ReplyDeleteI certainly echo your concern, Phinnpoy, and would never let my grandchildren go anywhere near him. Years ago we had a neighbor, very liberal, whose daughter played very inappropriately with dolls. At about the age of eight she had Barbie and Ken doing what married couples do. I told her our Barbie dolls don't do that. I wondered what was happening at her house. (In today's climate I might have called social services, but I had no evidence of abuse.) She got angry and left. I told her she could come any time to visit us. On the other hand, I would NEVER let my daughter go to her house.
ReplyDeleteThat poor child had a very hard time. I ran into her later at the mall when she was a teenager. She was tattooed and I thought she was probably on drugs. Her parents have a lot to answer for. But I don't believe anyone is irredeemable.
I have a sibling I don't want my grandkids around either because of her connections to Buddhism and New Age beliefs. She doesn't honor boundaries and she's a former actress who is a Pied Piper with the kids. Parents need to be vigilant and have their antenna up for things that don't ring true, especially with people who are charismatic. Frankly, I wouldn't trust my grandchildren around the staff at Church Militant. Men like Simmerman aren't the only danger and may not even be the worst.
I have been a 'Trad Catholic' & mother for over 30 years. The biggest problem I see at Trad chapels is parents relaxing their duties because they are 'in a safe space'. There is no space where you should expect others to watch your children. Others will never care about your children as much as you do, and often times not at all. This may sound harsh but I have seen families destroyed by family 'friends' who are anything but friends. God had an intention when giving you children. The first is that you will be vigilant at all times & protect those little people in your care.
ReplyDeleteYou may want to revisit the facts on the ground about VII. It was a pastoral council and sought to define no NEW doctrine. So, in as much as VII doubled down on established doctrine, it is binding. The novelties are not.
That's not an invention of the SSPX and/or CM.
Lionel: There are new facts about Vatican Council II. There is a new discovery Mary.
I want the Ecclesia Dei communities to know that they can interpret Vatican Council II with a rational or irrational premise and the conclusion will be different. It will be traditional or non traditional. This hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition does not depend upon Pope Francis or the CDF. The issue is the rational premise
Comments from the blog Vox Cantoris,
Blogger Catholic Mission said...
ose guadalupe rodriguez said...
Clearly submission to the holy father,to the supreme pontiff, to pope francis, to the bergoglian magisterium, to lumen gentium #25, to the vatican II.
No. With the false premise there is no submission to Pope Francis, Vatican Council II ( with the irrational premise) etc.
This is the point of my comments here on this thread.
I want the Ecclesia Dei communities to know that they can interpret Vatican Council II with a rational or irrational premise and the conclusion will be different. It will be traditional or non traditional. This hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition does not depend upon Pope Francis or the CDF.
The issue is the rational premise.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDelete8:35 am, September 08, 2021
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous Paul Dale said...
We owe our allegiance to the pope, but which pope Hammer? Simples: to the one who is reigning. But both call themselves popes - one emeritus, the other Bishop of Rome - so who do we follow? It is very straight forward because it is evident that Pope Benedict XVI did not resign the See of Peter. Very evident. It is all in canon law. I will not try to go through this now but advise you to go to fromrome.info where a very knowledgeable and expert latinist has laid it all out.
On this thread I have been trying to show how important it is to interpret Church Documents with a rational and not irrational premise.
Both Pope Francis and Pope Benedict are using the same New Theology created with a false premise, inference and non traditional conclusion. So they are schismatically in a break with the past Magisterium.
Similarly From Rome.info is also interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise.
This is something evident. Don't take my word for it. You can consciously interpret the Council with a false or rational premise and the conclusion will be different. You can see it for yourself.
The sedevacantists Most Holy Family Monastery and the Congregatio Mariae Reginae Immaculatae use the false premise to interpret the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance to create a break with 16th century EENS.Neither can the two say in public that the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance are not literal cases. I have been asking them this for a few years now.
If they say that the baptism of desire etc are not literal cases in 2021 then they would have to say that LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2,GS 22 etc are also not literal cases and so are not a break with Tradition ( EENS, Syllabus etc).
This means they were wrong all these years and Vatican Council II is no reason to go into sedevacantism.So they simply block me, end the discussion or do not answer.
This is also the issue with the Ecclesia Dei communities.
-Lionel Andrades
This is not a post to debate Vatican II. I'm not putting up any more comments on it.
ReplyDeleteThere’s not only the past sins of Voris, but those of his cohorts Niles and Rafe, the latter of which admitted to writing porn on the internet not that long ago…
ReplyDelete@Mary Kay
ReplyDeleteYou are anything but harsh.
You write, "...There is no space where you should expect others to watch your children."
I cannot endorse this statement enough. Human beings are human beings with a fallen nature. Vigilance is a full time job and predators come in every form.
I read that schedule and was horrified.
Snacks aside, with Voris doing the talks on the Eucharist and Our Lady, one has to wonder if Voris will be secretly subbing for the priest in the confessional.
Seriously. There's a priest on this Lenten Holiday but he's not giving the talk on the Eucharist and Our Lady?
What is wrong with this picture????