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Sunday, September 3, 2023

(In)Justice in America for apostles who "Rescue those being led to the Slaughter"

The kangaroo court trial is over for the "Garland 9" who now face the hobnailed boot of the D.C. (in)justice system. Please pray for these courageous souls that God will strengthen them for what lies ahead. They have laid down their lives for God's "least ones." We owe them our thanks and our prayers. 

Life, Abortion, and Injustice in Washington, D.C.


  1. They probably believed women who murder their babies are victims and stopped laws from being passed that would punish them, and perhaps this is God punishing them for that liberalism. Its a hypothesis but a decent one.

  2. Ms K:

    Did you get my e-mail regarding contact information for the ladies who are about to go to show-trial?

    Mass cards may be appropriate.

    Thank you.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  3. Hi Richard,

    I get so many emails, I sometimes delete things en masse without looking carefully. Please re-send and I'll post their names.

  4. Sent

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford
