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Sunday, November 30, 2008

ADVENT 2008: The People in Darkness Have Seen a Great Light!

Happy New Year! The first Sunday of Advent begins the new liturgical year. Like the Israelites of old we await the coming of the Messiah and I don't mean "the (false) one" being inaugurated in January. No we await the coming of the Savior, He who takes away the sins of the world. As we light the first candle on the advent wreath, my husband and I will reflect on:

1) Remembering - Bringing to mind that long first Advent which stretched from the Lord's promise to Adam and Eve and Noah and Abraham and all of the patriarchs that he would send a Savior who would open the gates of heaven to rescue man from eternal death.

2) Anticipating - Reflecting on the second coming of Christ at the end of the world. The trials and tribulations of these days, the growing darkness of the culture of death, will end and, with its end, will be the victory of Christ the King. This year is a living once again the spiritual journey from birth to death and resurrection.

3) Celebrating - The coming of the light of Christ into our hearts once again on Christmas day. But we can enjoy Christmas each and every day of the year when we receive Jesus in Communion at Holy Mass. What a gift from Him. And we can bring Him the gift of ourselves to offer at the altar purified in Confession and through daily prayer and sacrifice. Let us sweep sin and faults away and fill our hearts with the clean straw of virtue to prepare a soft manger where Mary can lay Him.

May this Advent be a joyous and grace-filled time of preparation for you and your family. For daily activities to use with your Advent wreath lighting visit EWTN's Advent calendar and click on the date. Daily preparation for the coming of Christ will make this a truly holy season for you and yours.

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