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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cross Macy's Off Your Shopping List!

Earlier today I blogged about a Macy's in Texas firing a female clerk because she told a cross-dressing man he couldn't use the women's dressing room. Well, it's been bothering me all morning and I decided just talking about it wasn't enough. After all, consumers still have the power of the purse. Even if homosexuals have more disposable income than most people, there aren't that many of them. If Macey's didn't have Mom and Dad, their kids, and Grandma and Pap-pap buying for themselves and others, they couldn't survive. So let's give Macy's a big Christmas wake up call. If you have a Macy's charge cancel it and let them know why. If you bought something recently, return it. And let's send lots and lots and lots of emails saying we won't be shopping at the store on 34th Street or any of the other Macy's this Christmas season. You can read my email below and send your own here:
Dear Mr. Lundgren:

I just heard about a Macy's in Texas firing a female clerk for telling a man he couldn't use the women's dressing room. I suspect that most of your shoppers are women. I know I would feel uncomfortable and intimidated going into a dressing room where cross-dressing men were engaging in their strange fantasies -- especially if I were accompanied by children.

I buy a lot of gifts for my five children, their spouses, and our 21 grandchildren. But Macy's is certainly off my list of stores for the Christmas season and the rest of the year as well.

As for Macy's being the "friendly store" of Miracle on 34th Street, you sure aren't friendly for Christian families who want to protect their children from bizarre and disordered behavior.

Merry Christmas and may your bottom line fall into the abyss.


  1. I have a better idea. As a man, would they permit me to use the ladies' restroom? I could declare myself "pre-op" transexual.
