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Saturday, August 26, 2023

Disaster in Maui: Is there more to the fire than meets the eye?

There are a lot of questions about the Maui fires. It will be interesting to see what happens to the property. Will those who lived there return? Or will the land be taken over by government and sold to big developers who are democrat donors? Read more at Frontline News:

'Wind tunnel effect' engineered to superheat Maui fire?

And what do you think about all this? So many "mistakes" or was there something more nefarious going on. 

  • fire hydrants were dry
  • people who were trained to evacuate were told it was not time to evacuate and to turn around back into the fire 
  • no cops with bull horns 
  • no firefighters in the streets 
  • the most robust emergency siren system in the world did not sound, no warnings whatsoever 
  • anomalies with reported wind directions that don't scientifically add up 
  • school was canceled - children were home while parents worked; hundreds of children burned alive 
  • a perfect circle of fire around Lahaina 
  • molten metal next to intact trees 
  • media reporting fractions of real numbers 
  • new insurance policies taken out on Lahaina before the fires [Emphases added].

And then there's more from a drone operator who attempted to fly over the origin of the fire.

The victims of the Maui fires are about to be screwed. Invaders of our country's southern border receive thousands in aid every month. Ukraine gets billions. Biden authorized a one-time $700 for the Maui survivors. Meanwhile, the people of East Palestine continue to be ignored after their town was turned into a toxic dump. FEMA and other disaster relief government parasites are staying in $1,000 a night five star hotels while survivors stay in cars and tents wondering what to do next. 

Watch the gentrification of Maui as the government takes over the area, drives out the residents and continues the assault on middle class deplorables. 

Who's next on the chopping block? What's the next crisis brewing in the minds of our masters?




  2. A fire is easier than eminent domain.

  3. I agree. It will be interesting.

    I hope to go slowly to replace my speculation, suspicion, gossip - my ignorance - my preference for answers that align with my suspicions, my conjectures/ beliefs - with knowledge of the truth of the way things went down and what will arise.

    Biden said, "We're going to rebuild the way the people of Maui want to rebuild." I will withhold judgement and watch to see what happens. All the while recognizing it is the business of the people of Maui, not my business.

    When I get caught up in and suddenly recognize that I am focusing on someone else's business, I try to ask myself, "what am I neglecting in my own life, in my business?" I think I will focus on that.

    Wishing the people of Maui everything they need to recover: to handle and mourn their losses on so many levels, to rebuild and heal materially and spiritually! And to stay focused on what they need to do for themselves and where they can get the best, most honest help they need.

  4. "Media Bias Fact Check is either inept and/or dishonest."

    1. So many opinions out there right? That is why I try to view lots of different sites and then decide for myself rather than just believe what I want to be true

  5. My opinion: The U.S. did a directed energy weapon demonstration on its own citizens to scare China. And it chose the target based on its chronies wanting the land the most.

  6. and also the proximity of Hawaii to China suggests a demonstration to scare China.

  7. Biden saying "We're going to rebuild like the people of Maui want to rebuild" is like him saying "We're going to have the president that people voted for".

  8. Susie...right...and many other people do the same including myself. However, it depends on what sites we look at as to whether or not they're telling the truth.

  9. Susie, the only credential your gay hillbilly on that youtube video has is that he's a gay libtard. We all know it was directed energy weapons. No gay hillbilly can change that by spending more time doing dirty deeds than reading on what technology the government has and how they have used it in the past. They've been researching directed energy weapons since the 1960s. There were plenty of articles on it and how it was ready to be deployed during the Obama years. This was a mass scale deployment of such to scare the Chinese AND to take the land from the aboriginal Hawaiians to give it to blacks and Muslims and especially to gays. Now gay hillbilly says there are a lot of people that want the recovery to go badly. No. We know there will be no recovery but rather a taking of the land. And we know it was all done purposefully. And we know why.

  10. Yes. That is part of the delusion. Trusting only what supports one's chosen belief and the people who repeat it makes it possible, at times, to even ignore reality.

    For example:

    My mother said you can see people's character through their words and actions. And having seen one can discern the likelihood of their ability to speak and live the truth in the future.

    I see the ex president in this way, and through the fact that none of the words he uses in public can stand up in court. He cannot testify because it is known he will purjure himself. So between character and lies why would I believe his "Big Lie."

    And more sadly, why would those who claim to honor truth choose this man as their standard?

    If one chose not to watch the Jan 6th select committee hearings one chose to avoid the possibility of hearing something that could threaton one's "truth" in order to maintain delusion.

    I hope you will grit your teeth and watch those hearings and hear all the president's people, men and women, and the Republicans he turned to in the states to flip the election report their direct experinces. They spoke their truth. See how it stands up to yours. It might take courage but I suspect you have that.

    "Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point, which means at the point of highest reality."
    C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

  11. Oops I meant to include this one too.

  12. "My mother said you can see people's character through their words and actions. And having seen one can discern the likelihood of their ability to speak and live the truth in the future."

    She was my mom too and she would be appalled at the man you love so much, Joe Biden. He's a false Catholic who want children in the womb killed all the way to birth. He and Ted Kennedy slandered Robert Bork and then bragged about "borking" him and tried to do the same thing to Clarence Thomas, a man of incredible integrity. Fortunately their plan to "lynch" him with lies didn't work! He is an apostle for sodomy and sold our country out to both Ukraine and China. Do you really think Mom would describe him the way you do.

    All your references are to the lying mainstream media.

    1. I completely agree. The people of that town have spoken, and they feel they are after their land as it has been years trying to get them to sell.

    2. I agree. There is a reel of the people of this town. It is very telling.

    3. Mom would be appalled at ex45. She would call him a stinker. Dad would be too.

  13. "Energy weapons" - pfft. There's no need to assume something like that - petrol and matches work for the kind of people that do this. Remember Trudeau and his burning down of Canadian wild forests - and blaming it on "climate change" (this can be summed like "you won't believe in climate change? I'll make you believe!"). Mark my words - they'll say the fire was due to something like "nature retaliating against mankind". Already, a native pagan bastard official by the name of Kaleo Manuel outright denied the water in order to douse the fire due to his pagan beliefs. These people treat the deaths of those hundred-plus innocents as sacrifices.

  14. Ms Susie:
    Re: Biden v Trump

    Biden has spent his working life as either a lawyer or a politician. He has been a fanatical supporter of our racist abortion program. 66-million dead since Roe v Wade in the USA alone. 1.7 Billion dead world wide. Two out of three victims babies of color. He is also a fanatical supporter of endless wars around the globe. Not to mention sexual perversion. Under Biden there is not a single openly practicing Christian in either the Senior Executive Service or the Flag ranks of the military. Itis hard to find a man with more innocent blood on his hand than Biden.

    Trump, OTH, is anti-war, anti-abortion and anti-big government. He is not a lawyer. His first experience in government was as President. And his policies terrify both the deep state and the deep church.

    No Christian, indeed no person of good will could vote for Biden in a Biden-Trump match up.

    Kindly reflect.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  15. I have to laugh at Susie’s confident arrogance. “When I think of others’ plights, I wake myself up and think only about myself” and “my mommy told me how to judge people” then she goes on to discuss the Jan 6th, one-sided, produced, proven edited videos, defaming everyone that doesn’t agree with them, show trial that followed no ethics, no legal weight, no fairness, no opposing arguments of any kind. LOL if it wasn’t so traitorous, it would be hysterical. Susie, you are a complete and utter fool. SMH Please leave this country. You are a shameful, self righteous, useful idiot for the left. Maybe you should go visit the holocaust museum in DC and read what is again, happening now. You are being brainwashed and your baseless platitudes, your sheer unwillingness to see the truth will, one day, be remembered.

  16. I am a person of good will. I will vote for Biden.

  17. No, Susie.

    Mom spent years fighting for the unborn. She would have called Joe Biden a despicable baby killer, a scandalous Catholic who wanted to impose abortion up to birth and even after. Dad would have recognized Biden for a brain-damaged idiot leftist. They would both have detested what he did to Judge Robert Bork and what he continues to do to the country.

    You obviously have created a set of parents that never existed. I remember discussions with Dad driving back and forth to work about Robert McNamara who was the Secretary of Defense during Vietnam. He had absolutely no respect for him or for Lyndon Johnson. He would have been ready for the revolution.

    Stop tarnishing the memory of our parents by recreating them in your own liberal image. They were faithful Catholics who loved the Church, the tradition we were all raised in that you have rejected.

  18. Ms Susie
    Re: "I am a person of good will. I will vote for Biden."

    The German Catholics who voted for Hitler said much the same thing.

    And in a different vein so did these people: "But they cried again, saying: Crucify him, crucify him." Luke 23:21

    Kindly reflect.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  19. "I've not come to bring peace, but the sword...." So says our Lord. Sadly, this is typical for so, so many families now a days. It is why I believe Biden and Bergoglio are actually a blessing from God....clearly and absolutely exposing the evil among us.

    St. John the Baptist, pray for us and pray for our families.

  20. Actually, I think my parents would have celebrated President Trump. The Admiral would have enjoyed his mostly hilarious rhetoric. Mother would be shocked at Bidens push for abortion at any stage. Mother would have found Trump refreshing as he helped the people and the economy.

    1. So, my guess is anonymous is my sister Laura. So now even more, a family conversation.

  21. Trump won, but we got Biden anyway. To believe Trump is for us is to believe a lie. No one gets in higher positions of any government, especially ours, without being part of the deep state. Don't kid yourselves.

    Expose evil, especially those who try to hide Trump, B16 and JPII. They are far more dangerous than Biden and Bergoglio, whose evils are clearly manifested. Expose the evil and maybe save a soul or two.

  22. Susie and Debbie

    Blindness to truth is never something to brag about. God will judge you as you have judged others.

    1. "Blindness to truth is never something to brag about". I do not understand what you're saying here Susan.

      I'm in the same boat with my entire family as Mary Ann is with her sister. They all voted for Biden because of their hatred for Trump and yet, and yet all took Trump's "warp speed, blood clotting death injection". My heart is literally breaking for my family and those who are experiencing the same with their families.. and I'm the bad guy? Why? Because I happen to believe it might be better to let the wolves' evil be clearly manifested in the hopes of saving a few souls?

      I don't understand you, at all.

  23. Oh man Susan. Thank you once again for another opportunity to be humiliated. I got it! Calling out your screed against a Catholic priest must really be bothering your conscience. Let us pray we both bear some good fruit from our mutual humiliations against one another.

  24. Shoot ..I forgot. It is noted, by me anyway, that you never address what I am blind and ignorant to. Instead you simply attack my person. A clear sign you've lost the argument.

  25. Ms Debbie:
    Re "To believe Trump is for us is to believe a lie. No one gets in higher positions of any government, especially ours, without being part of the deep state.

    Biden was first elected to Congress in 1971. 52-years by my count. Trumps only forway into government was from 2016-2020. 4-years. He was not expected to win. And neither the deep state nor the deep church has forgiven for doing so.

    Trump is for peace with other nations. For the protection of innocent life. For smaller government. He may well go to prison for us. He risks assassination daily. If Trump just went back to being a billionaire NYC playboy he could have avoided all of this. He did not. I am grateful.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

    1. Mr. Comerford, my understanding is that planned parentless received more money under Trump, not less. And that wall he promised? It never happened. He's pro alphabet people, a quick Google search and you'll find pics of him holding rainbow banners up. And of course like the rest of the world tyrants, warp speed, useless maskings and lockdowns happened under his watch. You think a sitting president, with all his available intel didn't know who and what Fauci was all about? Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

      The stolen election is a mercy from God, as is Bergoglio to wake people the heck up.

      I fear that those who can be fooled by Trump and or Bergoglio are easy pickings for the AC....IF, indeed we are nearing end times. Doesn't Our Lord's warning that even the elect (if that were possible) will be fooled, scare you? We know he'll come on the scene after the great apostasy with all the answers to our problems. Hard to fathom that worldwide, mandatory death shots and lockdowns couldn't be part of our troubles the AC will "fix"...all brought to us by government leaders across the globe, including Trump.

  26. Not bragging.
    Not blind either.
    But you have given me food for thought. That concept of the blind leading the blind.

    There is another concept that Is used in 12 step programs. It speaks of pointing the finger at someone and not realizing that there are 3 fingers pointing back at oneself.

    Les femmes - the truth. Your truth, your view, your perspective and others, apparently literally, be damned.

    I am doing OK. I use my eyes to see, my ears to hear and my mind and heart to discern. I have the courage of my convictions. And I know I am a person of good will who knows she is not capable of seeing into someone else's mind and heart. I have come to understand - a little more, each time I come here, the vs 13 of Paul's first letter to the Corinthians ...what matters if one gains the whole world and hath not love : patient, kind, forgiving, never taking offense,..always ready to does not fail.

    Hate, contempt, ridicule, superiority attempts to intimidate but in the end destroys. Hate fails in the end.

    1. Well, of course it's Laura. I have no idea how to put myself on this except this way. You make me sad Susie. You declare you are a person of good will, mmm. Because you do not like this side of the road doesn't make your side right. Your scriptural quotes don't make sense to me as no one is hating, ridiculing, or intimidating you. How could anyone intimidate you. The world is a stage and apparently this blog is one for you.

  27. Ms Susie:
    Re: Your truth, your view, your perspective and others

    It is God's truth. His view. His perspective. He commanded us not to take innocent life. Yet your boy Biden has spent the last 52-years doing exactly that. 66-million dead in the USA. 2 out of three babies of color. 1.7 billion dead world wide. Entire countries are disappearing because there are no more children. Not to mention the endless worldwide war.

    No Christian. No person of good will can vote for Biden if there is a less bloody alternative.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  28. Susie,

    You are very selective in your Bible quotes. St. Paul urged the Corinthians to throw out a man from their assembly -- "To deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Cor 5:5. St. Paul knew that sin was a soul killer and love required speaking the truth as a warning. I do love you, Susie, and want us to be together with Mom and Dad in heaven. I pray that none of my family will be lost. But only those who love God will go to heaven, and He was very clear about what He meant by love.

    "If you love me; keep my commandments."

  29. Susie,

    One last point in your inconsistent comment. When you point the fingers at others accusing them of "Hate, contempt, ridicule, superiority attempts to intimidate but in the end destroys," like you said -- three fingers are pointing back at yourself.

    It is a leftist tactic to accuse others of hate while defending hatred and violence toward just about anyone who disagrees with them. Three 80+ year old pro-lifers (could have been Mom), one of whom is a personal friend of mine, were viciously beaten recently for standing on the sidewalk offering assistance to women going into abortion businesses, something you defend. Who is guilty of "hate and intimidation?" Not to mention the attacks on Catholic churches and crisis pregnancy centers. Do arson, vandalism, and brutal assaults meet your definition of love? Is that what your "open mind and heart discern?"

  30. I do not understand someone trolling this blog. They know the position of life and love of the Lord here. I would think that they could create their own blog, with their ideology. This is Laura speaking... I have to research how to post with my name. However, it is not a stage. It is a place of strong Christian based counsel. Knowing your practice is hugely different, arguing here, makes you trolling. Just looking for an argument, not looking for resolution.

  31. Ms Debbie:

    Wapo indeed announced that PP funds increased under Trump but the NYT complained that Trump then blocked said funds. It should be evident even to Trump haters that Trump was obstructed, betrayed and lied to by the Deep State every step of the way. He wielded very little real presidential power. But he kept the USA out of war. He supported the pro-life movement more than any President before. He helped defend Christians from persecution all over the world. And his judicial picks reversed the Roe v Wade absolutism.

    And I should add that the entire medical establishment backed Fauci. Not a single medical school, hospital or association dissented.

    Trump is willing to go to prison for freedom. He does not have innocent blood dripping from his hands like Bidden. Of the two Trump is the only moral choice for a Christian or a person of conscience.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

    1. A never Trumper who just so happened to vote for him twice. Ok Mr. Comerford.

      Trump clearly won, but we still got Biden. If you think your vote harder next time.

  32. I'm curious, Debbie. Does that mean you won't vote in the next election if it's Biden vs. Trump? Is the solution to our corrupt system to stop voting altogether?

    1. I'm curious too Mary Ann, did Biden win, in your opinion?

      And no, barring Divine intervention, I doubt I'll ever vote in another presidential election. Firstly, because the last election proves (to me) that my vote mattered not one whit. And secondly, voting for the lesser evil, when in actuality they're all part of the same swam, does nothing except give us a wolf in sheep's clothing instead of the easily identifiable wolf. What's more dangerous Mary Ann? The wolf or the wolf in sheep's clothing? Sure, voting for a Trump might stave off a worse economical situation, but at what price? "Warp speed vaccine" derived, from ABORTED babes. So much for "the most pro-life president ever".

      Looking at the state of the world and KNOWING it's due entirely to the state of the Church was a very compelling reason for me to accept the truth of SVism. Very, very few valid Masses and the graces the world receives from them is a compelling argument....for me at least.

  33. Should you care to consider, my last post for now/unknown future...

    An excerpt from "Radical Acceptance" by Tara Brach. Speaking on her concept of the "trance of unworthiness":

    " In most of this chapter we focused on how, out of fear, we turn on ourselves and make ourselves the enemy, the source of the problem.

    We also project those feelings outward and make others the enemy. The greater the fear, the more intense our hostility. Our enemy becomes the parent who never really respected us, the boss who is preventing us from being successful, a political group that is taking away our power or a nation that threatens our lives.

    In this " us versus them" world, the unworthiness, the evil, Is "out there."

    Whether it is a family schism or a generations-long war between ethnic groups, creating an enemy imparts a sense of control - We feel superior, We feel right, We believe we are doing something about the problem. Directing anger at an enemy temporarily reduces our feelings of fear and vulnerability.

    This is not to say that real threats don't exist. We can be a danger to ourselves; others can harm us. Yet if we lash out with hatred and violence, If we make war on ourselves or each other, We generate more fear, Reactivity and suffering. Freeing ourselves from this trance of fear and alienation becomes possible only as respond to our vulnerability with a wise heart."

    Thank you all for your time and attention and interesting comments. May you be well, peaceful and happy


  34. Dear Susie,

    Thank you for the interesting reading which is right, but leaves out an important aspect.

    There is an enemy and has been since the garden of Eden. The mistake is when people fail to identify the true enemy and target those he has enslaved with his lies and murderous hate for mankind.

    The true Christian wants to free the enslaved, like little Jacinta of Fatima who often said, "We must save poor sinners from hell." Those little children took on incredible suffering that could frighten even an adult.

    Today is the feast of St. Rose of Lima who lived a voluntary life of severe penance to save sinners. I'm thanking her and the little ones of Fatima today because I'm sure her sufferings and the sufferings of other heroic Christians helped me at a time of serious sin by "amazing grace" earned through pain.

    We are all sinners. Some of us repent and embrace God's laws. Some of us create a nice-guy-God and champion sins that cry to heaven for vengeance.

    I'm having a Mass said for you at St. Joseph's Abbey in France. They put out a wonderful monthly newsletter that features saints and other holy men and women. It is always inspiring. If you like, I'll put you on their mailing list.

  35. Ms Debbie
    Re: " If you think your vote harder next time."

    Back in the day I once found myself hanging in a parachute harness over an African country. The US, UK and France were dropping Special Forces and paratroopers in an attempt to bring order. One of the problems we faced was what to do with bodies which had started to decompose. When you attempted to pick a body up the various parts would detach.

    We have not, thank God, reached that point yet. But we may.

    Stolen elections weaken the authority of the unlawful regime in power. They rally patriots. The just reaction to stolen elections also gives hope for the future. As long as the citizenry does not give up.

    If they do give up? Well. You do not want guys like me landing in your back yard.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

    1. Mr. Comerford, I don't believe recognizing that our government, both left and right, IS the enemy means I've given up. I've simply looked at the situation and realized there is no politician who will "save" us. None.

      Our left vs right form of government is the work of the devil, aka Freemasons. Our "founding fathers" were all FMs. The Statue of Liberty is a gift from the FMs of France. It's motto being from the French Revolution; liberty, equality, fraternity.

      We need to be united in the truth to have any kind of power against them. This should be evident to most now after being forced to wear face diapers, social distance, and get jabbed to keep your job.

  36. Ms Susie:
    Re: "This is not to say that real threats don't exist."

    66-million dead babies via surgical abortion alone is a real threat.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  37. Debbie, conscience doesn't bother me.

  38. Debbie...I kept my job. Never got vaxxed and never intend to. The place where I work - a HUGE corporation - gave us a choice, didn't force us, and way over half the people chose not to get the shot.

  39. Ms Debbie:
    Re: "no politician who will "save" us."

    Of course not. But God gives us free will. The choice right now is between Trump and Biden. Trump is not a career politician. He could have remained a NYC playboy. Yet he choose to enter the fray. (Tucker Carlson just said today that assassination will be the next step against Trump by the Deep State.) He is risking everything because of his anti-war/pro-life stance. This is rare, very rare for a politician. We have a duty to support him.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

    1. Mr. Comerford, you say Trump "risks everything..." What high level government official, after receiving a relatively low salary, has left office and not become more wealthy and powerful after their term? No, Mr. Comerford, he has risked nothing and has or will gain much more.

      As far as being pro-life, please think again. He takes full credit for the abortion tainted, warp speed vaccine. I would be shocked if you or anyone else here addressed this aspect of his "pro-life" stance.

      One other piece of evidence that Trump is not who you believe he is. He was a VIP at Chelsea Clinton's wedding. Sat right in the front row of the "church" which is reserved for close family members. This was in 2010.

  40. Lucky you Susan. Others, like airline pilots and hospital staff etc weren't as fortunate as you. I didn't and never will get jabbed either. In fact I was refused the company of my children and grandchildren just because I wouldn't mask. Just because you were fortunate enough to have a good job doesn't change the fact that TRUMP gave and promoted (and still does today) the death injections at warp speed. Trump didn't save you from having to make the decision to get jabbed or lose your job ...your corporation did.

  41. Ms Debbie:
    Re: "What high level government official, after receiving a relatively low salary, has left office and not become more wealthy and powerful after their term?

    Trump left less wealthy and poerful.

    Each quarter Trump donated his salary to a different charity. As evidenced by his tax-returns Trump's business empire suffered moderately serious losses.

    Trump was assured by the entire medical establishment that the jab was the way to go. The media suppressed the eugenics background of the jab. The Catholic bishops were not only silent, but joined by the pope, mandated the jab. It was via Trump's efforts that Roe was reversed.

    And the Catholic elites both clerical and lay swarmed around the Clintons. Many still do. But not Trump.

    You are a true Trump hater.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

    1. "Trump was assured by the entire medical establishment that the jab was the way to go."

      And this is assuming he didn't have the Intel to know exactly who and what Fauci was all about.

      But an ignorant, boomer old lady like me with only a droid to look things up could figure it out. You really, really ought to get away from that Q Anon psyops. Best of luck to you Mr. Comerford.

  42. Replies
    1. Executive Order 13887 from Donald J Trump. As a rule, Catholics do not believe in coincidences. This order was written before the scamdemic....almost as IF he didn't know what was coming down the pike. But I'm the hater. Read it slowly and over and over again until you get it. You too Mr. Comerford.

  43. Ms Debbie
    Re: You really, really ought to get away from that Q Anon psyops.

    Not Q Anon.

    The American medical, educational, corporate. media and religious establishments backed Fauci and promoted the jab.

    There was no one in the boss class of note who questioned the jab.

    You seem to be claiming Trump had divine powers and could make a decision on a highly technical matter against the wishes of the entire Boss class to include the Pope.

    You are quite unfair.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  44. Ms Debbie:

    Please. Every president signs theses things again on the advice of the medical establishment.

    You, not Q Anon, are the one now engaging in conspiracy theories.

    You are crossing the line into defamation territory.

  45. This has gone way off topic. I'm shutting down comments. Let us all pray for the poor people of Maui. the real estate and land grabbing developer vultures have all descended on the place. They started calling home owners within days offering "quick money" often hundreds of thousands less than the land is worth. These people are land grab predators.
