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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Off With His Head: Will the Garland 9 Get the St. John Treatment (Figuratively)? Verdict May Come Today!

I've been following the trial of the Garland 9 baby rescuers in D.C. Today the jury will likely reach a decision in this incredibly manipulated show trial.

Today is also the feast of the beheading of St. John the Baptist. Hopefully the Garland 9 will see truth prevail, but whatever happens God will use it for good. The day seems Providential!

Let's examine St. John's sentence. Why was he executed? For several reasons.

  • First, he spoke the truth about sin which enraged sinners. Herodias especially could not bear the thought that John was condemning her immoral marriage to Herod. Herod, who wasn't quite lost to the truth, was fascinated by John and liked to talk to him. Every Catholic who has engaged in defending the truth on a controversial issue like abortion, has no doubt experienced this. I remember two explicit occasions when I was speaking during a rescue to pro-abortion individuals with others listening. On both occasions the surrounding friends said, "Don't talk to her!" At one rescue the young man I engaged with responded, "Shut up! I'll talk to whoever I want." In the other, the young lesbian dressed like man, ended our previous respectful conversation with a raised fist shouting, "This is what dyke looks like!" before she walked away with her "friends." Yes, indeed, the lie hates the truth and will do anything to shut it up as Herodias demonstrated by demanding John's death. I was only arrested and imprisoned.
  • Second, human respect. Salome, Herod's stepdaughter performed a dance which delighted her stepfather. One can imagine the kind of dance and the kind of dress that inflamed the lustful heart of Herod. And so he made a rash promise to give her anything she desired up to half his kingdom. When, at her diabolical urging to request the head of John on a platter, Herod regretted the request but complied. Why? Because he was embarrassed to take back his promise in the presence of his guests. Rather than refuse, he sent the executioners. How many of us fail to do the right thing because of human respect. I remember being at a Marine Corps event with my husband when the speaker continually used God's name in vain. I had the thought that I should make the sign of the cross when he did it since I was in his line of sight. He was a good man and I think he would have stopped. But I didn't do it. That happened about 25 years ago and I still repent of it. But I, like Herod, was embarrassed to make that holy sign in a crowd.
  • Third, revenge. Herodias was determined to kill John and waited for the appropriate moment to arrive. It did and she took full advantage of it. How many of us bear grudges and seek the opportunity to vent our spleen on those who have injured us. Even if those injuries are real, unmerited, and extremely painful, what should be our proper response? Aren't we called to imitate Jesus Who said, "Father, forgive them, they don't know what they're doing." Or "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you?"
This feast invites a serious examination of conscience. May God give us all the wisdom and grace to imitate John in defending the truth and being willing to suffer for it. 

Let me remind you again of the Garland 9 rescuers who will probably receive their verdict today. These dear ones are willing to suffer to save the lives of the little ones threatened by abortion. Please pray for them and offer your own sufferings for them. Another rescuer, Fr. Fidelis, is still in jail in New York. He was taken upon ending his prison term in Nassau County to a federal prison in Brooklyn to serve a six month sentence there. You can write to him at:

Christopher Moscinski 24244-510
E 1 C37
P.O. BOX 329002

I'm not sure what the rules are there, but the last place you could not enclose anything and the return address could not be an address label, but had to be written. If you feel so inclined, include a money order for the commissary. A great way to evangelize is to "feed the hungry" even if their hunger is for the kindness of a shared candy bar. 

St. John the Baptist, on this feast of your beheading, please intercede for the Garland 9 who are in danger of the Herod treatment (figuratively). Our Lady, Help of Christians, pray for them and us.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mary Ann,

    This essay is full of wisdom! Thank you for sharing it. I have not heard or read the "vent your spleen" phrase in a long time. It made me think of my sweet mom and smile. Thank you for your continued writing. I find it helpful and sometimes edifying.

