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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

An Interesting and Powerful Assessment of the Abomination in Paris

Will we profess our faith in our actions or will we run and hide out of fear and human respect? The video is only eight minutes long and worth every second. 

"Persecution of Christians is no longer an accidental bi-product....Let's take the gloves off and evangelize" against this perversion. We need to show how badly this works and tell society how poisonous this is.

"They are doing all they can to remove the freedom of speech from Christians....We need to use the moments that we have left to express the truth in freedom of speech before that is taken away from us....The question is whether we love Jesus enough, whether we love truth enough, whether we love holiness enough to articulate why they matter what they are and how good they are for the human heart."


  1. @13:55 "I'm Christian myself I understand why people are offended by the mockery of mockery of this you know Last Supper scene and I know they've apologized for it and so on but I I think which as you rightly began by saying with you know the Israeli presence I think that should be the main focus because ...they've violated their own Olympic Charter ... there's a peace Mission and they use that as a as a basis to ban... Russian athletes and athletes from Belarus and they said that you know if they have any connection to the security services or the army or any pro-army statements they can't participate neutral players so first of all you know they can't come with their own flags and in addition to that they have to jump through hoops no pun intended to participate and with the Israelis every single athlete is a soldier every single one of them there's only very rare exceptions they've all been at this Windgate Institute which is you know basically a facility that hosts all the national teams and is an IDF base so you can you can see the the mixing of military and Athletics and and also on their social media all of them have posted things like dedicating their medals to the Israeli forces saying thank you to the heroic Israeli soldiers... including signing bombs for example that's something else that the Israeli flag bearer was doing so the double standard is staggering and and not only that @16:30 let's put aside the individual athletes for a second but they've been slaughtering the Palestinian team you know they killed the Olympic coach the uh coach for the Olympic football team he dead they they murdered him a few months ago WITH HIS FAMILY um you look at the national team they've killed three of the footballers from the Palestinian national team in Gaza also WITH THEIR FAMILIES um you look at also the uh uh referees they've killed a FIFA REFEREE in Gaza they've killed an assistant referee I mean they haven't left anyone out you know it's it's it's that that says a lot about how um indiscriminate the bombing has been and not only that but you saw how they degraded the sports facilities I mean there's not one football pitch in Gaza that has not been damaged or destroyed by the Israelis and the yamuk STADIUM they went and changed it into a CONCENTRATION CAMP you saw them STRIPPING MEN and even boys uh uh you had BOYS as YOUNG AS 10 in the UNDERWEAR with blindfolds and they were bulldozing the grass in the back so they can't play football on the pitch anymore it's just sadistic uh so you know there's we could really sit here all night and list all the reasons but it you know let's be unequivocal the Israelis have violated FIFA regulations the human rights policy the Olympic Charter and they shouldn't be anywhere near uh the Olympics and the football association should be banned as well so you know it's it's uh it's really disgusting um what they did with the opening ceremony but I'm more offended by the Israelis being there to be honest." Richard Medhurst Independent Journalist interview w/ George Galloway

  2. Israeli public broadcaster KAN, citing a security source, said the detainee taken to a hospital with severe injuries to an intimate body part, which left him without the ability to walk.

    Funny how you don't say a word about Israel wanting to nuke Beirut because 12 Druze children are killed probably from Israeli's own missile defense system -- U.S. condemns terrorism but says not a word when Isrealis bomb children playing soccer in Gaza or four schools in four days:
    Fourth attack on a school in four days

    Not the first time either: Israeli precision-guided munition likely killed group of children playing foosball in Gaza, weapons experts say
    P.S. These are U.S. bombs and U.S. intel and SUPPORT - where's your post about U.S. Congress cheering Netanyahu last week with 58 standing ovations? Where's your post about Republican Mike Johnson inviting War Criminal Netanyahu to speak?

    WHAT DO YOU EXPECT US TO DO?!! TURN THE OTHER CHEEK?! LOVE OURENEMIES?! BEAT OUR SWORDS INTO PLOUGHSIARES?!! …imagine Jesus responding “Well actually…’ I keep reading “God will not be mocked”. Really? The ultimate mockery was the crucifixion of Jesus. What are really offended by?

    1. And how did God respond throughout history when the Israelites and others offended and mocked him by worshiping idols? No, indeed, God will not be mocked by our idol worship today -- whether our idols are money, sports, lust, etc.
