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Monday, July 29, 2024

Olympic Organizers Issue Apology....Sort of....Do You Buy It?

Eric Liddell won the 400 meter race at the 1924 Paris Olympics. What would he have said about the 100th anniversary games insulting Christians and celebrating the reign of terror?

The Paris olympic organizers' apology was just one more insult essentially saying they achieved what they set out to do and, hey, if you stupid Christians took just aren't as enlightened as they are. Here's what the "apology" looked like according to the Epoch Times:
“Clearly, there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. [The opening ceremony] tried to celebrate community tolerance,” Paris 2024 spokesperson Anne Descamps said at a news conference on July 28, responding to the backlash that erupted in the aftermath of the performance.

“We believe this ambition was achieved,” the spokesperson added. “If people have taken any offense, we are really sorry.”

Really? No intention to "show disrespect" as you parody the most sacred event of the Catholic faith? You didn't think turning the Last Supper into an orgy with Dionysus might... just might, offend someone? How about Dionysus eating bacon served on a Koran? Bet the organizers never considered an "inclusive" olympic moment mocking Islam.

And then there were the other examples of "entertainment" in the opening ceremony. You really think essentially celebrating the reign of terror and the beheading of Marie Antionette is cool? 

That was no apology! It was a smug further insinuation that Christians are just ignorant rubes.

All I can think of is Olympic champion Eric Liddell who took the gold in the 400 meter at the Paris olympics in 1924. Liddell, a serious Christian who later died as a missionary in a Chinese internment camp, refused to run on Sundays. What do you think he would have done if he had been participating in this 100th anniversary olympics of his incredible performance? Maybe he wouldn't have just refused to run on Sundays. Maybe he would have packed up and gone home. 

As for Thomas Jolly, director of the disgusting and blasphemous freakshow, who said his opening ceremony had nothing to do with the Last Supper, he is obviously a liar. He hasn't apologized and clearly reveled in celebrating paganism, but wants to pretend that offending Christians wasn't what it was about. Hogwash! You know what they say..."If it looks like a duck etc." 

This is the final straw for me with the olympics even though I love many of the events, particularly the gymnastics. I'll put on the movie about Liddell, Chariots of Fire and remember a real gold star champion who put his faith first. Today I'm praying for the repose of his soul and for all the organizers who offended God more than they offended Christians. 

That's the offense that really counts! 

And anyone involved in that blasphemous and satanic "entertainment" will find out how really offensive it was when they have to answer for it before God. Maybe serious public repentance is called for instead of a faux apology.


  1. Thanks for not including they blasphemous image, if anyone want to show their rejection to that, they must exclude the blasphemous image and include the image if the responsables, like Macron, Jolly, the president of COI and COF

  2. I don’t know who wrote this but it’s a wise saying in light of the reaction to the Olympics opening ceremony. The reaction goes to show that those who committed such offense have much power and control. “If we Christians devoted as much energy to authentically living the Gospel as we do to being outraged by what we consider attacks on our faith we would have neither the time, nor the desire to be offended by things of this world.”

  3. Funny thing, anonymous, because I do devote much energy to authentically living the Gospel I am even more outraged by attacks on my faith and thus my Lord Jesus Christ.

    1. Margaret,
      So true!

      If I had to guess, the pervert satanists, who desecrated the holiest of all holy things by acting out their stupid living perverted and false image of Our Lord giving Himself to mankind in their degeneracy, spend every waking moment immersed in moral filth for every selfish desire; whereas we Catholics (at least we Trads who are consumed with serving Our Lord) live the Gospel in thought, word *and* deed pretty much every day, more or less all day. There is no false dichotomy with us - not “this or that” for us; rather “both - and”.

      We speak against the degenerates first in defense of Our Lord’s honor, holiness and majesty; and we speak against the degenerates also for their own sake, since happiness is unattainable for them until they leave the filth behind and convert to “the straight and narrow way”.
