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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Boycott the Olypics with their Poisonous, Satanic Blasphemy!

We won't be watching one minute of the olympic games this summer. That the planners thought bringing in a drag queens to mock Christians and ridicule our holiest events, one can only look up for the asteroid. And the mockery of the Last Supper wasn't the only abomination. A drag queen carried the olympic torch. And other "entertainment" had satanic elements.

Bishop Robert Barron was among those condemning the opening ceremonies call the ridicule of the Last Supper a “gross, flippant mockery” Bishop Donald Hying of Madison, Wisconsin called on Catholics to “fast and pray, renew our devotion to the Eucharist, the Sacred Heart and the Virgin Mary.” According to Catholic News Agency:
In a statement released Saturday, the Bishops’ Conference criticized the “scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity, which we deeply deplore.”

“We thank the members of other religious denominations who have expressed their solidarity. This morning, we think of all Christians on all continents who have been hurt by the outrage and provocation of certain scenes,” the French bishops said.

The open attack on Christianity and Catholicism is ratcheting up and Catholics need to stay close to the Lord and make serious acts of penance in atonement for the blasphemies and sins against God. We know God will not punish us again with a world wide flood. Perhaps, the end will come as Robert Frost wrote in his poem, Fire and Ice, first published in 1920 after World War I. What would Frost write today? Our world well deserves annihilation, whatever the form. Let us pray for mercy!



  1. I'm not into sports or even tv but I would watch the Olympics. We went in 1996 to the Atlanta Olympics and had a terrific time. I'll never watch again. That just means more time to devote to the important things.

  2. There are enough nukes for God to allow us do perform a worldwide imitation of the wiping out of Sodom. Expect it. And those killed in the destruction of Sodom must be a little ticked off down in Hell, wondering why we are off the hook.

  3. God is not mocked. Read about the major power outage in Paris about 24 hours after the satanic and blasphemous opening ceremonies. Bring it on, Lord! Close down the olympic games!

  4. I far prefer exposed evil to hidden evil. It’s the devil posing as “an Angel of Light” that most worries me.

    The evil we see in Paris has infected the dark hearts of so many French, infected the heart of French culture - hidden for so many years, metastasizing deeper and darker. We liked to pretend things were better than they were. But God saw it, though the devil expertly hid it from our willingly deceived eyes. We suspected. Now we see it, in some dim way as God sees it clearly - not just evil but violently evil.

    Thanks be to God that this wickedness is now exposed in all its putrid essence. We see the enemy clearly - not the souls in need of conversion (btw) but the author of evil who is leading these suffering souls to eternal damnation.

    The true Gospel has not been preached to our list world for so long - that fault lies on we who should know better, blessed as we are with all Truth. It is the Catholic Church (individually, collectively) that needs to repent of our many sins if omission and commission, repent and return to God and then bring the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to this lost world who has no one, essentially, to light the way out of their darkness to Light.

    The devil is prowling about like a lion devouring lost souls like these because the salt and savor of the world, we Christians, have first lost our way.

  5. I have not had a TV since 2008. I watch good movies on my computer or iPad. TV is a sewer of immorality and bad taste.
