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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Grieving Widow Refuses to Speak to President Bullseye!

Biden calling for folks to put a bullseye on Trump ended up putting a bullseye on Corey Comperatore...and on his family who have to go forward following the nightmare of evil that took place last Saturday in Pennsylvania. Corey's wife, Helen refused to talk to Biden when he called recently. 

Here's what Helen Comperatore said about her response to the call:
“I didn’t talk to Biden,” Helen told New York Post. “I didn’t want to talk to him. My husband was a devout Republican and he would not have wanted me to talk to him.”

Helen clarified her stance on politics, expressing no animosity towards Biden. “I don’t have any ill will towards Joe Biden. I’m not one of those people that gets involved in politics. I support Trump. That’s who I’m voting for, but I don’t have ill will towards Biden,” she added. “He didn’t do anything bad to my husband. A 20-year-old despicable kid did.”

The charitable attitude of this grieving widow is typical of the Christian right. No violence or rioting after the shooting, no assault on the incompetent security and the drive-by media; angry accusations yes, but no one had to fear for his life like the people in Seattle, Portland, Atlanta, Kenosha, Washington, D.C., New York City, and countless other places facing the organized mobs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

Democrats own the violence that we've seen over the past decade. Obama, the first black president, instead of praising the color blindedness of citizens that propelled him into the White House, spent eight years race-baiting. His wife made some of the most offensive statements ever by a first lady. They hammered over and over the message that the country that elected Obama was racially biased and filled with white privilege. They attacked our boys in blue -- even black officers. They turned a blind eye on black victims of black crime.  And when Biden won in a contested election with voter fraud all over the place,  the Democrat machine went into high gear dividing Americans further by race, class, and gender. Here's another bit from the article:
For years, Biden and his fellow Democrats have used dangerous rhetoric to effectively portray Trump as the root of all evil. They’ve called him a threat to democracy on a daily basis. They’ve also gone so far as to accuse him of being a deranged dictator that is reminiscent of Hitler.

This type of rhetoric could lead to a deranged shooter thinking that taking Trump out is the best thing for the world. Like every other American, Helen has witnessed this rhetoric from Biden and his supporters for years. Therefore, it’s easy to see why speaking with Biden so soon after her husband’s murder is too much for her to bear. 

The two women and the man who shared their stories at the convention Tuesday night told how open borders led to the death of a 15 year old from fentanyl poisoning and the death of two young adults by violent illegal aliens, one of whom had murdered in his own country. Their stories have been repeated more times than we can count because of cynical Democrat border policies. 

God doesn't desire the destruction of any of us. He wills our conversion and our holiness. I haven't heard anyone on the right using the kind of rhetoric we're getting once again from liberals on social media lamenting that the assassin's bullet failed to kill Trump by a fraction of an inch. But it killed and injured others and they just don't care.

The folks who regret the failure of the assassin truly are evil! And their evil mentality fed that poor, presumably deranged kid's act.  It's time to get them out of office at every level of government. Maxine Waters and Chuck Schumer incited violence against anyone who happens to wear a MAGA hat, like the boys from Covington High School. The drive-by media encourages and enables their evil. 

Pray the rosary for Trump's safety, for the the other victims of Saturday's shooting and their families, and for our poor country. Trump a Go Fund Me project for the victims and their families which as of today has raised over $5 million. You can donate here. Even more important than money is prayer. Pray for them and their families. And pray for the conversion of all those who commit and enable the evil. Their souls are at stake!

May God have mercy on us!

1 comment:

  1. Terrific thoughts, well put. There is so much to say in so many directions. It's hard to imagine anyone not seeing things as clearly as you've put them here. The Left has become entirely unhinged in their rhetoric, it is too often just vitriol and sometimes threatening and violent. Trump has been demonized so badly none of this is a surprise, many expected it. They are desperate and going to get more so. God bless and keep Donald Trump and the victims of this hapless sucker. Eternal rest grant unto Mr. Comperatore's soul and comfort all the families and victims. The people there will likely have PTSD, there are many victims. We need prayer and lots of it.
