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Friday, September 18, 2009

How They Hate those Nasty Pictures! Except the Ones at the Holocaust Museum.

A friend of mine, who prefers to remain anonymous because of her husband's job, sent me the following commentary which I think is spot on.

When we see photographs of the Nazi death camps,how does it make us feel? (obviously, horrified).

When we see these photos, do we get angry with the photographers or the activist groups who are showing them to us? (No, we are thankful to them for revealing the atrocities).

Do you think the Germans during WW II (the ones that were left after the Jews, Priests, etc. fled or were exterminated) would have been angry with such photos being shown to them? (Possibly)

Do you think the Germans of the day would have denied that such crimes could be perpetrated by their government? (possibly) Why? (Because they would likely not want to look in the mirror. They would not want to admit that such atrocities could be going on under their noses.)

Why, when Americans are confronted with photos of aborted unborn babies, do they get angry at the activists who are showing the photos to them? Why do they not feel the same horror they do when They see the photos of crimes committed against the Jews? (The obvious answer is because they don't want to look in the mirror. It is easier to vent anger at the deliverer of the message than to acknowledge the silent holocaust that is occurring in our midst.)

To look in the mirror is to admit shame and guilt.



  1. Before you make a comparison that is flawed, I suggest you do a little homework first. 90% of the bodies you see in war films were not from Nazi atrocities as you say. They were from American bombs falling on the German rail lines which cut off ALL food supplies.
    You can read the most comprehensive account of this is a book by someone with a doctorate in law. 700+ footnotes. Someone who sat on the bench for 20+ years as a JUDGE. Someone who saw first hand the reality. Read: Auschwitz-a judge examines the evidence. By: Wilhelm Staeglich. A distinguished legal scholar will prove beyond ALL doubt the truth innocent people are being persecuted for
    at the present time.

  2. And not all babies who die, die from abortion? What's your point?

    The fact is that the death camps were real and many died there. Mengele did his horrible experiments and babies today are being experimented on before they're murdered (i.e., stem cell research). They were atrocities then and they're atrocities now.

  3. In Chile there are people who defend unborn babies while at the same time they defend the worst atrocities commited against humanity by the Pinochet regime. To all people who are against abortion: Blast off to mars and get lost you nation of hypocrites!!!

  4. And there are other people who are consistent in their defense of life from its very beginning until its natural end and all the stages in between.

    Your post is puzzling to me. Hitler was vegetarian. Do his atrocities implicate all vegetarians? Does the fact that John Wilkes Booth who assassinated Lincoln was an actor mean that all actors are assassins? You need to take a course in logic.
