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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Curiouser and Curiouser: Election 24 and the Family Feud Games

Election 2024 just keeps on giving with the latest entertainment being a real life Family Feud game. Yup, the election feuds could give the Family Feud TV show a run for the ratings. Let's consider a few of the contestants.

Hunter Biden reportedly hates stepmom Jill and called her a "vindictive moron" and an "entitled c**t." [Source] Sometimes ya just gotta laugh. Think about it. An entitled, vindictive, druggie moron saying those things about his stepmom. Tut tut, Hunter, that's the pot calling the kettle black.

And then there are the Kennedy wars with most of RFK's family endorsing Joe Biden (when he was still on the ticket) and denouncing his decision to drop out of the race and endorse Trump. [Source] The Kennedy clan is always good press and the drive-by media loves to publish all the opposition to RFK since he doesn't embrace the woke agenda in toto. 

The latest family feud comes from the New York Post reporting that Tim Walz's older brother, Jeff, says he's 100% opposed to all his brother's ideology. According to the Post:

He has so little faith in his kid brother, Jeff Walz is considering publicly endorsing former President Donald Trump’s White House run, he told a Facebook poster who urged him to “Get on stage with President Trump and endorse him.”

"I’ve thought long and hard about doing something like that! I’m torn between that and just keeping my family out of it,” the 67-year-old Floridian wrote in a response that notched 449 likes.

“The stories I could tell. Not the type of character you want making decisions about your future,” he added.

We've already heard plenty of the stories about Jim Walz lying. But who's surprised. It's the Left's default position. Kamala lies every time she opens her mouth. And speaking of Kamala there's the estrangement reported between her and her dad. 

Yup, politics has a way of engendering family feuds, especially with folks who make their political choices idols. Love me, love my candidate. And if you don't, I'll never speak to you again. But that goes for other choices too, especially the demand fo approval of sin. Hey, love me, love my sin! 

I can't count the folks who've told me they've lost friends and family because they happen to support Donald Trump or refused to bow to the COVID mandates. I get it. My former sister-in-law called and screamed at me on the phone because I opposed the COVID lies and refused to be vaccinated. I was about to acknowledge that she was upset and try to have a conversation with her when she hung up on me. It was kind of funny actually; I hadn't heard from her in decades. It was a very short, one-sided exchange.

Only once in my life did I end a friendship, it was a casual one and was over abortion the after Roe v. Wade. I had a new baby and was sickened at the prospect of continuing to play bridge with people who believed killing babies, like my little first born, was just great. I wonder now whether we could have influenced that couple if we'd remained friendly. I couldn't do it at the time. The reality of killing infants made me physically ill.

On the other hand, I've lost several friends who disagreed with a decision I made. Things that have created the breach? My pro-life activism, criticizing the COVID vaccine and refusing to mask, the fact that my husband and I attend the SSPX chapel, supporting Trump. not meeting other people's demands and expectations. It's sad, but that's life. We need to grow a thick skin and embrace suffering uniting it to the cross of Christ.

I don't throw people under the bus, but neither will I violate my conscience to keep the peace. Family and friends don't need to agree about everything to get along; they just need to treat each other with respect. We sure don't see much of that these days on the political front or on social media or even in families. We're becoming a nation of barbarians. What's the solution? I don't really know. Sometimes I think it's just, "Shut up and pray!"


  1. The world is never without crisis…..every crisis is a rehearsal for the final judgment. ~ F. Sheen

    Every major problem we face today – be it in the family, the world is caused by systematic loss of Catholic Faith and morals. “The enthronement of man in the place of God,”
    ~ Pope St. Pius X.

    Average person is fed daily (especially, the young) with fear, anxiety, confusion, hopelessness, as the senseless, and unjust wars rage, and the unprovoked aggression causing crimes against humanity in our name and using our tax money; the big profit, disinformation, abortion, sterilization of every stripe, pornography, human trafficking , feminist, pharmaceutical, homosexual, environment, the ever suffocating cost of living for many, skyrocketing crime, controlled education, manipulation of our youth, the disease-laden chemicalization of our food….etc.,….. under the guise for our good, our protection…..Who Profits!

    ‘Culture today is becoming politicized. The modern State is extending dominance over areas outside its province, family, education, and the soul.’
    ‘More men discover their souls in darkness than they do in light. This is not to invite darkness; it is only to be reminded that darkness need not go to waste when it is thrust upon us.’
    ~ F. Sheen

    Prince of Peace, bring true peace to persons, families, and nations everywhere! Ave Maria!

  2. Mary Ann, I stand with you. During the covidism reign of terror, I lost most of my friends. Good friends. People I truly loved and thought I’d be friends with the rest of my life. I don’t need to tell about went down: it would just mirror what you’ve already noted. But you know what’s great… God replaced every single friend I lost with a new one at the TLM parish I joined I’ve forgiven my former friends but I’m not going to forget and I’m not interested in being friends with those people again. If they (and I) make it to Heaven, we’ll start anew and be joyous in eternity.

    As for the dysfunctional Bidens, Kennedys and the likes… what do you expect from people who think it’s ok to kill their unborn children and ape the sacrament of marriage with sodomy and incest?
