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Friday, September 6, 2024

What's Wrong with In Vitro Fertilization? First and Foremost. It Offends Almighty God!

Baby dolls for sale through IVF

In vitro fertilization is grievously wrong, a mortal sin in fact. It treats babies like doll objects. It is the flip side of abortion. If you don't want a baby doll, get rid of it any way you can including infanticide. If you want a baby doll, do anything you can to get one including creating life in a petrie dish and hiring a poor third world woman to bear the little one with spares sent to the freezer orphanage.

It's wrong -- plain and simple -- grievously wrong!

God is the Creator! We are called to be cooperators in creation, but He wrote the manual and the rule book. Scientists and lab workers have no right to co-opt and usurp God's rights. Men and women have no right to demand that God fulfill their desires.

A married couple's desire for a child is good and holy and the stress and grief that accompanies infertility is real. I've seen it close up since I used to teach Natural Family Planning with my husband. We often had couples in our classes who was trying to conceive. We taught them the optimal time in the woman's cycle for conception. Sometimes we recognized a hormonal problem and urged them to seek help from an endocrinologist. We rejoiced when one of our student couples told us, they were expecting. 

Not every story ended happily with a babe in arms, however. I particularly remember one couple whose problems continued. Their trust and confidence in God was edifying. They told us that childlessness made them available to other family members in need. They had the freedom to drop everything and help. I don't know if they ever had children of their own or adopted, but I remember them for their great faith. 

The other day I read an article by another couple who show that same faith. I read their story and now I'm praying for them. Please join me in praying that God, who opens and closes the womb, will answer their fervent prayer for children. And I thank God for their faithful witness to the Lord of Life!

May Jesus Christ be praised, now and forever!

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